AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程

时间:2021-01-31 09:18:05

AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程
1.  HwcHal继承于IBase类,是对hw_module_t的封装,该对象位于Hal进程空间;
2.  通过hwservicemanager的binder代理将HwcHal对象注册到hwservicemanager进程空间;
3. 在IPC调用过程中,HwcHal对象的身份一直在变化,到达hwservicemanager进程后,变成BpHwBase对象,该对象封装了BpHwBinder,并保存在hwservicemanager进程中。


AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程
1. 普通数据类型;
2. fd句柄类型;
3. IBinder类型;
4. 经过序列化的自定义类型;

    if (service == nullptr) { 
        _hidl_err = _hidl_data.writeStrongBinder(nullptr); 
    } else { 
        ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> _hidl_binder = ::android::hardware::toBinder< 
        if (_hidl_binder.get() != nullptr) { 
            _hidl_err = _hidl_data.writeStrongBinder(_hidl_binder); 
        } else { 
            _hidl_err = ::android::UNKNOWN_ERROR; 

template <typename IType, typename ProxyType>  
sp<IBinder> toBinder(sp<IType> iface) {  
    IType *ifacePtr = iface.get();  
    if (ifacePtr == nullptr) {  
        return nullptr;  
    if (ifacePtr->isRemote()) {  
        return ::android::hardware::IInterface::asBinder(static_cast<ProxyType *>(ifacePtr));  
    } else {  
        std::string myDescriptor = details::getDescriptor(ifacePtr);  
        if (myDescriptor.empty()) {  
            // interfaceDescriptor fails 
            return nullptr;  
        auto func = details::gBnConstructorMap.get(myDescriptor, nullptr);  
        if (!func) {  
            return nullptr;  
        return sp<IBinder>(func(static_cast<void *>(ifacePtr)));  


struct BpHwComposer : public ::android::hardware::BpInterface<IComposer>, public ::android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor {  
    explicit BpHwComposer(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> &_hidl_impl);  

    typedef IComposer Pure;  

    virtual bool isRemote() const override { return true; } 

struct IComposer : public ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase {  
    virtual bool isRemote() const override { return false; }  



const char* IComposer::descriptor("");  

__attribute__((constructor))static void static_constructor() {  
            [](void *iIntf) -> ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> {  
                return new BnHwComposer(static_cast<IComposer *>(iIntf));  
            [](void *iIntf) -> ::android::sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> {  
                return new BsComposer(static_cast<IComposer *>(iIntf));  

__attribute__((destructor))static void static_destructor() {  


BnHwComposer::BnHwComposer(const ::android::sp<IComposer> &_hidl_impl)  
        : ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase(_hidl_impl, "", "IComposer") {   
            _hidl_mImpl = _hidl_impl;  
            auto prio = ::android::hardware::details::gServicePrioMap.get(_hidl_impl, {SCHED_NORMAL, 0});  
            mSchedPolicy = prio.sched_policy;  
            mSchedPriority = prio.prio;  


  1. 如果是BpHwComposer对象,则得到BpHwComposer的成员变量BpHwBinder对象;

  2. 如果是BpHwComposer对象,则创建BnHwComposer对象;
    AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程


status_t Parcel::writeStrongBinder(const sp<IBinder>& val)  
    return flatten_binder(ProcessState::self(), val, this);  

status_t flatten_binder(const sp<ProcessState>& /*proc*/,  
    const wp<IBinder>& binder, Parcel* out)  
    flat_binder_object obj;  

    obj.flags = 0x7f | FLAT_BINDER_FLAG_ACCEPTS_FDS;  
    if (binder != NULL) {  
        sp<IBinder> real = binder.promote();  
        if (real != NULL) {  
            IBinder *local = real->localBinder();  
            if (!local) {  
                BpHwBinder *proxy = real->remoteBinder();  
                if (proxy == NULL) {  
                    ALOGE("null proxy");  
                const int32_t handle = proxy ? proxy->handle() : 0;  
                obj.type = BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_HANDLE;  
                obj.binder = 0; /* Don't pass uninitialized stack data to a remote process */  
                obj.handle = handle;  
                obj.cookie = 0;  
            } else {  
                obj.type = BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_BINDER;  
                obj.binder = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(binder.get_refs());  
                obj.cookie = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(binder.unsafe_get());  
            return finish_flatten_binder(real, obj, out);  

        // XXX How to deal? In order to flatten the given binder, 
        // we need to probe it for information, which requires a primary 
        // reference... but we don't have one. 
        // The OpenBinder implementation uses a dynamic_cast<> here, 
        // but we can't do that with the different reference counting 
        // implementation we are using. 
        ALOGE("Unable to unflatten Binder weak reference!");  
        obj.type = BINDER_TYPE_BINDER;  
        obj.binder = 0;  
        obj.cookie = 0;  
        return finish_flatten_binder(NULL, obj, out);  

    } else {  
        obj.type = BINDER_TYPE_BINDER;  
        obj.binder = 0;  
        obj.cookie = 0;  
        return finish_flatten_binder(NULL, obj, out);  




sp<IBinder> Parcel::readStrongBinder() const  
    sp<IBinder> val;  
    // Note that a lot of code in Android reads binders by hand with this 
    // method, and that code has historically been ok with getting nullptr 
    // back (while ignoring error codes). 
    return val;  

status_t Parcel::readNullableStrongBinder(sp<IBinder>* val) const  
    return unflatten_binder(ProcessState::self(), *this, val);  

 status_t unflatten_binder(const sp<ProcessState>& proc,  
    const Parcel& in, sp<IBinder>* out)  
    const flat_binder_object* flat = in.readObject<flat_binder_object>();  

    if (flat) {  
        switch (flat->type) {  
            case BINDER_TYPE_BINDER:  
                *out = reinterpret_cast<IBinder*>(flat->cookie);  
                return finish_unflatten_binder(NULL, *flat, in);  
            case BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE:  
                *out = proc->getStrongProxyForHandle(flat->handle);  
                return finish_unflatten_binder(  
                    static_cast<BpHwBinder*>(out->get()), *flat, in);  
    return BAD_TYPE;  


sp<IBinder> ProcessState::getStrongProxyForHandle(int32_t handle)  
    sp<IBinder> result;  
    AutoMutex _l(mLock);  
    handle_entry* e = lookupHandleLocked(handle);  
    if (e != NULL) {  
        // We need to create a new BpHwBinder if there isn't currently one, OR we 
        // are unable to acquire a weak reference on this current one. See comment 
        // in getWeakProxyForHandle() for more info about this. 
        IBinder* b = e->binder;  
        if (b == NULL || !e->refs->attemptIncWeak(this)) {  
            b = new BpHwBinder(handle);  
            e->binder = b;  
            if (b) e->refs = b->getWeakRefs();  
            result = b;  
        } else {  
            // This little bit of nastyness is to allow us to add a primary 
            // reference to the remote proxy when this team doesn't have one 
            // but another team is sending the handle to us. 
    return result;  


service = ::android::hardware::fromBinder

template <typename IType, typename ProxyType, typename StubType>  
sp<IType> fromBinder(const sp<IBinder>& binderIface) {  
    using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase;  
    using ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase;  

    if (binderIface.get() == nullptr) {  
        return nullptr;  
    if (binderIface->localBinder() == nullptr) {  
        return new ProxyType(binderIface);  
    sp<IBase> base = static_cast<BnHwBase*>(binderIface.get())->getImpl();  
    if (details::canCastInterface(base.get(), IType::descriptor)) {  
        StubType* stub = static_cast<StubType*>(binderIface.get());  
        return stub->getImpl();  
    } else {  
        return nullptr;  


  1. 如果是binder代理,则基于binder代理创建业务代理对象;

  2. 如果是binder实体,则得到业务实现类对象;
    AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程

BpHwBase::BpHwBase(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder> &_hidl_impl)  
        : BpInterface<IBase>(_hidl_impl),  
          ::android::hardware::details::HidlInstrumentor("android.hidl.base@1.0", "IBase") {  

AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程
AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程


在AndroidO以前,Hal采用Legacy模式,Framework Server进程直接dlopen hal库,如下图所示:
AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程
但在AndroidO以后,所有的Hal独立运行在自己的进程空间,Framework Server进程通过binder访问Hal,为了兼容之前版本的hal实现,在hal库之上定义了一个hal实现类,用于封装hal接口,编译为,hal进程在启动时通过dlopen该so库库得到Hal接口类对象,而XXX@impl.so中又会dlopen真正的hal实现库。
AndroidO Treble架构下Binder对象的转换过程
上图说明对于Hal进程来说,默认使用PassthroughServiceManager来加载XXX@impl.so库,并得到Hidl服务接口类对象,而对于要访问Hal的Client进程,比如Framework server进程,需要根据当前访问的hidl服务的Transport类型来决定获取方式,如果当前访问的hidl服务是hwbinder,那么就从hwservicemanager中查询,如果当前方位的hidl服务是PASSTHROUGH,那么久会采用PassthroughServiceManager将XXX@impl.so库加载到当前进程地址空间。