数据库中的MYSQL / SQL查询无法正常工作

时间:2021-07-11 07:24:07

I have an application that works like a web crawler; it gets me a bunch of information about players on a certain game. in this information are things like their Level and their Online Status (online or offline). What I want to do is add all players to the database. But, if they exist it should only update their already existing row.


To do this, I decided to first of all DELETE all the names in the database that matches the name I am going to insert. Their name is stored in @name. I then want to set everyone in the table to onlinestatus=0 (meaning they are offline). And then I want to set onlinestatus to 1, to the players I am inserting. The players I am currently inserting are the only ones online in the game. So if they are not in my list that I insert, they should be offline. That's why I first try to reset their online status.

为此,我决定首先删除数据库中与我要插入的名称相匹配的所有名称。他们的名字存储在@name中。然后我想将表中的每个人都设置为onlinestatus = 0(意味着他们处于离线状态)。然后我想将onlinestatus设置为1,对于我插入的玩家。我目前正在插入的玩家是游戏中唯一在线玩家。因此,如果它们不在我插入的列表中,则它们应该脱机。这就是为什么我首先尝试重置他们的在线状态。

I then also want to reset the levels to 0, of all the players I am going to insert. And then at the end I insert their things again. But it seems not to be working and I don't know whats the best way to do things.


Any help is appreciated!


What I want to do:


  1. Insert a list of players into the database


  2. If they already exist in the database, do not insert them, but only update their level and onlinestatus


  3. onlinestatus = 1 when I am inserting them. It's a list of players. If they are not in the list, make them offline.

    我插入时,onlinestatus = 1。这是一个球员名单。如果它们不在列表中,请使它们脱机。

        using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(connString))
            using (var command = new MySqlCommand())
                command.Connection = connection;
                command.CommandText = @"DELETE FROM rookstayers WHERE name = @name;
                UPDATE rookstayers SET onlinestatus CASE WHEN name = @name THEN 1 ELSE 0 END;UPDATE rookstayers SET level = 0 WHERE name = @name; INSERT INTO rookstayers (name, sex, vocation, level, achievements, world, lastlogin, accountstatus, onlinestatus) VALUES (@name, @sex, @vocation, @level, @achievements, @world, @lastLogin, @accountStatus, @onlineStatus)";
                foreach (var rooker in Players)
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", rooker.Name);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sex", rooker.Sex);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vocation", rooker.Vocation);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@level", rooker.Level);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@achievements", rooker.Achievements);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@world", rooker.World);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastLogin", rooker.LastLogin);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@accountStatus", rooker.AccountStatus);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@onlineStatus", rooker.OnlineStatus);

5 个解决方案


You need something like this, because your name is unique. Please note below is just rough guide. You can use MySQL IF Function.

你需要这样的东西,因为你的名字是独一无二的。请注意下面的粗略指南。您可以使用MySQL IF功能。

IF(name == @name) THEN
-- update


-insert query



After deleting all players that are in your list, you can't update them.


So you probable need to do this for everyone left in the table:


UPDATE rookstayers SET onlinestatus = 0;
UPDATE rookstayers SET level = 0;


The first UPDATE statement is missing an =:


UPDATE rookstayers SET onlinestatus CASE WHEN name = 
  -- Need an equal sign here ------^

Additionally, I suspect the Parameters.Clear() call may be throwing things off. It actually removes all the parameters from the collection, when you all really need to do is change the values. Try this instead:


//Guessing a column names/types here. Use actual column types from your DB
command.Parameters.Add("@name", MySqlDbType.VarString, 20);
command.Parameters.Add("@sex", MySqlDbType.VarString, 1);
command.Parameters.Add("@vocation", MySqlDbType.VarString, 20);
command.Parameters.Add("@level", MySqlDbType.Int32);
command.Parameters.Add("@achievements", MySqlDbType.VarString, 255);
command.Parameters.Add("@world", MySqlDbType.VarString, 20);
command.Parameters.Add("@lastLogin", MySqlDbType.DateTime);
command.Parameters.Add("@accountStatus", MySqlDbType.Int32);

foreach (var rooker in Players)
     command.Parameters["@name"].Value = rooker.Name;
     command.Parameters["@sex"].Value = rooker.Sex;
     command.Parameters["@vocation"].Value = rooker.Vocation;
     command.Parameters["@level"].Value = rooker.Level;
     command.Parameters["@achievements"].Value = rooker.Achievements;
     command.Parameters["@world"].Value = rooker.World;
     command.Parameters["@lastLogin"].Value = rooker.LastLogin;
     command.Parameters["@accountStatus"].Value = rooker.AccountStatus;
     command.Parameters["@onlineStatus"].Value = rooker.OnlineStatus;

Once you've made those changes, post what your actual error is, or what you're seeing for the expected vs observed results.



I think this is a really good use-case for Entity Framework. It is really easy to work here with unless you are dealing with massive tables. All you need to do is install the following packages via NuGet and set up your app.config to connect to the appropriate database instance.

我认为这是Entity Framework的一个非常好的用例。除非你正在处理大量的表格,否则在这里工作真的很容易。您需要做的就是通过NuGet安装以下软件包并设置app.config以连接到相应的数据库实例。

Nuget packages:


Example connection string in app.config:


    <add name="RookstayersDbContext" 
        providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" />

Player class:

public class Player
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Sex { get; set; }
    public string Vocation { get; set; }
    public int Level { get; set; }
    public string Achievements { get; set; }
    public string World { get; set; }
    public DateTime? LastLogin { get; set; }
    public string AccountStatus { get; set; }
    public bool IsOnline { get; set; }


public class RookstayersDbContext : DbContext
    public RookstayersDbContext() : base("RookstayersDbContext") { }
    public DbSet<Player> Players { get; set; }

Your ETL code:


//Replace this with wherever you pull the info from (as a Player entity)
var currentPlayersData = new List<Player>();

using(var ctx = new RookstayersDbContext())
    //Iterate through your new data collection
    foreach(var player in currentPlayersData)
        var dbPlayer = ctx.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == player.Name);

        //Insert new player if not existing
        if(dbPlayer == null)
            player.IsOnline = true; //ensure flagged as online
            ctx.Players.Add(player); //add new player
            continue; //proceed through to next current player

        //If player already exists, flag as online
        dbPlayer.IsOnline = true;

    //Now iterate through your database collection
    foreach(var player in ctx.Players)
        //If no player information found in current players data, flag as offline
        if (!currentPlayersData.Any(x => x.Name == player.Name))
            player.IsOnline = false; //flag player as offline

    //Save any changes made in this context to database


                using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(connString))
                    using (var command = new MySqlCommand())
                        command.Connection = connection;
                        command.CommandText = @"SELECT FROM rookstayers where name = @name";
                        MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                        foreach (var rooker in Players)
                            while (reader.Read())
                                if (reader.HasRows())
                                    command.CommandText = @"UPDATE rookstayers SET onlinestatus CASE WHEN name = @name THEN 1 ELSE 0 END; UPDATE rookstayers SET level = 0 WHERE name = @name";
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", rooker.Name);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@onlineStatus", rooker.OnlineStatus);
                                    command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO rookstayers (name, sex, vocation, level, achievements, world, lastlogin, accountstatus, onlinestatus) VALUES (@name, @sex, @vocation, @level, @achievements, @world, @lastLogin, @accountStatus, @onlineStatus)";
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", rooker.Name);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sex", rooker.Sex);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vocation", rooker.Vocation);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@level", rooker.Level);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@achievements", rooker.Achievements);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@world", rooker.World);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastLogin", rooker.LastLogin);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@accountStatus", rooker.AccountStatus);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@onlineStatus", "1");



You need something like this, because your name is unique. Please note below is just rough guide. You can use MySQL IF Function.

你需要这样的东西,因为你的名字是独一无二的。请注意下面的粗略指南。您可以使用MySQL IF功能。

IF(name == @name) THEN
-- update


-insert query



After deleting all players that are in your list, you can't update them.


So you probable need to do this for everyone left in the table:


UPDATE rookstayers SET onlinestatus = 0;
UPDATE rookstayers SET level = 0;


The first UPDATE statement is missing an =:


UPDATE rookstayers SET onlinestatus CASE WHEN name = 
  -- Need an equal sign here ------^

Additionally, I suspect the Parameters.Clear() call may be throwing things off. It actually removes all the parameters from the collection, when you all really need to do is change the values. Try this instead:


//Guessing a column names/types here. Use actual column types from your DB
command.Parameters.Add("@name", MySqlDbType.VarString, 20);
command.Parameters.Add("@sex", MySqlDbType.VarString, 1);
command.Parameters.Add("@vocation", MySqlDbType.VarString, 20);
command.Parameters.Add("@level", MySqlDbType.Int32);
command.Parameters.Add("@achievements", MySqlDbType.VarString, 255);
command.Parameters.Add("@world", MySqlDbType.VarString, 20);
command.Parameters.Add("@lastLogin", MySqlDbType.DateTime);
command.Parameters.Add("@accountStatus", MySqlDbType.Int32);

foreach (var rooker in Players)
     command.Parameters["@name"].Value = rooker.Name;
     command.Parameters["@sex"].Value = rooker.Sex;
     command.Parameters["@vocation"].Value = rooker.Vocation;
     command.Parameters["@level"].Value = rooker.Level;
     command.Parameters["@achievements"].Value = rooker.Achievements;
     command.Parameters["@world"].Value = rooker.World;
     command.Parameters["@lastLogin"].Value = rooker.LastLogin;
     command.Parameters["@accountStatus"].Value = rooker.AccountStatus;
     command.Parameters["@onlineStatus"].Value = rooker.OnlineStatus;

Once you've made those changes, post what your actual error is, or what you're seeing for the expected vs observed results.



I think this is a really good use-case for Entity Framework. It is really easy to work here with unless you are dealing with massive tables. All you need to do is install the following packages via NuGet and set up your app.config to connect to the appropriate database instance.

我认为这是Entity Framework的一个非常好的用例。除非你正在处理大量的表格,否则在这里工作真的很容易。您需要做的就是通过NuGet安装以下软件包并设置app.config以连接到相应的数据库实例。

Nuget packages:


Example connection string in app.config:


    <add name="RookstayersDbContext" 
        providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" />

Player class:

public class Player
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Sex { get; set; }
    public string Vocation { get; set; }
    public int Level { get; set; }
    public string Achievements { get; set; }
    public string World { get; set; }
    public DateTime? LastLogin { get; set; }
    public string AccountStatus { get; set; }
    public bool IsOnline { get; set; }


public class RookstayersDbContext : DbContext
    public RookstayersDbContext() : base("RookstayersDbContext") { }
    public DbSet<Player> Players { get; set; }

Your ETL code:


//Replace this with wherever you pull the info from (as a Player entity)
var currentPlayersData = new List<Player>();

using(var ctx = new RookstayersDbContext())
    //Iterate through your new data collection
    foreach(var player in currentPlayersData)
        var dbPlayer = ctx.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == player.Name);

        //Insert new player if not existing
        if(dbPlayer == null)
            player.IsOnline = true; //ensure flagged as online
            ctx.Players.Add(player); //add new player
            continue; //proceed through to next current player

        //If player already exists, flag as online
        dbPlayer.IsOnline = true;

    //Now iterate through your database collection
    foreach(var player in ctx.Players)
        //If no player information found in current players data, flag as offline
        if (!currentPlayersData.Any(x => x.Name == player.Name))
            player.IsOnline = false; //flag player as offline

    //Save any changes made in this context to database


                using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(connString))
                    using (var command = new MySqlCommand())
                        command.Connection = connection;
                        command.CommandText = @"SELECT FROM rookstayers where name = @name";
                        MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                        foreach (var rooker in Players)
                            while (reader.Read())
                                if (reader.HasRows())
                                    command.CommandText = @"UPDATE rookstayers SET onlinestatus CASE WHEN name = @name THEN 1 ELSE 0 END; UPDATE rookstayers SET level = 0 WHERE name = @name";
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", rooker.Name);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@onlineStatus", rooker.OnlineStatus);
                                    command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO rookstayers (name, sex, vocation, level, achievements, world, lastlogin, accountstatus, onlinestatus) VALUES (@name, @sex, @vocation, @level, @achievements, @world, @lastLogin, @accountStatus, @onlineStatus)";
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", rooker.Name);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sex", rooker.Sex);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vocation", rooker.Vocation);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@level", rooker.Level);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@achievements", rooker.Achievements);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@world", rooker.World);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastLogin", rooker.LastLogin);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@accountStatus", rooker.AccountStatus);
                                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@onlineStatus", "1");
