
时间:2022-09-23 10:13:49


Sort by number

You could now write a numeric sort subroutine like this:

 sub by_number {
# a sort subroutine, expect $a and $b
if ($a < $b) { – } elsif ($a > $b) { } else { }

To use the sort subroutine, just put its name (without an ampersand) between the keyword sort and the list you’re sorting. This example puts a numerically sorted list of numbers into @result:

my @result = sort by_number @some_numbers;

Notice that you don’t have to do anything in the sort subroutine to declare $a and $b and set their values—and if you did, the subroutine wouldn’t work right. We just let Perl set up $a and $b for us, so all you need to write is the comparison.

In fact, you can make it even simpler (and more efficient).  Perl has a convenient shortcut to use to write it. In this case, you use the spaceship operator (<=>). This operator compares two numbers and returns –1, 0, or 1 as needed to sort them numerically.

sub by_number { $a <=> $b }

Sort by strings

three-way string-comparison operator: cmp. These two are easy to remember and keep straight.

  • >=有两种可能的返回值,而<=>有三种可能的返回值,因为>=是两个字符,<=>是三个字符。同样道理,
  • ge有两种可能的返回值,而cmp有三种可能的返回值,因为ge有两个字符,而cmp有三个字符。
sub by_code_point { $a cmp $b }
my @strings = sort by_code_point @any_strings;

But you can use cmp to build a more complex sort order, like a case-insensitive sort:

sub case_insensitive { "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" }

In this case, you’re comparing the string from $a (forced to lowercase) against the string from $b (forced to lowercase), giving a case-insensitive sort order. 

Hash sort: Sorting a Hash by Value

my %score = ("barney" => , "fred" => , "dino" => );
my @winners = sort by_score keys %score;
sub by_score { $score{$b} <=> $score{$a} }



my %score = (
"barney" => , "fred" => ,
"dino" => , "bamm-bamm" => ,
); my @winners = sort by_score_and_name keys %score;
sub by_score_and_name {
$score{$b} <=> $score{$a} # by descending numeric score
$a cmp $b # code point order by name

当分数相同是,$score{$b} <=> $score{$a}返回0,因此执行短路操作符or之后的语句:$a cmp $b,按照名字字母排序。


以上摘自:《Learning Perl 6th Edition》


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