DNS 中的协议字段详细定义

时间:2024-06-27 23:35:56


1 概述


2 DNS Classes

Decimal Name Reference
0 Reserved RFC6895
1 Internet(IN) RFC1035
2 Unassigned  
3 Chaos(CH)  
4 Hesiod(HS)  
5-253 Unassigned  
255 QCLASS * (ANY) RFC1035
256-65279 Unassigned  
65280-65534 Reserved for Private Use RFC6895
65535 Reserved RFC6895

3 DNS OpCodes

OpCode Name Reference
0 Query RFC1035
1 IQuery(Inverse Query) RFC3425
2 Status RFC1035
3 Unsassined  
4 Notify RFC1996
5 Update RFC2136
6-15 Unassigned  


Rcode Name Description Reference
0 NoError No Error RFC1035
1 FormErr Format Error RFC1035
2 ServFail Server Failure RFC1035
3 NXDomain Non-Existent Domain RFC1035
4 NotImp Not Implemented RFC1035
5 Refused Query Refused RFC1035
6 YXDomain Name Exists when it should not RFC2136
7 YXRRSet RR Set Exists when it should not RFC2136
8 NXRRSet RR set that should exist does not RFC2136
9 NotAuth Server Not Authoritative for zone RFC2136
10 NotZone Not AUthorized RFC2845
11-15 Unassigned    
16 BADVERS Bad OPT Version RFC6891
16 BADSIG TSIG Signature Failure RFC2845
17 BADKEY Key not revognized RFC2845
18 BADTIME Signature out of time window RFC2845
19 BADMODE Bad TKEY Mode RFC2930
20 BADNAME Duplicate key name RFC2930
21 BADALG Algorithm not supported RFC2930
22 BADTRUNC Bad Truncation RFC4635
23-3840 Unassigned    
3841-4095 Reserved for Private Use    
4096-65534 Unassigned    
65535 Reserved    

5 DNS Label Types

DNS label的最高两位来标识该label的类型

Value Type Status Reference
0 0 普通label. 低6位是该label的长度 Standard RFC1035
1 1 压缩label. 低6位和接下来的8位标识它相对于包头的偏移量 Standard RFC1035
0 1 扩展类型的label. 低6位表示label的类型那个 Standard RFC1035
1 0 未分配    

6 DNS资源记录

TYPE Value Meaning Reference
A 1 a host address [RFC1035]
NS 2 an authoritative name server [RFC1035]
MD 3 a mail destination(OBSOLETE - use MX) [RFC1035]
MF 4 a mail forwarder(OBSOLETE - use MX) [RFC1035]
CNAME 5 the canonical name for an alias [RFC1035]
SOA 6 marks the start of a zone of authority [RFC1035]
MB 7 a mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL) [RFC1035]
MG 8 a mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL) [RFC1035]
MR 9 a mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL) [RFC1035]
NULL 10 a null RR (EXPERIMENTAL) [RFC1035]  
WKS 11 a well known service description [RFC1035]
PTR 12 a domain name pointer [RFC1035]
HINFO 13 host information [RFC1035]
MINFO 14 mailbox or mail list information [RFC1035]
MX 15 mail exchange [RFC1035]
TXT 16 text strings [RFC1035]
RP 17 for Responsible Person [RFC1183]
AFSDB 18 for AFS Data Base location [RFC1183][RFC5864]
X25 19 for X.25 PSDN address [RFC1183]
ISDN 20 for ISDN address [RFC1183]
RT 21 for Route Through [RFC1183]
NSAP 22 for NSAP address, NSAP style A record [RFC1706]
NSAP-PTR 23 for domain name pointer, NSAP style [RFC1348][RFC1637][RFC1706]
SIG 24 for security signature  
KEY 25 for security key  
PX 26 X.400 mail mapping information [RFC2163]
GPOS 27 Geographical Position [RFC1712]
AAAA 28 IP6 Address [RFC3596]
LOC 29 Location Information [RFC1876]
NXT 30 Next Domain (OBSOLETE) [RFC3755][RFC2535]
EID 31 Endpoint Identifier  
NIMLOC 32 Nimrod Locator  
SRV 33 Server Selection [RFC2782]
ATMA 34 ATM Address  
NAPTR 35 Naming Authority Pointer [RFC2915][RFC2168][RFC3403]
KX 36 Key Exchanger [RFC2230]
CERT 37 CERT [RFC4398]
A6 38 A6 (OBSOLETE - use AAAA) [RFC3226][RFC2874][RFC6563]
OPT 41 OPT [RFC6891][RFC3225]
APL 42 APL [RFC3123]
DS 43 Delegation Signer [RFC4034][RFC3658]
SSHFP 44 SSH Key Fingerprint [RFC4255]
RRSIG 46 RRSIG [RFC4034][RFC3755]
NSEC 47 NSEC [RFC4034][RFC3755]
NSEC3 50 NSEC3 [RFC5155]
TLSA 52 TLSA [RFC6698]
Unassigned 53-54    
HIP 55 Host Identity Protocol [RFC5205]
NINFO 56 NINFO [JimReid]
RKEY 57 RKEY [JimReid]
TALINK 58 Trust Anchor LINK [WouterWijngaards]
CDS 59 Child DS [GeorgeBarwood]
Unassigned 60-98    
SPF 99 [RFC-ietf-spfbis-4408bis-21]  
UINFO 100 [IANA-Reserved]  
UID 101 [IANA-Reserved]  
GID 102 [IANA-Reserved]  
UNSPEC 103 [IANA-Reserved]  
NID 104 [RFC6742]  
L32 105 [RFC6742]  
L64 106 [RFC6742]  
LP 107 [RFC6742]  
EUI48 108 an EUI-48 address [RFC7043]
EUI64 109 an EUI-64 address [RFC7043]
Unassigned 110-248    
TKEY 249 Transaction Key [RFC2930]  
TSIG 250 Transaction Signature [RFC2845]
IXFR 251 incremental transfer [RFC1995]
AXFR 252 transfer of an entire zone [RFC1035][RFC5936]
MAILB 253 mailbox-related RRs (MB, MG or MR) [RFC1035]
MAILA 254 mail agent RRs (OBSOLETE - see MX) [RFC1035]
* 255 all records the server/cache has available [RFC1035][RFC6895]
URI 256 URI [PatrikFaltstrom]
CAA 257 Certification Authority Restriction [RFC6844]
Unassigned 258-32767    
TA 32768 DNSSEC Trust Authorities  
DLV 32769 DNSSEC Lookaside Validation [RFC4431]
Unassigned 32770-65279    
Private use 65280-65534    
Reserved 65535    

7 EDNS Version

Range Description Reference
0 EDNS version 0 RFC6891
1-255 Unassigned  

8 DNS EDNS0 Option Codes (OPT)

Value Name Status Reference
0 Reserved   [RFC6891]
1 LLQ On-hold [http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-sekar-dns-llq.txt]
2 UL On-hold [http://files.dns-sd.org/draft-sekar-dns-ul.txt]
3 NSID Standard [RFC5001]
4 Reserved    
5 DAU Standard [RFC6975]
6 DHU Standard [RFC6975]
7 N3U Standard [RFC6975]
8 edns-client-subnet Optional  
9-65000 Unassigned    
65001-65534 Reserved for Local/Experimental Use   [RFC6891]
65535 Reserved for future expansion   [RFC6891]

Date: 2014-04-26T12:10+0800

Author: Cobbliu

Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24