
时间:2022-04-11 09:23:56

In my build (I'm using Linux) I need to call a Python script and set some env variables. I need these variables to be set even after I exit the script. I am able to set it using os.environ within the script but whenever I exit the script and try to see if the env variable is set from the terminal (echo $myenv) - I get nothing.

在我的构建中(我正在使用Linux),我需要调用Python脚本并设置一些env变量。我需要在退出脚本之后设置这些变量。我可以使用os设置它。但每当我退出脚本并尝试查看env变量是否从终端(echo $myenv)设置时,我什么都得不到。

I am new to Python and did quite a bit googling to figure this out. However, I am not quite sure if it's possible. I tried using the subprocess:


subprocess.call('setenv myenv 4s3', shell=True)

Also tried using os.system:


os.system("setenv myenv 4s3")

So far, I didn't succeed.


2 个解决方案



You cannot set environment variables from a child process and have them be visible in the parent process. Every process gets its own copy of the environment, and changes do not propagate upwards.


What you could do is have the Python script print the settings it wants to change and have the outside shell execute the appropriate commands.




Maybe if you find some equivalent function like c vfork for Python.

如果你找到了类似于Python的c vfork这样的函数。

When you vfork, both processes share memory space so, you might overwrite environment variables in parent process from child process.


Warning: vfork has many security issues, and therefore not recommended. Just use it if you are desperate.




You cannot set environment variables from a child process and have them be visible in the parent process. Every process gets its own copy of the environment, and changes do not propagate upwards.


What you could do is have the Python script print the settings it wants to change and have the outside shell execute the appropriate commands.




Maybe if you find some equivalent function like c vfork for Python.

如果你找到了类似于Python的c vfork这样的函数。

When you vfork, both processes share memory space so, you might overwrite environment variables in parent process from child process.


Warning: vfork has many security issues, and therefore not recommended. Just use it if you are desperate.
