元素控件 尺寸(PTS)
Window(含状态栏) 320 x 480
Status Bar的高度 20
Navigation Bar的高度 44
含Prompt的Navigation Bar的高度 74
Navigation Bar的图标 20×20(透明的png)
Tool Bar的高度 44
Tool Bar的图标 20×20(透明的png)
Tab Bar的高度 49
Tab Bar的图标 30×30(透明的png)
竖直时键盘的高度 216、252(iOS 5+的中文键盘)
水平时键盘的高度 162、198(iOS 5+的中文键盘)
iPhone App Icon:
图标名称 尺寸 用途 是否必需
Icon.png 57×57 App Store和iPhone、iPod touch桌面显示 是
Icon@2x.png 114×114 Icon.png的高清模式 是
Icon-Small.png 29×29 “设置”应用和Soptlight搜索 否
Icon-Small@2x.png 58×58 Icon-Small.png的高清模式 否
iPad App Icon:
图标名称 尺寸 用途 是否必需
Icon-72.png 72×72 iPad桌面显示 是
Icon-50.png 50×50 Spotlight搜索 否
Icon-29.png 29×29 “设置”应用 否
iPhone、iPad通用App Icon:
图标名称 尺寸 用途 是否必需
Icon.png 57×57 App Store和iPhone、iPod touch桌面显示 是
Icon-72.png 72×72 iPad桌面显示 是
Icon-50.png 50×50 iPad的Soptlight搜索 否
Icon-29.png 29×29 “设置”应用和iPhone、iPod touch的Soptlight搜索 否
延伸阅读:Points VS. Pixels
The iPhone 4 introduced a high resolution display with twice the
pixels of previous iPhones. However you don't have to modify your code
to support high-res displays; the coordinate system goes by points
rather than pixels, and the dimensions in points of
the screen and all UI elements remain the same.
iOS 4 supports high resolution displays (like the iPhone 4 display)
via the scale property on UIScreen, UIView, UIImage, and CALayer
classes. If the object is displaying high-res content, its scale
property is set to 2.0. Otherwise it defaults to 1.0.
All you need to do to support high-res displays is to provide @2x
versions of the images in your project. See the checklist for updating
to iOS4 or Apple documentation for Supporting High Resolution Screens
for more info.