从Jquery JSON响应。ajax是四舍五入的,所以我不能得到正确的值

时间:2021-10-09 07:43:10

I am performing an AJAX get request and this is the response I get in a program like Paw/Postman:

我正在执行AJAX get请求,这是我在Paw/Postman这样的程序中得到的响应:

    "registrantKey": 4131401026087862797,

However when I do:


.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
    $.each(data, function(index){

it is treating this registrant key value as a large number and is rounding off the last numbers so the value being printed to the console is: 4131401026087863000. How do I get the original value as shown in Paw/Postman. I don't need to perform any math operations on it I just need the value. I tried experimenting with the toString() method but I couldn't get this to work. Your help would be much appreciated.


update Unfortunately this just isn't possible in javascript. The only solution is to use another language or to try and get original developers to return value as a string. Thanks Rory and Madalin.


3 个解决方案



If you can access to your json as string and not as object (maybe in the jqXHR object), you can transform all numbers to string like this :


jsonText = jsonText.replace(/([^\D]\d+[^\D])/g, "\"$1\"").replace(/""/g, "\"");

jsonText = jsonText.replace(/(^ \[D]\ D +[^ \ D])/ g,\“\”“1美元)。替换(/ / g," \ ");

(Be careful with my regex, i don't really sure if it works in any case)


And after load your jsonText as an object.




The issue is due to the precision of JS and has nothing to do with jQuery or AJAX. In JS a number can only contain a maximum of 16 integers, up to a maximum of 9,007,199,254,740,991 (aka Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)


If you need to display a larger number then you would have to work with it as a string, but be aware that it will be rounded down to the max precision JS can use if you attempt to convert it to a Number type.




My first solution was: Send json string as text/plain from backend; With horroble regex replace numbers with strings then parse to object.

我的第一个解决方案是:从后端以文本/纯格式发送json字符串;用horroble regex用字符串替换数字,然后解析为对象。

Then after some bugs we modified json serializer(jackson lib) to write as string if value is instance of Number; Send string as application/json from backend; Removed frontend code since jquery does parsing if content type is json;

然后,在一些bug之后,我们修改了json序列化器(jackson lib),如果值是Number的实例,则将其写入字符串;从后端发送字符串作为应用程序/json;由于jquery在内容类型为json时进行解析,所以删除了前端代码;

Operating with big numbers is done by BigNumber JQ plugin

使用大数字的操作是由BigNumber JQ插件完成的



If you can access to your json as string and not as object (maybe in the jqXHR object), you can transform all numbers to string like this :


jsonText = jsonText.replace(/([^\D]\d+[^\D])/g, "\"$1\"").replace(/""/g, "\"");

jsonText = jsonText.replace(/(^ \[D]\ D +[^ \ D])/ g,\“\”“1美元)。替换(/ / g," \ ");

(Be careful with my regex, i don't really sure if it works in any case)


And after load your jsonText as an object.




The issue is due to the precision of JS and has nothing to do with jQuery or AJAX. In JS a number can only contain a maximum of 16 integers, up to a maximum of 9,007,199,254,740,991 (aka Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)


If you need to display a larger number then you would have to work with it as a string, but be aware that it will be rounded down to the max precision JS can use if you attempt to convert it to a Number type.




My first solution was: Send json string as text/plain from backend; With horroble regex replace numbers with strings then parse to object.

我的第一个解决方案是:从后端以文本/纯格式发送json字符串;用horroble regex用字符串替换数字,然后解析为对象。

Then after some bugs we modified json serializer(jackson lib) to write as string if value is instance of Number; Send string as application/json from backend; Removed frontend code since jquery does parsing if content type is json;

然后,在一些bug之后,我们修改了json序列化器(jackson lib),如果值是Number的实例,则将其写入字符串;从后端发送字符串作为应用程序/json;由于jquery在内容类型为json时进行解析,所以删除了前端代码;

Operating with big numbers is done by BigNumber JQ plugin

使用大数字的操作是由BigNumber JQ插件完成的