GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门01

时间:2021-04-17 09:15:32


Eclipse Quictstart

Welcome Eclipse Developers

Welcome to Geospatial for Java.This workbook is aimed at Java developers who are new to geospatial and would like to get started.

We are going to start out carefully with the steps needed to set up your Eclipse IDE. 

This workbook is also available for NetBeans or Maven command line use. 

If you are comfortable with the build tool Maven, it is our preferred option for downloading and managing jars but we will also document how to set up things by hand.

These are visual tutorials that allows you to see what you are working with while you learn. 

These examples make use of  Swing; 

be assured that this is only to make the examples easy and fun to use. 

These sessions are applicable to both server side and client side development.

Eclipse 快速入门


我们将从设置您的Eclipse IDE环境开始仔细地着手。
这本工作手册同样适用于 NetBeans 和 Maven 中的命令行来使用。
如果您习惯于使用项目管理工具Marven, 我们则更建议您使用Marven来下载和管理jar包。当然了,我们同样会介绍如何手动进行这些设置。

Java Install

We are going to be making use of Java, so if you don't have a Java Development Kit installed now is the time to do so.Even if you have Java installed already check out the 
optional Java Advanced Imaging and Java Image IO section.

1.Download the latest Java Development Kit (JDK) from the Oracle website:

2.At the time of writing the latest was JDK 8. Choose a download for your platform, for example:    jdk-8u66-windows-i586.exe  
           For Windows 32bit platforms.
3.Click through the installer. You will need to accept a license agreement, choose a directory and so forth. By default this will install to: 
       C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0\
4.Optional: Java Advanced Imaging is used by GeoTools for raster support. If you install JAI 1.1.3 performance will be imporved:
Both a JDK and JRE installer are available:
  •        jai-1_1_3-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe
  •        jai-1_1_3-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe
5.Optional: ImaeIO is used to read and write raster files. GeoTools uses version 1-1 of ImageIO library:
Both a JDK and JRE installer are available:
  •       jai_imageio-1_1-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe
  •       jai_imageio-1_1-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe
For more details of how to install these packages see this page

Java 安装

我们即将使用Java,如果您的机器上还没有安装Java 开发工具包 JDK的话,现在就先安装一下。即使已经安装了JDK,不妨查看一下可选项JAI和java image IO图形接口部分的内容。

2、截止到本文编辑的时刻,JDK最新发行版本是JDK 8,针对您的平台,选择一个合适的版本来下载,比如:针对32位的Windows操作系统,请选择如下版本的JDK:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0\
  4、可选:GeoTools提供了Java Advanced Imaging(JAI)用于栅格支持。如果您安装了JAI 1.1.3,GeoTools的性能会有所改善,可到下面的链接进行下载:
JDK 和 JRE 的安装程序可分别使用下面对应版本的JAI:
  •        jai-1_1_3-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe
  •        jai-1_1_3-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe
5、可选:ImageIO 用于读写光栅文件。GeoTools使用的ImageIO库的版本是1_1:可到下面的链接下载java Image IO:
                JDK 和 JRE的安装程序可分别使用下面版本的JAI_ImageIO:
  •       jai_imageio-1_1-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe
  •       jai_imageio-1_1-lib-windows-i586-jre.exe



Eclipse is a popular integrated development environment most often used  for  all kinds of Java development. For this tutorial we are doing straight up Java programming using the smallest download available - if you already have an Eclipse download please go ahead and use it and switch to the "Java Perspective".
1.Visit the Eclipse download page( ) and download"Eclipse IDE for Java developers".
   At the time of writing the latest  release was Eclipse Neon:
2.Eclipse now provides an installer; however this tutorial targets the binary packages that you simply extract and run,
3.To start out with create the folder C:\java to keep all our java development in one spot.
4.Unzip the downloaded file to your C:\java directory - the folder C:\java\eclipse will be created.
5.Navigate to C:\java\eclipse and right-click on the eclipse.exe file and select Send To -> Desktop(create shortcut).
6.Open up the eclipse.ini file.
  • Use our JDK directly by providing a -vm argument
  • Optional: If you have lots of memory for development consider -Xmx756m
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin
7.Double click on your desktop shortcut to start up eclipse.
8.When you start up eclipse for the first time it will prompt you for a workspace. To keep our java work in one spot you can type in:C:\java\workspace
9.On the Welcome view press Workbench along the right hand side and we can get started


Eclipse 是一个很受欢迎的经常被用来进行各种Java开发的集成开发环境。在本教程中,我们使用最小的版本来进行最简单直接的Java开发——如果您已经下载好了一款Eclipse,请直接使用它并切换到Java透视图(Java Perspective)
1、访问Eclipse的下载页(并下载针对Java开发者的Eclipse 集成开发环境“Eclipse IDE for java developers”.
截止到本网页编辑的时刻,Eclipse 的最新发型版本是 Eclipse Neon:
2、目前,Eclipse 提供了一个安装程序;但本教程仅针对能够让您进行提取和运行的二进制包来介绍。
3、我们先创建目录 C:\java 以便于把所有的和 java 开发相关的东西放到一起。
4、解压下载的安装包  eclipse-java-mars-R-win32.zip并放到 C:\java 目录 下,将会创建 C:\java\eclipse 文件夹。
5、导航到目录 C:\java\eclipse下并右击 eclipse.exe 文件并选择 发送到 -> 桌面快捷方式。
6、打开 Eclipse的配置文件 eclipse.ini
  • 通过提供一个-vm参数直接使用我们的JDK
  • 可选:如果您有大量内存用于开发,请考虑 -Xmx756m
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin
7、双击您桌面上的快捷方式来启动 Eclipse
8、当您第一次启动Eclipse时,它会提示您输入工作空间。为了让我们的java工作在一个地方,可以输入: C:\java\workspace


Maven is a build system for Java which is very good at managing dependencies.The GeoTools library is plugin based and you get to pick and choose what features you need for your application. While this is useful when determining just what is needed for delivery - it can be a pain to manage by hand so we encourage the use of a tool such as maven.
In previous years we used the command line(gasp!) when working with maven. This year we are going to be using the M2E plugin from Sonyatype.
The M2E plugin is included by default since Eclipse 3.7.


Maven 是 Java 的构建系统,他非常适合管理依赖关系。GeoTools 库是基于插件的,您可以选取自己的应用程序所需的功能。虽然这在确定需要交付什么的时候很有用——但是手工管理可能会很痛苦,所以我们鼓励使用诸如 Maven 的工具。
几年前,我们使用Maven的时候还在用命令行(gasp!)。今年我们将使用Sonyatype 的 M2E插件。
Eclipse 3.7 版本开始默认包含 M2E 插件。


For this Quickstart we are going to produce a simple maven project, hook it up to GeoTools, and then display a shapefile.
This tutorial is really focused on your development environment and making sure you have GeoTools ready to go. We will cover what a shapefile is and how the map is displayed shortly.


在这个快速开始种,我们将生成一个简单的 Maven 项目,将其连接到 Geotools, 然后显示一个shapefile 。
本教程将真正专注于您的开发环境,请确保您已经准备好了Geotools. 我们将介绍什么是shapefile 以及如何快速显示地图。

Creating a Simple Maven project

Maven works by asking you to describe your project, the name, the version number, where the source code is, how you want it packaged, and what libraries it makes use of. Based on the description it can figure out most things: how to compile your code, creating javadocs, or even downloading the library jars for you.

To use M2E plugin to create a new maven project:
1. File > New > Other from the menu bar
2. Select the wizard Maven > Maven Project and press Next to open theNew Maven Project wizard
3.The new Maven project page defaults are fine,press Next
GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门01
4.The default of maven-archtype-quickstart is fine, pressNext
GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门01
5.The archtype acts a template using the parameters we supply to create the project.
  • Group Id: org.geotools
  • Artifact Id: tutorial
  • Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (default)
  • Package: org.geotools.tutorial
GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门01
6. Press Finish to create the new project.
7. You can see that an application has been created; complete and a JUnint test case
8.Open up src/main/java and select org.geotools.tutorial.App and press theRun butrton in the toolbar:
Hello World!
9.You may also open up src/main/test and run org.geotools.tutorial.ApppTestas aJUnit Test


1、文件 》新建 》其他(菜单栏中)
2、选择向导 Maven 》Maven 项目 》然后点击 下一步 打开 新建 Maven 项目 向导
3、新建 Maven 项目页面选择默认设置就好,点击 下一步 
GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门01
4、选择默认的 maven-archtype-quickstart 就好,点击 下一步
GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门01
    • Group Id: org.geotools
    • Artifact Id: tutorial
    • Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (default)
    • Package: org.geotools.tutorial
GeoTools Eclipse 快速入门01
6、点击 完成 按钮来完成新项目的创建
7、您可以看到已经创建好了一个应用程序,同时完成了一个 和一个 JUnit 测试用例
8、打开 src / main / java 并选择 org.geotools.tutorial.App ,然后点击工具栏中的 运行 按钮
Hello World!
9、您也可以打开src / main / test 并运行 org.geotools.tutorial.AppTest 作为 JUnit 测试。