
时间:2021-10-19 09:13:39

I'm using rails + react via rails-react https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails

我正在使用rails +反应通过rails-react https://github.com/reactjs/react-rails

Please see my models below:


class Interest < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :tweets
  has_many :scores

class Tweet <  ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :interest
  has_many :scores

class Score <  ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :interest
  belongs_to :tweet

These are all working as expected and confirmed in the rails console. Here is where things stop working.


<%= react_component('MainComponent', { :tweets => Tweets.all }) %>

When the ruby -> javascript conversion happens here none of the tweets in tweets contain the scores relationship so I can't access them.

当ruby - > javascript转换发生时,推文中的推文都没有包含得分关系,所以我无法访问它们。

tweet.scores === undefined

1 个解决方案


I expect this is being caused by the Tweet model being converted to json without the scores association. You can try adding it manually with jbuilder or the to_json method.
In your controller (using to_json):


@tweetProps = JSON.parse Tweet.all.to_json(include: :scores)

and then in the view:


<%= react_component('MainComponent', { :tweets => @tweetProps }) %>

I know its kind ugly to use JSON.parse on #to_json but see if this works. If it does, you'll probably be able to refactor with a find_by_sql subquery or maybe even just using Tweet.includes(:scores) instead of Tweet.all.



I expect this is being caused by the Tweet model being converted to json without the scores association. You can try adding it manually with jbuilder or the to_json method.
In your controller (using to_json):


@tweetProps = JSON.parse Tweet.all.to_json(include: :scores)

and then in the view:


<%= react_component('MainComponent', { :tweets => @tweetProps }) %>

I know its kind ugly to use JSON.parse on #to_json but see if this works. If it does, you'll probably be able to refactor with a find_by_sql subquery or maybe even just using Tweet.includes(:scores) instead of Tweet.all.
