
时间:2021-04-26 12:28:57

I'm trying to insert an "Item order" in a table called AsksFor and I want to make sure the Item and ItemManufacturer exists in the table Sells. However I keep getting "syntax error, unexpected if, expecting END_OF_INPUT or ';'" for using the IF. Anyone know any other ways to write this for MySQL?

我试图在一个名为AsksFor的表中插入一个“Item order”,我想确保这个项目和ItemManufacturer存在于表中。然而,我总是得到“语法错误,如果,期望END_OF_INPUT或';”,“如果使用if”。有人知道用其他方法来写MySQL吗?

INSERT INTO AsksFor (Username, ItemName, ItemManufacturer)
VALUES ('Harish', 'zkoxtlv93', 'tbzrt93')
IF EXISTS(SELECT ItemName, ItemManufacturer
        FROM Sells
        WHERE Sells.ItemName = VALUES(ItemName)
        AND Sells.ItemManufacturer = VALUES(ItemManufacturer));

1 个解决方案



EXISTS clause is not availaible for MySQL . Anyways you don't need it , the AND condition in WHERE clause performs the checking part whether values exists in source table Sells.


Try this


INSERT INTO AsksFor (Username, ItemName, ItemManufacturer)
SELECT DISTINCT 'Harish',ItemName, ItemManufacturer
        FROM Sells
        WHERE ItemName='zkoxtlv93' AND ItemManufacturer='tbzrt93'



EXISTS clause is not availaible for MySQL . Anyways you don't need it , the AND condition in WHERE clause performs the checking part whether values exists in source table Sells.


Try this


INSERT INTO AsksFor (Username, ItemName, ItemManufacturer)
SELECT DISTINCT 'Harish',ItemName, ItemManufacturer
        FROM Sells
        WHERE ItemName='zkoxtlv93' AND ItemManufacturer='tbzrt93'