原文地址: http://my.oschina.net/zimingforever/blog/64145
1. desc tableName; desc employees.employees;
2. show columns from tableName; show COLUMNS from employees.employees;
3. describe tableName; DESCRIBE employees.employees;
4. show create table tableName; show CREATE TABLE employees.employees;
5. select * from columns where table_name='表名';select * from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='employees' and TABLE_NAME='employees';
1 ## 查看所有的库 2 SELECT 3 lower(schema_name) schema_name 4 FROM 5 information_schema.schemata 6 WHERE 7 schema_name NOT IN ( 8 'mysql', 9 'information_schema', 10 'test', 11 'search', 12 'tbsearch', 13 'sbtest', 14 'dev_ddl' 15 ) 16 17 ## 产看某一个库中的所有表 18 SELECT 19 table_name, 20 create_time updated_at, 21 table_type, 22 ENGINE, 23 table_rows num_rows, 24 table_comment, 25 ceil(data_length / 1024 / 1024) store_capacity 26 FROM 27 information_schema.TABLES 28 WHERE 29 table_schema = 'employees' 30 AND table_name NOT LIKE 'tmp#_%' ESCAPE '#' 31 32 ##查看某一个库下某一个表的所有字段 33 SELECT 34 lower(column_name) column_name, 35 ordinal_position position, 36 column_default dafault_value, 37 substring(is_nullable, 1, 1) nullable, 38 column_type data_type, 39 column_comment, 40 character_maximum_length data_length, 41 numeric_precision data_precision, 42 numeric_scale data_scale 43 FROM 44 information_schema.COLUMNS 45 WHERE 46 table_schema = 'employees' 47 AND table_name = 'employees'; 48 49 50 ## 查看某一个库下某一张表的索引 51 52 SELECT DISTINCT 53 lower(index_name) index_name, 54 lower(index_type) type 55 FROM 56 information_schema.statistics 57 WHERE 58 table_schema = 'employees' 59 AND table_name = 'employees'; 60 61 ## 查看某一个库下某一张表的某一个索引 62 63 SELECT 64 lower(column_name) column_name, 65 seq_in_index column_position 66 FROM 67 information_schema.statistics 68 WHERE 69 table_schema = 'employees' 70 AND table_name = 'employees' 71 AND index_name = 'primary'; 72 73 ## 查看某一个库下某一个表的注释 74 SELECT 75 table_comment comments 76 FROM 77 information_schema.TABLES 78 WHERE 79 table_schema = 'employees' 80 AND table_name = 'employees'; 81 82 ## 查看某一个库下某一个表的列的注释 83 SELECT 84 lower(column_name) column_name, 85 column_comment comments 86 FROM 87 COLUMNS 88 WHERE 89 table_schema = 'employees' 90 AND table_name = 'employees';