102. Coprimes time limit per test: 0.25 sec. For given integer N (1<=N<=104) find amount of positive numbers not greater than N that coprime with N. Let us call two positive integers (say, A and B, for example) coprime if (and only if) their greatest common divisor is 1. (i.e. A and B are coprime iff gcd(A,B) = 1). Input Input file contains integer N. Output Write answer in output file. Sample Input 9 Sample Output 6 |
思路1:因为N的数值范围比较小,最简单的方法是使用枚举法,直接枚举所有不大于N的数,求gcd,统计个数。方法比较简便。这样要注意一个小小的bug,1和1也是互质的,因为他们的最大公约数是1。因为这个wa了两次T T。