其中包含的内容:图的最短路径算法(迪杰斯特拉算法) 和 图的深度优先遍历算法
其中程序功能: 1.存储简单的学校地图并显示; 2.给出一个点,能够输出从此点到其他顶点的最短路径及最短距离; 3.给出两个顶点,能够输出次两点之间所有路径及距离 和 最短路径及距离
废话不说,直接上程序源码. 自己需要的地方可以看一下源码,找一下自己需要的地方
我写的代码是用C++干着面向过程的勾当...真心觉得自己能力不咋滴...贴出代码, 大家有需要的函数可以参考一下原理.
main.cpp #include "GraphList.h" int main() { GraphList graphList;//图 int choice;//存放用户的选择 char element_1, element_2; int locate_1, locate_2; int Path[MAX_VERTEX_NUM], Dest[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; bool DIJFlag = false;//标记是否进行过了DIJ算法 createGraph(graphList); cout << "A.学校正门, B.研究院, C.校训石, D.体育场, E.M楼, F.G楼, G.主楼, H.C楼, I.教师公寓, J.食堂, K.N楼\n" << "\n--The output formate: (Source,Destination,Value)" << "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------" << "\n--The Graph have been created:"; printGraph(graphList); cout << "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------" << "\n--Program Menu:" << "\n--1.shortest path between source to other vertex(Dijkstra Algorithm)." << "\n--2.all path and shortest path between two vertexs(Floyd Algorithm)." << "\n--0.exit." << "\n\n-------------------------------------------" << "\n--Please enter your choice(0/1/2): "; cin >> choice; while(choice != 0) { switch(choice) { case 1: cout << "\n--Please enter one vertex: "; cin >> element_1; if((locate_1=findNode(graphList, element_1)) == -1) return 0; if(!DIJFlag)//如果没有进行了DIJ算法查找最短路径 { shortestPath_DIJ(graphList, locate_1, Path, Dest); DIJFlag = true; } printShortestPath_DIJ(graphList, locate_1, Path, Dest); break; case 2: cout << "\n--Please enter two vertexs(e.g.: A B): "; cin >> element_1 >> element_2; locate_1 = findNode(graphList, element_1); locate_2 = findNode(graphList, element_2); if((locate_1==-1) || (locate_2==-1)) return 0; if(!DIJFlag)//如果没有进行了DIJ算法查找最短路径 { shortestPath_DIJ(graphList, locate_1, Path, Dest); DIJFlag = true; } cout << "All Path Between " << element_1 << " and " << element_2 << ":"; allPath_2Vexs(graphList, locate_1, locate_2);//输出所有路径 cout << "\n--------------------------------------"; printShortestPath_2Vexs(graphList, locate_1, locate_2, Path, Dest); break; default: cout << "--Your input unavailable!\n"; return 0; } cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------" << "\n--Please enter your choice(0/1/2): "; cin >> choice; } deleteGraph(graphList);//删除图,防止内存泄露 return 0; }
GraphList.h #ifndef GRAPHLIST_H_INCLUDED #define GRAPHLIST_H_INCLUDED #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <stack> #include <vector> using namespace std; #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 11//最大支持的节点数 #define INFINITY 1000//表示无穷大 typedef int EdgeValueType;//定义边权重类型 typedef char VertexType;//定义顶点表顶点的内容类型 typedef struct EdgeNode//边表节点 { int adjvexLocate;//该弧所指向的顶点在定点表中的位置 EdgeValueType value;//权重 EdgeNode *next;//指向下一个节点 } EdgeNode; typedef struct VertexNode//顶点表 { VertexType data;//顶点名称 EdgeNode *firstarc;//指向第一条依附顶点的指针 } VertexNode, VertexList[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; //顶点节点,顶点表 typedef struct GraphList { VertexList vertexList;//建立顶点表 int vertexNum, edgeNum;//整个图中存放顶点、边的个数 } GraphList; //函数声明 int findNode(GraphList &graphList, char element); bool createGraph(GraphList &graphList); bool printGraph(GraphList &graphList); void shortestPath_DIJ(GraphList &graphList, int vex, int P[], int D[]);//单源最短路径算法 void printShortestPath_DIJ(GraphList &graphList, int vex, int Path[], int Dest[]);//打印出生成的单源最短路径 void printShortestPath_2Vexs(GraphList &graphList, int vex1, int vex2, int Path[], int Dest[]);//打印两点之间最短路径及距离 void allPath_2Vexs(GraphList &graphList, int startVex, int endVex);//任意两点之间的所有路径 void visit(GraphList &graphList, int vex, int endVex, bool status[], vector<int> &pathStack, int length); bool deleteGraph(GraphList &graphList);//销毁图,防止内存泄露 #endif // GRAPHLIST_H_INCLUDED
GraphList.cpp #include "GraphList.h" int findNode(GraphList &graphList, char element)//查找顶点,工具方法 { int i; for(i=0; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++) { if(element == graphList.vertexList[i].data) { break; } } if(i >= graphList.vertexNum) { cout << "The element not find\n"; return -1; } return i; } bool createGraph(GraphList &graphList)//创建图,并执行初始化 { //为了方便,所有顶点以及边都已经在程序内部定义好了 //初始化定点表 graphList.vertexNum = 0;//顶点数 graphList.edgeNum = 0;//边数 int value = 0;//暂时存放从邻接矩阵中读取的数值 char vexArray[MAX_VERTEX_NUM] = {'A','B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K'}; for(int v=0; v<MAX_VERTEX_NUM; v++)//建立顶点表 { if(vexArray[v] != '\0') graphList.vertexNum++; graphList.vertexList[v].data = vexArray[v]; graphList.vertexList[v].firstarc = NULL; } //初始化边表 int edgeArray[MAX_VERTEX_NUM][MAX_VERTEX_NUM] = {//初始化邻接矩阵 // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 {0,70,40,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},//0 {70,0,50,0,0,0,0,60,0,0,0},//1 {40,0,0,0,0,100,50,0,0,0,0},//2 {100,0,0,0,70,65,0,0,0,0,0},//3 {0,0,0,70,0,40,0,0,0,0,130},//4 {0,0,100,65,40,0,40,0,0,150,140},//5 {0,0,50,0,0,40,0,115,0,0,0},//6 {0,60,0,0,0,0,115,0,105,0,0},//7 {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,105,0,110,0},//8 {0,0,0,0,0,150,0,0,110,0,55},//9 {0,0,0,0,130,140,0,0,0,55,0}//10 }; for(int i=0; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++) { EdgeNode *temp = NULL; EdgeNode *Node = NULL;//存放新生成的节点 for(int j=0; j<graphList.vertexNum; j++) { if((value = edgeArray[i][j]) != 0)//有边 { if(!(Node = new EdgeNode)) { cerr << "No Enough Memory!"; exit(1); } Node->adjvexLocate = j; Node->value = value; Node->next = NULL;//生成节点 graphList.edgeNum++; if(graphList.vertexList[i].firstarc == NULL)//第一个节点 { graphList.vertexList[i].firstarc = Node; temp = Node; } else { temp->next = Node; temp = Node; } } } } return true; } bool printGraph(GraphList &graphList)//输出图 { EdgeNode *temp = NULL; //if(!&graphList) return false; for(int i=0; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++) { cout << "\n" << graphList.vertexList[i].data << ": "; temp = graphList.vertexList[i].firstarc; while(temp) { cout << " (" << graphList.vertexList[i].data << "," << graphList.vertexList[temp->adjvexLocate].data << "," << temp->value << ") "; temp = temp->next; } } return true; } void shortestPath_DIJ(GraphList &graphList, int vex, int Path[], int Dest[])///单源最短路径算法 { bool finalShortest[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; EdgeNode *temp = NULL; int minValue = INFINITY;//用作寻找最小的路径权值 int v = 0;//记录每一次寻找的最小路径终点的位置 for(int i=0; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++)//第一步初始化 { finalShortest[i] = false; Path[i] = -1;//没有前驱,即没有路径 Dest[i] = INFINITY;//存放vi与给出的源点之间的最短路径 } finalShortest[vex] = true; Dest[vex] = 0;//修改源点的值 Path[vex] = -1; temp = graphList.vertexList[vex].firstarc; while(temp) { Dest[temp->adjvexLocate] = temp->value; Path[temp->adjvexLocate] = vex;//前驱 temp = temp->next; }//初始化完成 for(int i=1; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++)//执行n-1次循环,对剩余的n-1个顶点操作 { minValue = INFINITY; for(int j=0; j<graphList.vertexNum; j++) { if(!finalShortest[j])//还没有求出最短路径 { if(Dest[j] < minValue) { v = j; minValue = Dest[j]; }//if(Dest[j] < minValue) }//if(!finalShortest[j]) }//for finalShortest[v] = true;//将此终点加入已求出最短路径的集合 //更新参数 //temp = graphList.vertexList[v].firstarc; for(int j=0; j<graphList.vertexNum; j++) { int vValue = INFINITY;//存放v 与 j之间的权重 temp = graphList.vertexList[v].firstarc;//一句话如果放错位置就会出现无法预料的错误! while(temp) { if(temp->adjvexLocate == j) { vValue = temp->value; break; } temp = temp->next; } if(!finalShortest[j] && (minValue+vValue<Dest[j])) { Dest[j] = minValue + vValue;//更新为更小的权重 Path[j] = v;//更新前驱节点 }//if(!finalShortest[j] && minValue+vValue<Dest[j]) }//for(int j=0; j<graphList.vertexNum; j++) }//for(int i=1; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++) } void printShortestPath_DIJ(GraphList &graphList, int vex, int Path[], int Dest[]) { int pre = 0; cout << "The Shortest Path From "<< graphList.vertexList[vex].data << " to Other Vertexs:"; for(int i=0; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++) { if(Dest[i] >= INFINITY || i == vex) continue; cout << "\n\t(" << graphList.vertexList[vex].data << "->" << graphList.vertexList[i].data << "): Length = " << Dest[i] << "; Path: " << graphList.vertexList[i].data; pre = Path[i]; while(pre != -1) { cout << " " << graphList.vertexList[pre].data; pre = Path[pre]; } } } //打印两点之间最短路径及距离 void printShortestPath_2Vexs(GraphList &graphList, int vex1, int vex2, int Path[], int Dest[]) { int pre = 0; cout << "\nThe Shortest Path Between " << graphList.vertexList[vex1].data << " to " << graphList.vertexList[vex2].data << " :"; for(int i=0; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++) { if(i == vex2) { cout << "\n\t(" << graphList.vertexList[vex1].data << "->" << graphList.vertexList[vex2].data << "): Length = " << Dest[i] << "\tPath: " << graphList.vertexList[i].data; pre = Path[i]; while(pre != -1) { cout << " " << graphList.vertexList[pre].data; pre = Path[pre]; } return; } } } bool deleteGraph(GraphList &graphList)//销毁图 { if(graphList.vertexNum == 0) return false; EdgeNode *temp = NULL; for(int i=0; i<graphList.vertexNum; i++)//定点表中每个顶点 { if((temp = graphList.vertexList[i].firstarc) == NULL) continue; while(temp) { graphList.vertexList[i].firstarc = temp->next; delete temp; temp = graphList.vertexList[i].firstarc; } } return true; } void allPath_2Vexs(GraphList &graphList, int startVex, int endVex) { if(startVex == endVex) { return; } bool status[MAX_VERTEX_NUM] = {false};//标记点被访问的状态 vector<int> pathStack;//记录访问到节点的位置 int length = 0; visit(graphList, startVex, endVex, status, pathStack, length); } //递归访问每个元素 void visit(GraphList &graphList, int vex, int endVex, bool status[], vector<int> &pathStack, int length)//对vex点进行访问 { if(vex == endVex)//找到了终点 { //cout << "\n\tLength=" << pathStack.size()+1 << "\tPath: "; cout << "\n\tLength=" << length << "\tPath: "; for(unsigned int i=0; i<pathStack.size(); i++) { cout << " " << graphList.vertexList[pathStack[i]].data; //length += graphList.vertexL } cout << " " << graphList.vertexList[endVex].data; return; } status[vex] = true; pathStack.push_back(vex); EdgeNode *current = NULL; for(current=graphList.vertexList[vex].firstarc; current!=NULL; current = current->next) { if(!status[current->adjvexLocate]) { length += current->value; visit(graphList, current->adjvexLocate, endVex, status, pathStack, length); } } status[vex] = false;//修改标志 pathStack.pop_back();//回溯 }