os.getcwd()vs os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

时间:2022-07-08 12:05:37

I am using the os module to have relative paths in my Django projects settings.py file. The variable SITE_ROOT is set to the current working directory of the settings.py file and then used to reference all of the static/media directories also located in that same directory.


Heres my issue:


print os.getcwd()
print os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

In settings.py, the above statements both have identical outputs. but my template will only load if I use SITE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

在设置。py,上面的语句都有相同的输出。但是我的模板只有在使用SITE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))时才会加载)

Django looks for the templates here:


    os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, 'templates'),

SITE_ROOT set to os.getcwd() seems to make Django look for the templates folder in the directory ABOVE the settings.py file


I can just as easily not use os.getcwd() and my site runs fine, but I am curious what may be going on here :)


Anyone know?


4 个解决方案



As mouad said, os.getcwd() won't give you exactly what you're expecting.


os.getcwd() does a bit more than returning the current working directory. It default to $PWD in your env. It's not where the script is located but where you were when you executed the script.

getwd cwd()不仅仅返回当前工作目录。它默认为您的env中的$PWD。它不是脚本所在的位置,而是执行脚本时的位置。

Being in /home/user and doing python manage.py, os.getcwd() will return /home/user Being in /home/ and doing python user/manage.py, os.getcwd() will return /home

在/home/user中进行python管理。py, os.getcwd()将返回/home/user,并执行python用户/管理。py, os.getcwd()将返回/回家

But it's still won't be always true since it's possible to use os.chdir(). It is in other word like doing cd. It will also change the return value of os.getcwd().


On the other hand. __file__ is the path of the module's file. So you have to use this to be certain to have a path relative to your module instead of the current working directory that may change.


As ShawnFumo said, __file__ might not be always absolute. To get a better idea on how it works, you can check that answer: Python __file__ attribute. Also, as of Python3.4 __file__ should always be an absolute path.

正如肖恩福莫所说,__file__可能并不总是绝对的。为了更好地了解它是如何工作的,您可以检查这个答案:Python __file__属性。而且,正如Python3.4一样,__file__应该始终是一条绝对路径。

Hope it's clear.




The command os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) returns the directory in which the code file is stored, but os.getcwd() gives you your current working directory which is by default where the code was executed, the latter can be changed using the os.chdir() command.




os.getcwd() will not give you the path where the settings.py is located rather it will give you the path from where the script (in your case manage.py) is executed.

os. getwd cwd()不会给您设置的路径。py位于适当的位置,它将为您提供执行脚本(在案例管理.py中)的路径。



If the two statements you show truly have the same output, then either should work. So either: 1) they are subtly different, for example, one has a trailing slash, the other doesn't, or 2) you are testing in one environment and running in another.




As mouad said, os.getcwd() won't give you exactly what you're expecting.


os.getcwd() does a bit more than returning the current working directory. It default to $PWD in your env. It's not where the script is located but where you were when you executed the script.

getwd cwd()不仅仅返回当前工作目录。它默认为您的env中的$PWD。它不是脚本所在的位置,而是执行脚本时的位置。

Being in /home/user and doing python manage.py, os.getcwd() will return /home/user Being in /home/ and doing python user/manage.py, os.getcwd() will return /home

在/home/user中进行python管理。py, os.getcwd()将返回/home/user,并执行python用户/管理。py, os.getcwd()将返回/回家

But it's still won't be always true since it's possible to use os.chdir(). It is in other word like doing cd. It will also change the return value of os.getcwd().


On the other hand. __file__ is the path of the module's file. So you have to use this to be certain to have a path relative to your module instead of the current working directory that may change.


As ShawnFumo said, __file__ might not be always absolute. To get a better idea on how it works, you can check that answer: Python __file__ attribute. Also, as of Python3.4 __file__ should always be an absolute path.

正如肖恩福莫所说,__file__可能并不总是绝对的。为了更好地了解它是如何工作的,您可以检查这个答案:Python __file__属性。而且,正如Python3.4一样,__file__应该始终是一条绝对路径。

Hope it's clear.




The command os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) returns the directory in which the code file is stored, but os.getcwd() gives you your current working directory which is by default where the code was executed, the latter can be changed using the os.chdir() command.




os.getcwd() will not give you the path where the settings.py is located rather it will give you the path from where the script (in your case manage.py) is executed.

os. getwd cwd()不会给您设置的路径。py位于适当的位置,它将为您提供执行脚本(在案例管理.py中)的路径。



If the two statements you show truly have the same output, then either should work. So either: 1) they are subtly different, for example, one has a trailing slash, the other doesn't, or 2) you are testing in one environment and running in another.
