How the same type of objects cout, cerr, clog perform differently?

时间:2021-06-08 12:38:54
extern ostream cout;
extern ostream cerr;
extern ostream clog;

cout, cerr and clog are declared the type of ostream. But cout and clog have buffers but cerr does not.


How come the same type of objects behaves differently?


2 个解决方案



The three objects have the same type, but they are not the same instance. Instances of ostream could be configured differently; in this case, the three objects are configured to deal with buffering each in its specific way. This makes sense: if all objects of the same class behaved in the same exact way, there would be no reason to make them separate objects in the first place.

这三个对象具有相同的类型,但它们不是同一个实例。 ostream的实例可以配置不同;在这种情况下,三个对象被配置为以其特定方式处理每个对象。这是有道理的:如果同一个类的所有对象都以完全相同的方式运行,那么就没有理由首先将它们作为单独的对象。



The constructor takes a streambuf option


explicit ostream (streambuf * sb);

显式ostream(streambuf * sb);

Im guessing each of them use different streambuf outputs, and those streambuf objects control how the output is buffered(or not).




The three objects have the same type, but they are not the same instance. Instances of ostream could be configured differently; in this case, the three objects are configured to deal with buffering each in its specific way. This makes sense: if all objects of the same class behaved in the same exact way, there would be no reason to make them separate objects in the first place.

这三个对象具有相同的类型,但它们不是同一个实例。 ostream的实例可以配置不同;在这种情况下,三个对象被配置为以其特定方式处理每个对象。这是有道理的:如果同一个类的所有对象都以完全相同的方式运行,那么就没有理由首先将它们作为单独的对象。



The constructor takes a streambuf option


explicit ostream (streambuf * sb);

显式ostream(streambuf * sb);

Im guessing each of them use different streambuf outputs, and those streambuf objects control how the output is buffered(or not).
