
从sql server中导入/导出 excel 的基本方法
/*=========== 导入/导出 excel 的基本方法 ===========*/ 从excel文档中,导入数据到sql数据库中,很简单,直接用下面的语句: /*=============================================*/
insert into 表 select * from
,excel 5.0;hdr=yes;database=c:test.xls,sheet1$) --假如导入数据并生成表
select * into 表 from
,excel 5.0;hdr=yes;database=c:test.xls,sheet1$) /*===========================================*/
insert into openrowset(microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0
,excel 5.0;hdr=yes;database=c:test.xls,sheet1$)
select * from 表 --假如excel文档不存在,也能够用bcp来导成类excel的文档,注意大小写:
exec master..xp_cmdshell bcp 数据库名.dbo.表名 out "c:test.xls" /c -/s"服务器名" /u"用户名" -p"密码" --导出查询的情况
exec master..xp_cmdshell bcp "select au_fname, au_lname from pubs..authors order by au_lname" queryout "c:test.xls" /c -/s"服务器名" /u"用户名" -p"密码" /*--说明:
c:test.xls 为导入/导出的excel文档名.
sheet1$ 为excel文档的工作表名,一般要加上$才能正常使用.
--上面已说过,用bcp导出的是类excel文档,其实质为文本文档, --要导出真正的excel文档.就用下面的方法 /*--数据导出excel 导出表中的数据到excel,包含字段名,文档为真正的excel文档
--邹建 2003.10--*/ /*--调用示例 p_exporttb @tbname=地区资料,@path=c:,@fname=aa.xls
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n[dbo].[p_exporttb]) and objectproperty(id, nisprocedure) = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[p_exporttb]
go create proc p_exporttb
@tbname sysname, --要导出的表名
@path nvarchar(1000), --文档存放目录
@fname nvarchar(250)= --文档名,默认为表名
declare @err int,@src nvarchar(255),@desc nvarchar(255),@out int
declare @obj int,@constr nvarchar(1000),@sql varchar(8000),@fdlist varchar(8000) --参数检测
if isnull(@fname,)= set @fname=@tbname+.xls --检查文档是否已存在
if right(@path,1)<> set @path=@path+
create table #tb(a bit,b bit,c bit)
set @sql=@path+@fname
insert into #tb exec master..xp_fileexist @sql --数据库创建语句
set @sql=@path+@fname
if exists(select 1 from #tb where a=1)
set @constr=driver={microsoft excel driver (*.xls)};dsn=;readonly=false
+;create_db=" +;database=+@sql+" --连接数据库
exec @err=sp_oacreate adodb.connection,@obj out
if @err<>0 goto lberr exec @err=sp_oamethod @obj,open,null,@constr
if @err<>0 goto lberr /*--假如覆盖已存在的表,就加上下面的语句
select @sql=drop table [+@tbname+]
exec @err=sp_oamethod @obj,execute,@out out,@sql
--*/ --创建表的sql
select @sql=,@fdlist=
select @fdlist=@fdlist+,[+a.name+]
+case when b.name in(char,nchar,varchar,nvarchar) then
text(+cast(case when a.length>255 then 255 else a.length end as varchar)+)
when b.name in(tynyint,int,bigint,tinyint) then int
when b.name in(smalldatetime,datetime) then datetime
when b.name in(money,smallmoney) then money
else b.name end
from syscolumns a left join systypes b on a.xtype=b.xusertype
where b.name not in(image,text,uniqueidentifier,sql_variant,ntext,varbinary,binary,timestamp)
and object_id(@tbname)=id
select @sql=create table [+@tbname
exec @err=sp_oamethod @obj,execute,@out out,@sql
if @err<>0 goto lberr exec @err=sp_oadestroy @obj --导入数据
set @sql=openrowset(microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0,excel 5.0;hdr=yes
;database=+@path+@fname+,[+@tbname+$]) exec(insert into +@sql+(+@fdlist+) select +@fdlist+ from +@tbname) return lberr:
exec sp_oageterrorinfo 0,@src out,@desc out
select cast(@err as varbinary(4)) as 错误号
,@src as 错误源,@desc as 错误描述
select @sql,@constr,@fdlist
--上面是导表的,下面是导查询语句的. /*--数据导出excel 导出查询中的数据到excel,包含字段名,文档为真正的excel文档
--邹建 2003.10--*/ /*--调用示例 p_exporttb @sqlstr=select * from 地区资料
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n[dbo].[p_exporttb]) and objectproperty(id, nisprocedure) = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[p_exporttb]
go create proc p_exporttb
@sqlstr varchar(8000), --查询语句,假如查询语句中使用了order by ,请加上top 100 percent
@path nvarchar(1000), --文档存放目录
@fname nvarchar(250), --文档名
@sheetname varchar(250)= --要创建的工作表名,默认为文档名
declare @err int,@src nvarchar(255),@desc nvarchar(255),@out int
declare @obj int,@constr nvarchar(1000),@sql varchar(8000),@fdlist varchar(8000) --参数检测
if isnull(@fname,)= set @fname=temp.xls
if isnull(@sheetname,)= set @sheetname=replace(@fname,.,#) --检查文档是否已存在
if right(@path,1)<> set @path=@path+
create table #tb(a bit,b bit,c bit)
set @sql=@path+@fname
insert into #tb exec master..xp_fileexist @sql --数据库创建语句
set @sql=@path+@fname
if exists(select 1 from #tb where a=1)
set @constr=driver={microsoft excel driver (*.xls)};dsn=;readonly=false
+;create_db=" +;database=+@sql+" --连接数据库
exec @err=sp_oacreate adodb.connection,@obj out
if @err<>0 goto lberr exec @err=sp_oamethod @obj,open,null,@constr
if @err<>0 goto lberr --创建表的sql
declare @tbname sysname
set @tbname=##tmp_+convert(varchar(38),newid())
set @sql=select * into [+@tbname+] from(+@sqlstr+) a
exec(@sql) select @sql=,@fdlist=
select @fdlist=@fdlist+,[+a.name+]
+case when b.name in(char,nchar,varchar,nvarchar) then
text(+cast(case when a.length>255 then 255 else a.length end as varchar)+)
when b.name in(tynyint,int,bigint,tinyint) then int
when b.name in(smalldatetime,datetime) then datetime
when b.name in(money,smallmoney) then money
else b.name end
from tempdb..syscolumns a left join tempdb..systypes b on a.xtype=b.xusertype
where b.name not in(image,text,uniqueidentifier,sql_variant,ntext,varbinary,binary,timestamp)
and a.id=(select id from tempdb..sysobjects where name=@tbname)
select @sql=create table [+@sheetname
,@fdlist=substring(@fdlist,2,8000) exec @err=sp_oamethod @obj,execute,@out out,@sql
if @err<>0 goto lberr exec @err=sp_oadestroy @obj --导入数据
set @sql=openrowset(microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0,excel 5.0;hdr=yes
;database=+@path+@fname+,[+@sheetname+$]) exec(insert into +@sql+(+@fdlist+) select +@fdlist+ from [+@tbname+]) set @sql=drop table [+@tbname+]
return lberr:
exec sp_oageterrorinfo 0,@src out,@desc out
select cast(@err as varbinary(4)) as 错误号
,@src as 错误源,@desc as 错误描述
select @sql,@constr,@fdlist