
时间:2021-12-11 07:39:25

I have a set of checkboxes in my HTML that look like this,


div class="grid_7">
                    <fieldset class="age shadow_50">
                        <label class="legend">Age Group</label>
                            <div class="formRow checkbox">
    <input id="" type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="child" />

                            <div class="formRow checkbox">
    <input id="" type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="30's" />
                            <div class="formRow checkbox">
    <input id="" type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="60's" />

                            <div class="formRow checkbox">
    <input id="" type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="teen" />
                            <div class="formRow checkbox">
    <input id="" type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="40's" />

                            <div class="formRow checkbox">
    <input id="" type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="70's" />
                            <div class="formRow checkbox">
    <input id="" type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="20's" />

                            <div class="formRow checkbox">
    <input id="" type="checkbox" name="age[]" value="50's" />

I have set a validation rule in my controller that (in my mind) makes sure that a checkbox has been selected,


$this->form_validation->set_rules('age[]', 'age group', 'required|trim');

When testing this however I get an error message for ever checkbox with name age[] I just want to check that age[] is not empty.


How can I achieve this?


2 个解决方案



You cannot test age[] like that, it is an array. There are a few ways to do this but what you did required is not one of them.

你无法测试age [],它是一个数组。有几种方法可以做到这一点,但你所要求的不是其中之一。

You could use javascript or by running the age[] value through your own custom callback function is one method.

你可以使用javascript或通过你自己的自定义回调函数运行age []值是一种方法。

Details for using arrays in CI are here:


If you do it the javascript route, you can use jQuery to iterate through your check boxes (use a class to link them) and just make sure that 1 of them is checked.




Old question but for anyone struggling to do this I believe you can do this by setting a rule on age rather than age[], i.e.


$this->form_validation->set_rules('age', 'age group', 'fnName');



You cannot test age[] like that, it is an array. There are a few ways to do this but what you did required is not one of them.

你无法测试age [],它是一个数组。有几种方法可以做到这一点,但你所要求的不是其中之一。

You could use javascript or by running the age[] value through your own custom callback function is one method.

你可以使用javascript或通过你自己的自定义回调函数运行age []值是一种方法。

Details for using arrays in CI are here:


If you do it the javascript route, you can use jQuery to iterate through your check boxes (use a class to link them) and just make sure that 1 of them is checked.




Old question but for anyone struggling to do this I believe you can do this by setting a rule on age rather than age[], i.e.


$this->form_validation->set_rules('age', 'age group', 'fnName');