在C ++中将int转换为字节数组

时间:2022-07-17 11:49:45

I am trying to use implement the LSB lookup method suggested by Andrew Grant in an answer to this question: Position of least significant bit that is set


However, it's resulting in a segmentation fault. Here is a small program demonstrating the problem:


#include <iostream>

typedef unsigned char Byte;

int main()  
    int value = 300;  
    Byte* byteArray = (Byte*)value;  
    if (byteArray[0] > 0)  
        std::cout<< "This line is never reached. Trying to access the array index results in a seg-fault." << std::endl;  
    return 0;  

What am I doing wrong?
I've read that it's not good practice to use 'C-Style' casts in C++. Should I use reinterpret_cast<Byte*>(value) instead? This still results in a segmentation fault, though.

我究竟做错了什么?我已经读过在C ++中使用'C-Style'强制转换是不好的做法。我应该使用reinterpret_cast (value)吗?但是,这仍会导致分段错误。

5 个解决方案



Use this:

(Byte*) &value;

You don't want a pointer to address 300, you want a pointer to where 300 is stored. So, you use the address-of operator & to get the address of value.




While Erik answered your overall question, as a followup I would say emphatically -- yes, reinterpret_cast should be used rather than a C-style cast.

虽然Erik回答了你的整体问题,但作为后续内容我会强调说 - 是的,应该使用reinterpret_cast而不是C风格的演员。

Byte* byteArray = reinterpret_cast<Byte*>(&value);



The line should be: Byte* byteArray = (Byte*)&value;

该行应为:Byte * byteArray =(Byte *)&value;

You should not have to put the (void *) in front of it.

你不应该把(void *)放在它前面。




char *array=(char*)(void*)&value;

Basically you take a pointer to the beginning of the string and recast it to a pointer to a byte.




@Erik already fixed your primary problem, but there is a subtle one that you still have. If you are only looking for the least significant bit, there is no need to bother with the cast at all.


int main()
    int value = 300;       
    if (value & 0x00000001)       
        std::cout<< "LSB is set" << std::endl;
    return 0;



Use this:

(Byte*) &value;

You don't want a pointer to address 300, you want a pointer to where 300 is stored. So, you use the address-of operator & to get the address of value.




While Erik answered your overall question, as a followup I would say emphatically -- yes, reinterpret_cast should be used rather than a C-style cast.

虽然Erik回答了你的整体问题,但作为后续内容我会强调说 - 是的,应该使用reinterpret_cast而不是C风格的演员。

Byte* byteArray = reinterpret_cast<Byte*>(&value);



The line should be: Byte* byteArray = (Byte*)&value;

该行应为:Byte * byteArray =(Byte *)&value;

You should not have to put the (void *) in front of it.

你不应该把(void *)放在它前面。




char *array=(char*)(void*)&value;

Basically you take a pointer to the beginning of the string and recast it to a pointer to a byte.




@Erik already fixed your primary problem, but there is a subtle one that you still have. If you are only looking for the least significant bit, there is no need to bother with the cast at all.


int main()
    int value = 300;       
    if (value & 0x00000001)       
        std::cout<< "LSB is set" << std::endl;
    return 0;