The New Vasjuki village is stretched along the motorway and that's why every house on it is characterized by its shift relative to some fixed point — the xi coordinate. The village consists of n houses, the i-th house is located in the point with coordinates of xi.
TELE3, a cellular communication provider planned to locate three base stations so as to provide every house in the village with cellular communication. The base station having power d located in the point t provides with communication all the houses on the segment [t - d, t + d] (including boundaries).
To simplify the integration (and simply not to mix anything up) all the three stations are planned to possess the equal power of d. Which minimal value of d is enough to provide all the houses in the village with cellular communication.
The first line contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 2·105) which represents the number of houses in the village. The second line contains the coordinates of houses — the sequence x1, x2, ..., xn of integer numbers (1 ≤ xi ≤ 109). It is possible that two or more houses are located on one point. The coordinates are given in a arbitrary order.
Print the required minimal power d. In the second line print three numbers — the possible coordinates of the base stations' location. Print the coordinates with 6 digits after the decimal point. The positions of the stations can be any from 0 to 2·109 inclusively. It is accepted for the base stations to have matching coordinates. If there are many solutions, print any of them.
#include<iomanip> #define REP(r,x,y) for(register int r=(x); r<(y); r++)
#define REPE(r,x,y) for(register int r=(x); r<=(y); r++)
#ifdef sahdsg
#define DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DBG(...) (void)0
#endif using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef pair<LL, LL> pll;
typedef pair<int, int> pii; #define MAXN 200007
#define EPS 1e-3
int n;
int arr[MAXN]; char ch; int f;
inline void read(int &x) {
x=0; f=1; do ch=getchar(); while(!isdigit(ch) && ch!='-');
if(ch=='-') ch=getchar(),f=-1; while(isdigit(ch)) {x=x*10+ch-'0';
ch=getchar();} x*=f;
} inline int ub(int f, int t, double x) {
while(f<t) {
int m=(f+t)>>1;
if(arr[m]<=x) f=m+1;
else t=m;
return f;
} inline int lb(int f, int t, double x) {
while(f<t) {
int m=(f+t)>>1;
if(arr[m]<x) f=m+1;
else t=m;
return f;
} inline bool vali(double m) {
int s=arr[0], x=0;
REP(i,0,3) {
x=ub(x, n, s+m);
if(x>=n) {return 1;}
DBG("#%d\n", x);
return false;
} int main() {
REP(i,0,n) {
} sort(arr,arr+n);
double l=0, r=1e9;
while(r-l>EPS) {
double m = (l+r)/2;
if(vali(m)) {
} else {
printf("%.2f\n", r/2);
int s=arr[0], x=0;
REP(i,0,3) {
if(i) putchar(' ');
int lx=ub(x, n, s+r)-1; printf("%f", (arr[lx]+arr[x])/2.0);
if(x>=n) {
for(i++;i<3;i++) {
if(i) putchar(' '); printf("0");
return 0;
} return 0;