[PyData] 01 - Web Crawler

时间:2023-03-08 15:40:31
[PyData] 01 - Web Crawler


Let's go to https://www.kaggle.com/

Kaggle Notebook 有实践记录的案例。


[Sklearn] Linear regression models to fit noisy data

二、打造 Pipeline

[Feature] Final pipeline: custom transformers




Algorithmic Trading Challenge25

Allstate Purchase Prediction Challenge3

Amazon.com – Employee Access Challenge6

AMS 2013-2014 Solar Energy Prediction Contest2

Belkin Energy Disaggregation Competition1

Challenges in Representation Learning: Facial Expression Recognition Challenge4

Challenges in Representation Learning: The Black Box Learning Challenge1

Challenges in Representation Learning: Multi-modal Learning2

Detecting Insults in Social Commentary

EMI Music Data Science Hackathon

Galaxy Zoo – The Galaxy Challenge

Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2012 – Wind Forecasting

KDD Cup 2013 – Author-Paper Identification Challenge (Track 1)2

KDD Cup 2013 – Author Disambiguation Challenge (Track 2)1

Large Scale Hierarchical Text Classification4

Loan Default Prediction – Imperial College London

Merck Molecular Activity Challenge1

MLSP 2013 Bird Classification Challenge

Observing the Dark World

PAKDD 2014 – ASUS Malfunctional Components Prediction

Personalize Expedia Hotel Searches – ICDM 2013

Predicting a Biological Response1

Predicting Closed Questions on Stack Overflow

See Click Predict Fix1

See Click Predict Fix – Hackathon1

StumbleUpon Evergreen Classification Challenge

[The Analytics Edge (15.071x)](The%20Analytics Edge (15.071x))

The Marinexplore and Cornell University Whale Detection Challenge

Walmart Recruiting – Store Sales Forecasting1

Thank you FoxtrotJames PettersonBen S for providing some of the links and solutions above.