[Regular Expressions] Find a String that Precedes Another String ?= , ?!

时间:2021-11-24 09:33:39

Let's image tow cases for the following string:

var str = `foo

First of all: we know how to capture foobar or fooboo:

var regex = /foo(bar|boo)/g

1: We want to capture any 'foo' which followed by 'bar' or 'boo', but we do NOT want 'bar' or 'boo' appear in our result:

So we can use:



var regex = /foo(?=bar|boo)/g

[Regular Expressions] Find a String that Precedes Another String ?=  ,  ?!

2. We want to capture any 'foo' without 'bar' or 'boo' followed:

so we can use:



var regex = /foo(?!bar|boo)/g

[Regular Expressions] Find a String that Precedes Another String ?=  ,  ?!

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