/********************************** 栈的顺序表示和实现(完整代码,C实现) Author:大地在我腳下 Date:2016-8-6 Email:jsrcdjcyy@163.com **********************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define STACK_INIT_SIZE 100 //存储空间初始分配量 #define STACKINCREMENT 10 //存储空间分配增量 typedef struct Stack { int* Top; int* Bottom; int Stacksize;//栈的实际长度 int size;//当前已分配的存储空间,以元素为单位 }Stack, *SqStack; bool CreateStack(SqStack); bool Push(SqStack,int); bool Empty(SqStack); int Pop(SqStack); void Traverse(SqStack); void Destroy(SqStack); void Clear(SqStack); int Stacklength(SqStack); int GetTop(SqStack); void main() {Stack S;int data; //创建一个空的栈 if(CreateStack(&S)==1) printf("Successfully build stack!\n"); //进行入栈操作,之后遍历输出栈内数据 Push(&S,6); Push(&S,25); Push(&S,89); Push(&S,127); Push(&S,888); Traverse(&S); //栈的长度 printf("Now the length of stack is:%d\n",Stacklength(&S)); //取出栈顶元素 if(Empty(&S)) printf("\nNow the stack is empty!"); else printf("\nNow the top of stack is:%d\n",GetTop(&S)); //进行出栈操作,之后遍历输出 if(Empty(&S)) printf("\nNow the stack is empty!"); else {printf("pop succeed!the pop data is:%d\n",Pop(&S)); Traverse(&S); } //重新输出栈的长度 printf("Now the length of stack is:%d\n",Stacklength(&S)); //重新取出栈顶元素 if(Empty(&S)) printf("\nNow the stack is empty!"); else printf("\nNow the top of stack is:%d\n",GetTop(&S)); //清空栈,并输出清空后栈中的数据 Clear(&S); printf("\ndata cleared!\n"); Traverse(&S); } //建立顺序栈 bool CreateStack(SqStack S) {(*S).Bottom=(int*)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE*sizeof(int)); if(!(*S).Bottom) {printf("Malloc failed!"); exit(-1); } (*S).Top=(*S).Bottom; (*S).size=STACK_INIT_SIZE; (*S).Stacksize=0; return true; } //进栈 bool Push(SqStack S,int e) {if((*S).Top-(*S).Bottom>=(*S).size)//若栈满,追加存储空间 {(*S).Bottom=(int*)realloc((*S).Bottom,((*S).size+STACKINCREMENT)*sizeof(int)); if(!(*S).Bottom) {printf("Realloc failed!"); exit(-1); } (*S).Top=(*S).Bottom+(*S).size; (*S).size+=STACKINCREMENT; } *(*S).Top++=e; (*S).Stacksize++; return true; } //判断栈是否为空栈 bool Empty(SqStack S) {if((*S).Top==(*S).Bottom) return true; else return false; } //出栈,将出栈得到的值保存在e中,避免丢失 int Pop(SqStack S) {int e; if(Empty(S)) printf("\nNow the stack is empty!"); e=*--(*S).Top; *(*S).Top=0; (*S).Stacksize--; return e; } //遍历并输出栈内数据 void Traverse(SqStack S) {int* p=(*S).Top; if(Empty(S)) printf("\nNow the stack is empty!\n"); else {printf("Now datas int the stack are:\n"); while(p!=(*S).Bottom) {printf("%d",*--p); putchar(32); } printf("\n"); } } //销毁栈,栈不再存在 void Destroy(SqStack S) { free((*S).Bottom); (*S).Top=NULL; (*S).Bottom=NULL; (*S).Stacksize=(*S).size=0; } //清空栈,把栈置为空栈 void Clear(SqStack S) {if(Empty(S)) printf("\nNow the stack is empty!"); else Destroy(S); } //栈的长度,即栈内元素个数 int Stacklength(SqStack S) {return (*S).Stacksize; } //取栈顶元素 int GetTop(SqStack S) {int e; if(Empty(S)) printf("\nNow the stack is empty!"); e=*((*S).Top-1); return e; }