Coding kata: get the top two teams in one group

时间:2021-02-25 09:41:51

In this week, we did a coding kata, the subject is to select the top two teams of football group match results.

The requirements are listed below.

  • The number of team is not limited.
  • The score will be +3 when it wins, the score will be 0 if lose, otherwise the score is 1.
  • Rule 1: The advanced team are the top two highest score teams.
  • Rule 2: if the score is same, the advanced team is that who has the higher net goal.
  • Rule 3: if the score and net goal are same, the advanced team is the more goal team.
  • Rule 4: select two teams of group to advance

Below is my draft implementation without any comments and unit test after kata as it was not a success solution during the kata, just for record.

#ifndef TEAM_H_
#define TEAM_H_ #include <string> namespace HW
* @class TeamC
* @brief
class TeamC
* @brief Constructor
TeamC(std::string iName); /**
* @brief Destructor
~TeamC() = default; void AddMatch(uint8_t iScore, uint8_t iGoal, uint8_t iLose);
std::string GetName(void);
int GetScore(void);
int GetNetGoal(void); bool operator<(const TeamC& iValue); private:
std::string mName;
int mScore;
uint8_t mGoal;
uint8_t mLose;
}; } // end of namespace HW #endif /* TEAM_H_ */
#include "Team.h"

namespace HW
{ TeamC::TeamC():mName(""), mScore(), mGoal(), mLose()
{ }
TeamC::TeamC(std::string iName):mName(iName), mScore(), mGoal(), mLose()
{ } bool TeamC::operator<(const TeamC& iValue)
bool rt = false; //the first rule is to compare score
if (mScore != iValue.mScore)
rt = mScore > iValue.mScore;
//if the score is equal, then compare the net goal when net goals are not identical
if (mGoal - mLose != iValue.mGoal - iValue.mLose)
rt = mGoal - mLose > iValue.mGoal - iValue.mLose;
//only compare the goal
rt = mGoal > iValue.mGoal;
} return rt;
} int TeamC::GetScore(void)
return mScore;
} int TeamC::GetNetGoal(void)
return mGoal - mLose;
} void TeamC::AddMatch(uint8_t iScore, uint8_t iGoal, uint8_t iLose)
mScore += iScore;
mGoal += iGoal;
mLose += iLose;
} std::string TeamC::GetName(void)
return mName;
} } // end of namespace HW
#define TEAMSELECTOR_H_ #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "Team.h" namespace HW
* @class ScoreC
* @brief
class TeamSelectorC
* @brief Constructor
TeamSelectorC(); /**
* @brief Destructor
~TeamSelectorC() = default; void AddMatch(std::string iTeam1, std::string iTeam2, uint8_t iGoal1, uint8_t iGoal2);
std::vector<std::string> Select(void); /**
* @brief Set copy constructor as delete to prevent unintentional creation
TeamSelectorC(const TeamSelectorC& iValue) = delete; /**
* @brief Set copy assignment as delete to prevent unintentional creation
const TeamSelectorC& operator=(const TeamSelectorC& iValue) = delete;
std::vector<TeamC> mTeams;
TeamC& GetTeam(std::string iTeam);
}; } // end of namespace HW #endif /* TEAMSELECTOR_H_ */
namespace HW
{ TeamSelectorC::TeamSelectorC()
} void TeamSelectorC::AddMatch(std::string iTeam1, std::string iTeam2, uint8_t iGoal1, uint8_t iGoal2)
TeamC& team1 = GetTeam(iTeam1);
TeamC& team2 = GetTeam(iTeam2); if (iGoal1 > iGoal2)
team1.AddMatch(, iGoal1, iGoal2);
team2.AddMatch(, iGoal2, iGoal1);
else if (iGoal1 == iGoal2)
team1.AddMatch(, iGoal1, iGoal2);
team2.AddMatch(, iGoal2, iGoal1);
team1.AddMatch(, iGoal1, iGoal2);
team2.AddMatch(, iGoal2, iGoal1);
} std::vector<std::string> TeamSelectorC::Select(void)
std::sort(mTeams.begin(), mTeams.end()); //debug only
for (auto& team: mTeams)
std::cout << team.GetName() << "_" << team.GetScore() << "_" << team.GetNetGoal() << std::endl;
} std::vector<std::string> results;
if (mTeams.size() > )
} if (mTeams.size() > )
return results;
} TeamC& TeamSelectorC::GetTeam(std::string iTeam)
for (auto& team: mTeams)
if (team.GetName() == iTeam)
return team;
} TeamC tmp(iTeam);
return mTeams[mTeams.size() - ];
} } // end of namespace HW

The test code

void TeamSelectTest(void)
HW::TeamSelectorC selector;
selector.AddMatch("A", "B", 2, 1);
selector.AddMatch("A", "C", 2, 1);
selector.AddMatch("A", "D", 2, 1);
selector.AddMatch("B", "C", 3, 1);
selector.AddMatch("B", "D", 2, 1);
selector.AddMatch("C", "D", 3, 1); std::vector<std::string> results = selector.Select();
for (auto result:results)
std::cout << result << std::endl;

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