IntelliJ IDEA中的“更新资源”选项

时间:2022-09-05 09:38:21

I am using tomcat 7 for developing a java web application. Running tomcat in the debug mode, I do not have options to "Update resources" and "Update classes and resources" on the "Update" menu. There are only "Hot Swap classes", "Redeploy" and "Restart Server". Please, could you help find them? Thanks a lot in advance! It would save me a lot of time..

我正在使用tomcat 7开发一个java web应用程序。在调试模式下运行tomcat,我没有“更新”菜单上的“更新资源”和“更新类和资源”选项。只有“热交换类”、“重新部署”和“重新启动服务器”。拜托,你能帮我找到他们吗?非常感谢!这会节省我很多时间。

1 个解决方案



All you have to do is deploy the exploded artifacts instead of the .ear/.war. Go back into the Run/Debug Configurations in the deployment tab and change the artifact that your deploying and pick the one that ends with :exploded




All you have to do is deploy the exploded artifacts instead of the .ear/.war. Go back into the Run/Debug Configurations in the deployment tab and change the artifact that your deploying and pick the one that ends with :exploded
