SPOJ COT2 Count on a tree II(树上莫队)

时间:2021-08-03 11:47:26


You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight.

We will ask you to perfrom the following operation:

  • u v : ask for how many different integers that represent the weight of nodes there are on the path from u to v.


In the first line there are two integers N and M.(N<=40000,M<=100000)

In the second line there are N integers.The ith integer denotes the weight of the ith node.

In the next N-1 lines,each line contains two integers u v,which describes an edge (u,v).

In the next M lines,each line contains two integers u v,which means an operation asking for how many different integers that represent the weight of nodes there are on the path from u to v.


For each operation,print its result.

题目大意:给一棵树,每个点有一个权值。多次询问路径(a, b)上有多少个权值不同的点。

思路:参考VFK WC 2013 糖果公园 park 题解(此题比COT2要难。)



 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; const int MAXV = ;
const int MAXE = MAXV << ;
const int MAXQ = ;
const int MLOG = ; namespace Bilibili { int head[MAXV], val[MAXV], ecnt;
int to[MAXE], next[MAXE];
int n, m; int stk[MAXV], top;
int block[MAXV], bcnt, bsize; struct Query {
int u, v, id;
void read(int i) {
id = i;
scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
void adjust() {
if(block[u] > block[v]) swap(u, v);
bool operator < (const Query &rhs) const {
if(block[u] != block[rhs.u]) return block[u] < block[rhs.u];
return block[v] < block[rhs.v];
} ask[MAXQ];
int ans[MAXQ];
/// Graph
void init() {
memset(head + , -, n * sizeof(int));
ecnt = ;
} void add_edge(int u, int v) {
to[ecnt] = v; next[ecnt] = head[u]; head[u] = ecnt++;
to[ecnt] = u; next[ecnt] = head[v]; head[v] = ecnt++;
} void gethash(int a[], int n) {
static int tmp[MAXV];
int cnt = ;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) tmp[cnt++] = a[i];
sort(tmp, tmp + cnt);
cnt = unique(tmp, tmp + cnt) - tmp;
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i)
a[i] = lower_bound(tmp, tmp + cnt, a[i]) - tmp + ;
} void read() {
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) scanf("%d", &val[i]);
gethash(val, n);
for(int i = , u, v; i < n; ++i) {
scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
add_edge(u, v);
for(int i = ; i < m; ++i) ask[i].read(i);
/// find_block
void add_block(int &cnt) {
while(cnt--) block[stk[--top]] = bcnt;
cnt = ;
} void rest_block() {
while(top) block[stk[--top]] = bcnt - ;
} int dfs_block(int u, int f) {
int size = ;
for(int p = head[u]; ~p; p = next[p]) {
int v = to[p];
if(v == f) continue;
size += dfs_block(v, u);
if(size >= bsize) add_block(size);
stk[top++] = u;
if(size >= bsize) add_block(size);
return size;
} void init_block() {
bsize = max(, (int)sqrt(n));
dfs_block(, );
/// ask_rmq
int fa[MLOG][MAXV];
int dep[MAXV]; void dfs_lca(int u, int f, int depth) {
dep[u] = depth;
fa[][u] = f;
for(int p = head[u]; ~p; p = next[p]) {
int v = to[p];
if(v != f) dfs_lca(v, u, depth + );
} void init_lca() {
dfs_lca(, -, );
for(int k = ; k + < MLOG; ++k) {
for(int u = ; u <= n; ++u) {
if(fa[k][u] == -) fa[k + ][u] = -;
else fa[k + ][u] = fa[k][fa[k][u]];
} int ask_lca(int u, int v) {
if(dep[u] < dep[v]) swap(u, v);
for(int k = ; k < MLOG; ++k) {
if((dep[u] - dep[v]) & ( << k)) u = fa[k][u];
if(u == v) return u;
for(int k = MLOG - ; k >= ; --k) {
if(fa[k][u] != fa[k][v])
u = fa[k][u], v = fa[k][v];
return fa[][u];
/// modui
bool vis[MAXV];
int diff, cnt[MAXV]; void xorNode(int u) {
if(vis[u]) vis[u] = false, diff -= (--cnt[val[u]] == );
else vis[u] = true, diff += (++cnt[val[u]] == );
} void xorPathWithoutLca(int u, int v) {
if(dep[u] < dep[v]) swap(u, v);
while(dep[u] != dep[v])
xorNode(u), u = fa[][u];
while(u != v)
xorNode(u), u = fa[][u],
xorNode(v), v = fa[][v];
} void moveNode(int u, int v, int taru, int tarv) {
xorPathWithoutLca(u, taru);
xorPathWithoutLca(v, tarv);
//printf("debug %d %d\n", ask_lca(u, v), ask_lca(taru, tarv));
xorNode(ask_lca(u, v));
xorNode(ask_lca(taru, tarv));
} void make_ans() {
for(int i = ; i < m; ++i) ask[i].adjust();
sort(ask, ask + m);
int nowu = , nowv = ; xorNode();
for(int i = ; i < m; ++i) {
moveNode(nowu, nowv, ask[i].u, ask[i].v);
ans[ask[i].id] = diff;
nowu = ask[i].u, nowv = ask[i].v;
} void print_ans() {
for(int i = ; i < m; ++i)
printf("%d\n", ans[i]);
} void solve() {
} }; int main() {