Thank you for replying me with such detail explanation.
We renamed the Driver name before your reply ,frankly. Maybe we rename the Driver Name incorrectly without reading the documentation of the windriver. OK, We will rename again by the rename instructions you sent.
Thanks anyway.
———— 隐藏引用的内容 ————
发件人:Nadav Shner <nadav@jungo.com>
发送时间:2014年10月2日(星期四) 16:58
主 题:Windriver and windrvr6.sys
发件人:Nadav Shner <nadav@jungo.com>
发送时间:2014年10月2日(星期四) 16:58
主 题:Windriver and windrvr6.sys
Hello Chen,
My name is Nadav and I'm with Jungo connectivity,
In case you did not receive any reply from us then I'm deeply sorry.
If you have, please ignore the blow reply
If you wish to develop your own device/driver then I strongly recommend that you rename
the default name of the low level driver windrvr6.sys into something unique.
Xilinx, when they develop their own application did not done so. Thereofr there is * between your
application and theirs. You may always un-nitall the xilinx application in order to prevent any issues
![关于驱动冲突的重命名 关于驱动冲突的重命名](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaXRkYWFuLmNvbS9pbWdzLzQvOS8zLzUvMzgvOGY5MDBhODljNjM0N2M1NjFmZGYyMTIyZjEzYmU1NjIuanBl.jpe?w=700&webp=1)
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![关于驱动冲突的重命名 关于驱动冲突的重命名](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaXRkYWFuLmNvbS9pbWdzLzQvOS8zLzUvMzgvOGY5MDBhODljNjM0N2M1NjFmZGYyMTIyZjEzYmU1NjIuanBl.jpe?w=700&webp=1)
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![关于驱动冲突的重命名 关于驱动冲突的重命名](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaXRkYWFuLmNvbS9pbWdzLzQvOS8zLzUvMzgvOGY5MDBhODljNjM0N2M1NjFmZGYyMTIyZjEzYmU1NjIuanBl.jpe?w=700&webp=1)
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![关于驱动冲突的重命名 关于驱动冲突的重命名](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaXRkYWFuLmNvbS9pbWdzLzQvOS8zLzUvMzgvOGY5MDBhODljNjM0N2M1NjFmZGYyMTIyZjEzYmU1NjIuanBl.jpe?w=700&webp=1)
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My name is Nadav and I'm with Jungo connectivity,
In case you did not receive any reply from us then I'm deeply sorry.
If you have, please ignore the blow reply
If you wish to develop your own device/driver then I strongly recommend that you rename
the default name of the low level driver windrvr6.sys into something unique.
Xilinx, when they develop their own application did not done so. Thereofr there is * between your
application and theirs. You may always un-nitall the xilinx application in order to prevent any issues
For more information please loo at:
>> From: chensh
>> Date: September 24, 2014 at 04:36:27 GMT+3
>> To: leora < leora@jungo.com>
>> Subject: A question about windrvr6.sys
>> Hello leora:
>> I have a question about windrvr6.sys I wanna ask you. Xilinx Inc bought your WinDriver to be used for their software. And then , my Company bought your WinDriver to develop our software as well. They need to install windrvr6.sys (WinDriver), then , the issue comes to show, the software of Xilinx does't work fine, franky. It looks like the two same drivers getting into conflict. Do you get resolution to solve this Problem? Thank you .
>> ________________________________
>> chensh
Best regards,
Mr. Nadav Shner
Senior Account Manager
P:+972 9 970 8607 Ex. 178
>> From: chensh
>> Date: September 24, 2014 at 04:36:27 GMT+3
>> To: leora < leora@jungo.com>
>> Subject: A question about windrvr6.sys
>> Hello leora:
>> I have a question about windrvr6.sys I wanna ask you. Xilinx Inc bought your WinDriver to be used for their software. And then , my Company bought your WinDriver to develop our software as well. They need to install windrvr6.sys (WinDriver), then , the issue comes to show, the software of Xilinx does't work fine, franky. It looks like the two same drivers getting into conflict. Do you get resolution to solve this Problem? Thank you .
>> ________________________________
>> chensh
Best regards,
Mr. Nadav Shner
Senior Account Manager
P:+972 9 970 8607 Ex. 178
1 ; Installation INF for the Cypress Generic USB Driver for OS unknown 2 ; Processor support for OS unknown platforms. 3 ; 4 ; (c) Copyright 2012 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 5 ; 6 7 [Version] 8 Signature="$WINDOWS NT$" 9 Class=USB 10 ClassGUID={36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} 11 provider=%CYUSB3_Provider% 12 CatalogFile=CYUSB3.cat 13 DriverVer=12/20/2012, 14 15 [SourceDisksNames] 16 1=%CYUSB3_Install%,,, 17 18 [SourceDisksFiles] 19 CYUSB3.sys = 1 20 21 [DestinationDirs] 22 CYUSB3.Files.Ext = 10,System32\Drivers 23 24 [ControlFlags] 25 ExcludeFromSelect = * 26 27 [Manufacturer] 28 %CYUSB3_Provider%=Device,NT,NTx86,NTamd64 29 30 ;for all platforms 31 [Device.NT] 32 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 04B4 =CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_8613; 33 34 35 36 ;for x86 platforms 37 [Device.NTx86] 38 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 04B4 =CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_8613; 39 40 41 ;for x64 platforms 42 [Device.NTamd64] 43 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 04B4 =CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_8613; 44 45 [CYUSB3.NT] 46 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 47 AddReg=CyUsb3.AddReg 48 49 [CYUSB3.NT.HW] 50 AddReg=CYUSB3.AddReg.Guid 51 52 [CYUSB3.NT.Services] 53 Addservice = CYUSB3,2,CYUSB3.AddService 54 55 56 [CYUSB3.NTx86] 57 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 58 AddReg=CyUsb3.AddReg 59 60 [CYUSB3.NTx86.HW] 61 AddReg=CYUSB3.AddReg.Guid 62 63 [CYUSB3.NTx86.Services] 64 Addservice = CYUSB3,2,CYUSB3.AddService 65 66 [CYUSB3.NTamd64] 67 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 68 AddReg=CyUsb3.AddReg 69 70 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.HW] 71 AddReg=CYUSB3.AddReg.Guid 72 73 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.Services] 74 Addservice = CYUSB3,2,CYUSB3.AddService 75 76 77 [CYUSB3.AddReg] 78 ; Deprecating - do not use in new apps to identify a CYUSB3 driver 79 HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern 80 HKR,,NTMPDriver,,CYUSB3.sys 81 ; You may optionally include a check for DriverBase in your application to check for a CYUSB3 driver 82 HKR,,DriverBase,,CYUSB3.sys 83 HKR,"Parameters","MaximumTransferSize",0x10001,4096 84 HKR,"Parameters","DebugLevel",0x10001,2 85 HKR,,FriendlyName,,%CYUSB3_Description% 86 87 [CYUSB3.AddService] 88 DisplayName = %CYUSB3_Description% 89 ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER 90 StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START 91 ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL 92 ServiceBinary = %10%\System32\Drivers\CYUSB3.sys 93 AddReg = CYUSB3.AddReg 94 LoadOrderGroup = Base 95 96 [CYUSB3.Files.Ext] 97 CYUSB3.sys 98 99 [CYUSB3.AddReg.Guid] 100 HKR,,DriverGUID,,%CYUSB3.GUID% 101 102 ;-------------- WDF Coinstaller installation 103 [SourceDisksFiles] 104 WdfCoInstaller01009.dll=1 ; make sure the number matches with SourceDisksNames 105 106 [DestinationDirs] 107 CoInstaller_CopyFiles = 11 108 109 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.CoInstallers] 110 AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg 111 CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles 112 113 [CYUSB3.NTx86.CoInstallers] 114 AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg 115 CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles 116 117 [CoInstaller_CopyFiles] 118 WdfCoInstaller01009.dll 119 120 [CoInstaller_AddReg] 121 HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000, "WdfCoInstaller01009.dll,WdfCoInstaller" 122 123 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.Wdf] 124 KmdfService = CYUSB3, CYUSB3_wdfsect 125 126 [CYUSB3.NTx86.Wdf] 127 KmdfService = CYUSB3, CYUSB3_wdfsect 128 129 [CYUSB3_wdfsect] 130 KmdfLibraryVersion = 1.9 131 132 133 [Strings] 134 CYUSB3_Provider = "Cypress" 135 CYUSB3_Company = "Cypress Semiconductor Corporation" 136 CYUSB3_Description = "Cypress Generic USB3.0 Driver" 137 CYUSB3_DisplayName = "Cypress USB3.0 Generic" 138 CYUSB3_Install = "Cypress CYUSB3.0 Driver Installation Disk" 139 VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB3.0 Generic Driver" 140 VID_04B4&PID_00F0.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BulkloopExample" 141 VID_04B4&PID_00F1.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB StreamerExample" 142 VID_04B4&PID_00F3.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BootLoader" 143 VID_04B4&PID_4720.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BootProgrammer" 144 CYUSB3.GUID="{AE18AA60-7F6A-11d4-97DD-00010229B959}" 145 CYUSB3_Unused = "."
1 ; Installation INF for the Cypress Generic USB Driver for OS unknown 2 ; Processor support for OS unknown platforms. 3 ; 4 ; (c) Copyright 2012 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 5 ; 6 7 [Version] 8 Signature="$WINDOWS NT$" 9 Class=USB 10 ClassGUID={36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} 11 provider=%CYUSB3WT_Provider% 12 CatalogFile=CYUSB3WT.cat 13 DriverVer=12/20/2012, 14 15 [SourceDisksNames] 16 1=%CYUSB3WT_Install%,,, 17 18 [SourceDisksFiles] 19 CYUSB3WT.sys = 1 20 21 [DestinationDirs] 22 CYUSB3WT.Files.Ext = 10,System32\Drivers 23 24 [ControlFlags] 25 ExcludeFromSelect = * 26 27 [Manufacturer] 28 %CYUSB3WT_Provider%=Device,NT,NTx86,NTamd64 29 30 ;for all platforms 31 [Device.NT] 32 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 =CYUSB3WT, USB\VID_0451&PID_AF32 33 34 35 ;for x86 platforms 36 [Device.NTx86] 37 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 =CYUSB3WT, USB\VID_0451&PID_AF32 38 39 40 ;for x64 platforms 41 [Device.NTamd64] 42 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 =CYUSB3WT, USB\VID_0451&PID_AF32 43 44 [CYUSB3WT.NT] 45 CopyFiles=CYUSB3WT.Files.Ext 46 AddReg=CYUSB3WT.AddReg 47 48 [CYUSB3WT.NT.HW] 49 AddReg=CYUSB3WT.AddReg.Guid 50 51 [CYUSB3WT.NT.Services] 52 Addservice = CYUSB3WT,2,CYUSB3WT.AddService 53 54 55 [CYUSB3WT.NTx86] 56 CopyFiles=CYUSB3WT.Files.Ext 57 AddReg=CYUSB3WT.AddReg 58 59 [CYUSB3WT.NTx86.HW] 60 AddReg=CYUSB3WT.AddReg.Guid 61 62 [CYUSB3WT.NTx86.Services] 63 Addservice = CYUSB3WT,2,CYUSB3WT.AddService 64 65 [CYUSB3WT.NTamd64] 66 CopyFiles=CYUSB3WT.Files.Ext 67 AddReg=CYUSB3WT.AddReg 68 69 [CYUSB3WT.NTamd64.HW] 70 AddReg=CYUSB3WT.AddReg.Guid 71 72 [CYUSB3WT.NTamd64.Services] 73 Addservice = CYUSB3WT,2,CYUSB3WT.AddService 74 75 76 [CYUSB3WT.AddReg] 77 ; Deprecating - do not use in new apps to identify a CYUSB3WT driver 78 HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern 79 HKR,,NTMPDriver,,CYUSB3WT.sys 80 ; You may optionally include a check for DriverBase in your application to check for a CYUSB3WT driver 81 HKR,,DriverBase,,CYUSB3WT.sys 82 HKR,"Parameters","MaximumTransferSize",0x10001,4096 83 HKR,"Parameters","DebugLevel",0x10001,2 84 HKR,,FriendlyName,,%CYUSB3WT_Description% 85 86 [CYUSB3WT.AddService] 87 DisplayName = %CYUSB3WT_Description% 88 ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER 89 StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START 90 ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL 91 ServiceBinary = %10%\System32\Drivers\CYUSB3WT.sys 92 AddReg = CYUSB3WT.AddReg 93 LoadOrderGroup = Base 94 95 [CYUSB3WT.Files.Ext] 96 CYUSB3WT.sys 97 98 [CYUSB3WT.AddReg.Guid] 99 HKR,,DriverGUID,,%CYUSB3WT.GUID% 100 101 ;-------------- WDF Coinstaller installation 102 [SourceDisksFiles] 103 WdfCoInstaller01009.dll=1 ; make sure the number matches with SourceDisksNames 104 105 [DestinationDirs] 106 CoInstaller_CopyFiles = 11 107 108 [CYUSB3WT.NTamd64.CoInstallers] 109 AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg 110 CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles 111 112 [CYUSB3WT.NTx86.CoInstallers] 113 AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg 114 CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles 115 116 [CoInstaller_CopyFiles] 117 WdfCoInstaller01009.dll 118 119 [CoInstaller_AddReg] 120 HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000, "WdfCoInstaller01009.dll,WdfCoInstaller" 121 122 [CYUSB3WT.NTamd64.Wdf] 123 KmdfService = CYUSB3WT, CYUSB3WT_wdfsect 124 125 [CYUSB3WT.NTx86.Wdf] 126 KmdfService = CYUSB3WT, CYUSB3WT_wdfsect 127 128 [CYUSB3WT_wdfsect] 129 KmdfLibraryVersion = 1.9 130 131 132 [Strings] 133 CYUSB3WT_Provider = "Cypress" 134 CYUSB3WT_Company = "Cypress Semiconductor Corporation" 135 CYUSB3WT_Description = "Cypress Generic USB3.0 Driver" 136 CYUSB3WT_DisplayName = "Cypress USB3.0 Generic" 137 CYUSB3WT_Install = "Cypress CYUSB3WT.0 Driver Installation Disk" 138 VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB3.0 Generic Driver" 139 VID_04B4&PID_00F0.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BulkloopExample" 140 VID_04B4&PID_00F1.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB StreamerExample" 141 VID_04B4&PID_00F3.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BootLoader" 142 VID_04B4&PID_4720.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BootProgrammer" 143 CYUSB3WT.GUID="{D05D4831-1EC5-4A2F-BF10-C9BA351D6DC0}" 144 CYUSB3WT_Unused = "."
1 ; Installation INF for the Cypress Generic USB Driver for OS unknown 2 ; Processor support for OS unknown platforms. 3 ; 4 ; (c) Copyright 2012 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 5 ; 6 7 [Version] 8 Signature="$WINDOWS NT$" 9 Class=USB 10 ClassGUID={36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} 11 provider=%CYUSB3_Provider% 12 CatalogFile=CYUSB3.cat 13 DriverVer=12/20/2012, 14 15 [SourceDisksNames] 16 1=%CYUSB3_Install%,,, 17 18 [SourceDisksFiles] 19 CYUSB3.sys = 1 20 21 [DestinationDirs] 22 CYUSB3.Files.Ext = 10,System32\Drivers 23 24 [ControlFlags] 25 ExcludeFromSelect = * 26 27 [Manufacturer] 28 %CYUSB3_Provider%=Device,NT,NTx86,NTamd64 29 30 ;for all platforms 31 [Device.NT] 32 ;%VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX 33 %VID_04B4&PID_00F0.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F0 34 %VID_04B4&PID_00F1.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F1 35 %VID_04B4&PID_00F3.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F3 36 %VID_04B4&PID_4720.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_4720 37 38 39 ;for x86 platforms 40 [Device.NTx86] 41 ;%VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX 42 %VID_04B4&PID_00F0.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F0 43 %VID_04B4&PID_00F1.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F1 44 %VID_04B4&PID_00F3.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F3 45 %VID_04B4&PID_4720.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_4720 46 47 48 ;for x64 platforms 49 [Device.NTamd64] 50 ;%VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX 51 %VID_04B4&PID_00F0.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F0 52 %VID_04B4&PID_00F1.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F1 53 %VID_04B4&PID_00F3.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_00F3 54 %VID_04B4&PID_4720.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_04B4&PID_4720 55 %VID_0451&PID_AF32.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_0451&PID_AF32 56 %VID_1105&PID_F005.DeviceDesc%=CyUsb3, USB\VID_1105&PID_F005 57 58 [CYUSB3.NT] 59 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 60 AddReg=CyUsb3.AddReg 61 62 [CYUSB3.NT.HW] 63 AddReg=CYUSB3.AddReg.Guid 64 65 [CYUSB3.NT.Services] 66 Addservice = CYUSB3,2,CYUSB3.AddService 67 68 69 [CYUSB3.NTx86] 70 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 71 AddReg=CyUsb3.AddReg 72 73 [CYUSB3.NTx86.HW] 74 AddReg=CYUSB3.AddReg.Guid 75 76 [CYUSB3.NTx86.Services] 77 Addservice = CYUSB3,2,CYUSB3.AddService 78 79 [CYUSB3.NTamd64] 80 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 81 AddReg=CyUsb3.AddReg 82 83 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.HW] 84 AddReg=CYUSB3.AddReg.Guid 85 86 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.Services] 87 Addservice = CYUSB3,2,CYUSB3.AddService 88 89 90 [CYUSB3.AddReg] 91 ; Deprecating - do not use in new apps to identify a CYUSB3 driver 92 HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern 93 HKR,,NTMPDriver,,CYUSB3.sys 94 ; You may optionally include a check for DriverBase in your application to check for a CYUSB3 driver 95 HKR,,DriverBase,,CYUSB3.sys 96 HKR,"Parameters","MaximumTransferSize",0x10001,4096 97 HKR,"Parameters","DebugLevel",0x10001,2 98 HKR,,FriendlyName,,%CYUSB3_Description% 99 100 [CYUSB3.AddService] 101 DisplayName = %CYUSB3_Description% 102 ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER 103 StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START 104 ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL 105 ServiceBinary = %10%\System32\Drivers\CYUSB3.sys 106 AddReg = CYUSB3.AddReg 107 LoadOrderGroup = Base 108 109 [CYUSB3.Files.Ext] 110 CYUSB3.sys 111 112 [CYUSB3.AddReg.Guid] 113 HKR,,DriverGUID,,%CYUSB3.GUID% 114 115 ;-------------- WDF Coinstaller installation 116 [SourceDisksFiles] 117 WdfCoInstaller01009.dll=1 ; make sure the number matches with SourceDisksNames 118 119 [DestinationDirs] 120 CoInstaller_CopyFiles = 11 121 122 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.CoInstallers] 123 AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg 124 CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles 125 126 [CYUSB3.NTx86.CoInstallers] 127 AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg 128 CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles 129 130 [CoInstaller_CopyFiles] 131 WdfCoInstaller01009.dll 132 133 [CoInstaller_AddReg] 134 HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000, "WdfCoInstaller01009.dll,WdfCoInstaller" 135 136 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.Wdf] 137 KmdfService = CYUSB3, CYUSB3_wdfsect 138 139 [CYUSB3.NTx86.Wdf] 140 KmdfService = CYUSB3, CYUSB3_wdfsect 141 142 [CYUSB3_wdfsect] 143 KmdfLibraryVersion = 1.9 144 145 146 [Strings] 147 CYUSB3_Provider = "Cypress" 148 CYUSB3_Company = "Cypress Semiconductor Corporation" 149 CYUSB3_Description = "Cypress Generic USB3.0 Driver" 150 CYUSB3_DisplayName = "Cypress USB3.0 Generic" 151 CYUSB3_Install = "Cypress CYUSB3.0 Driver Installation Disk" 152 VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB3.0 Generic Driver" 153 VID_04B4&PID_00F0.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BulkloopExample" 154 VID_04B4&PID_00F1.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB StreamerExample" 155 VID_04B4&PID_00F3.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BootLoader" 156 VID_04B4&PID_4720.DeviceDesc="Cypress USB BootProgrammer" 157 CYUSB3.GUID="{AE18AA60-7F6A-11d4-97DD-00010229B959}" 158 CYUSB3_Unused = "."
1 ; Installation INF for the Cypress Generic USB Driver for OS unknown 2 ; Processor support for OS unknown platforms. 3 ; 4 ; (c) Copyright 2012 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 5 ; 6 7 [Version] 8 Signature="$WINDOWS NT$" 9 Class=USB 10 ClassGUID={36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} 11 provider=%CYUSB3_Provider% 12 CatalogFile=CYUSB3Wintech.cat 13 DriverVer=12/20/2012, 14 15 [SourceDisksNames] 16 1=%CYUSB3_Install%,,, 17 18 [SourceDisksFiles] 19 CYUSB3Wintech.sys = 1 20 21 [DestinationDirs] 22 CYUSB3.Files.Ext = 10,System32\Drivers 23 24 [ControlFlags] 25 ExcludeFromSelect = * 26 27 [Manufacturer] 28 %CYUSB3_Provider%=Device,NT,NTx86,NTamd64 29 30 ;for all platforms 31 [Device.NT] 32 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 =CyUsb3, USB\VID_0451&PID_AF32 33 34 35 ;for x86 platforms 36 [Device.NTx86] 37 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 =CyUsb3, USB\VID_0451&PID_AF32 38 39 40 ;for x64 platforms 41 [Device.NTamd64] 42 Wintech Digital Laser Projection WDF Driver x64 =CyUsb3, USB\VID_0451&PID_AF32 43 44 [CYUSB3.NT] 45 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 46 AddReg=CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg 47 48 [CYUSB3.NT.HW] 49 AddReg=CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg.Guid 50 51 [CYUSB3.NT.Services] 52 Addservice = CYUSB3Wintech,2,CYUSB3Wintech.AddService 53 54 55 [CYUSB3.NTx86] 56 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 57 AddReg=CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg 58 59 [CYUSB3.NTx86.HW] 60 AddReg=CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg.Guid 61 62 [CYUSB3.NTx86.Services] 63 Addservice = CYUSB3Wintech,2,CYUSB3Wintech.AddService 64 65 [CYUSB3.NTamd64] 66 CopyFiles=CYUSB3.Files.Ext 67 AddReg=CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg 68 69 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.HW] 70 AddReg=CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg.Guid 71 72 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.Services] 73 Addservice = CYUSB3Wintech,2,CYUSB3Wintech.AddService 74 75 76 [CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg] 77 ; Deprecating - do not use in new apps to identify a CYUSB3 driver 78 HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern 79 HKR,,NTMPDriver,,CYUSB3Wintech.sys 80 ; You may optionally include a check for DriverBase in your application to check for a CYUSB3 driver 81 HKR,,DriverBase,,CYUSB3Wintech.sys 82 HKR,"Parameters","MaximumTransferSize",0x10001,4096 83 HKR,"Parameters","DebugLevel",0x10001,2 84 HKR,,FriendlyName,,%CYUSB3_Description% 85 86 [CYUSB3Wintech.AddService] 87 DisplayName = %CYUSB3_Description% 88 ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER 89 StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START 90 ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL 91 ServiceBinary = %10%\System32\Drivers\CYUSB3Wintech.sys 92 AddReg = CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg 93 LoadOrderGroup = Base 94 95 [CYUSB3.Files.Ext] 96 CYUSB3Wintech.sys 97 98 [CYUSB3Wintech.AddReg.Guid] 99 HKR,,DriverGUID,,%WINTECHWLP.GUID% 100 101 ;-------------- WDF Coinstaller installation 102 [SourceDisksFiles] 103 WdfCoInstaller01009.dll=1 ; make sure the number matches with SourceDisksNames 104 105 [DestinationDirs] 106 CoInstaller_CopyFiles = 11 107 108 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.CoInstallers] 109 AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg 110 CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles 111 112 [CYUSB3.NTx86.CoInstallers] 113 AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg 114 CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles 115 116 [CoInstaller_CopyFiles] 117 WdfCoInstaller01009.dll 118 119 [CoInstaller_AddReg] 120 HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000, "WdfCoInstaller01009.dll,WdfCoInstaller" 121 122 [CYUSB3.NTamd64.Wdf] 123 KmdfService = CYUSB3, CYUSB3_wdfsect 124 125 [CYUSB3.NTx86.Wdf] 126 KmdfService = CYUSB3, CYUSB3_wdfsect 127 128 [CYUSB3_wdfsect] 129 KmdfLibraryVersion = 1.9 130 131 132 [Strings] 133 CYUSB3_Provider = "Wintech" 134 CYUSB3_Company = "Wintech Semiconductor Corporation" 135 CYUSB3_Description = "Wintech Generic USB3.0 Driver" 136 CYUSB3_DisplayName = "Wintech USB3.0 Generic" 137 CYUSB3_Install = "Wintech CYUSB3.0 Driver Installation Disk" 138 WINTECHWLP.GUID="{D05D4831-1EC5-4A2F-BF10-C9BA351D6DC0}" 139 CYUSB3_Unused = "."