
还记得微软神器samples-for-ai吗?它可不仅仅可以用来安装框架,它其实是个开源的AI样例库,以Visual Stdio工程形式包装,会为微软用户学习开发AI应用带来不小的帮助。现在,Someday及其小伙伴们的代码已经被sameples-for-ai采用!我们是github上首个用Keras框架实现Progressive Growing of GANs模型的项目。该模型出自NVIDIA的研究,原论文将在ICLR 2018上发表,是目前世界上最先进的对抗生成网络模型之一。
Keras-progressive_growing_of_gans项目的代码的主要贡献者为:naykun、Somedaywilldo、Leext、参与者还有WJQ、WJJ。(Somedaywilldo当然是Someday的github ID了)
其中我们的贡献位于examples/keras/Progressive growing of GANs:
Keras implementation of Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation.
Developed by BUAA Microsoft Student Club.
Leader developers: Kun Yan, Yihang Yin, Xutong Li
Developers: Jiaqi Wang, Junjie Wu
keras 2.1.2 (TensorFlow backend)
How to run
1. Clone the repository
2. Prepare the dataset
First download CelebA Dataset.
Run h5tool.py to create HDF5 format datatset. Default settings of h5tool.py will crop the picture to 128*128, and create a channel-last h5 file.
$ python3 h5tool.py create_celeba_channel_last <h5 file name> <CelebA directory>
Modify config.py to your own settings.
# In config.py:
data_dir = 'datasets'
result_dir = 'results'
dataset = dict(h5_path=<h5 file name>, resolution=128, max_labels=0, mirror_augment=True)
# Note: "data_dir" should be set to the direcory of your h5 file.
We only support CelebA dataset for now, you may need to modify the code in dataset.py and h5tools.py if you want to switch to another dataset.
3. Begin training!
$ python3 train.py
In train.py:
# In train.py:
speed_factor = 20
# set it to 1 if you don't need it.
"speed_factor" parameter will speed up the transition procedure of progressive growing of gans(switch resolution), at the price of reducing images' vividness, this parameter is aimed for speed up the validation progress in our development, however it is useful to see the progressive growing procedure more quickly, set it to "1" if you don't need it.
So far, if your settings have no problem, you should see running information like our running_log_example
4. Save and resume training weights
Parameters in train.py will determine the frequency of saving the training result snapshot. And if you want to resume a previous result, just modify train.py:
# In train.py:
image_grid_type = 'default',
# modify this line bellow
# resume_network = None,
# to:
resume_network = <weights snapshot directory>,
resume_kimg = <previous trained images in thousands>,
5. Using main.py (optional)
We provide main.py for remote training for Visual Stdio or Visual Stdio Code users. So you can directely start the training process using command line, which will be convenient in remote job submission.
$ python3 main.py --data_dir = <dataset h5 file directory> \
--resume_dir = <weights snapshot directory> \
--resume_kimg = <previous trained images in thousands>
Contact us
Any bug report or advice, please contact us:
Kun Yan (naykun) : yankun1138283845@foxmail.com
Yihang Yin (Somedaywilldo) : somedaywilldo@foxmail.com
Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation, Tero Karras (NVIDIA), Timo Aila (NVIDIA), Samuli Laine (NVIDIA), Jaakko Lehtinen (NVIDIA and Aalto University) Paper (NVIDIA research)
tkarras/progressive_growing_of_gans (https://github.com/tkarras/progressive_growing_of_gans
github-pengge/PyTorch-progressive_growing_of_gans (https://github.com/github-pengge/PyTorch-progressive_growing_of_gans)
Our code is under MIT license. See LICENSE
在接下来的两周中,Someday会和naykun大佬一起,用推送记录下贡献项目的这段血泪史。这两周的推送会带给你GANs(对抗生成网络)的原理(Someday翻译了GANs的开山论文),Progressive growing of GANs 的原理,以及我们从根本看不懂模型代码,到经过几次战略调整之后,逐步成功复现模型的全过程,应该会为大家带来不少的收获,希望对深度学习、对抗生成网络有兴趣的朋友们多多支持,多多转发!