__author__ = '*'# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from lib.httpparse import httpparse def verify(protocol,ip,port): url = protocol+'://'+ip+':'+str(port) print('testing if iis shortname vul') http = httpparse() try: path = '/*~1****/a.aspx' tm = http.httpreq('GET', protocol, ip, port, path) print(tm[0]) if tm and (tm != None) and tm[0] == 404: try: path = '/spurs*~1****/a.aspx' tmn = http.httpreq('GET', protocol, ip, port, path) print(tmn[0]) if tmn and (tmn != None) and tmn[0] == 400: msg = 'There is iis shortname vul on url: ' +url+ ' .' number = 'v15' print(msg) return True,url,number,msg else: msg = 'There is no iis shortname vul on ' +url+ ' .' number = 'v0' return False,url,number,msg except Exception as e: msg = str(e) number = 'v0' return False,url,number,msg else: msg = 'There is no iis shortname vul on ' +url+ ' .' number = 'v0' return False,url,number,msg except Exception as e: msg = str(e) number = 'v0' return False,url,number,msg