product_name card_no
100元充值卡 19906000001
100元充值卡 19906000002
100元充值卡 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007
100元充值卡 19906000008
100元充值卡 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002
50元充值卡 19908000003
50元充值卡 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011
50元充值卡 19908000012
50元充值卡 19908000013
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50 元充值卡 19908000002 19906000004
50 元充值卡 19908000011 19906000013
14 个解决方案
select product_name
,min(card_no) as from_card_no
,max(card_no) as to_card_no
from t
group by product_name
,min(card_no) as from_card_no
,max(card_no) as to_card_no
from t
group by product_name
create table #t(p varchar(20),c varchar(11))
insert #t select '100元充值卡', '19906000001'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000002'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000003'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000007'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000008'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000009'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000002'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000003'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000004'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000011'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000012'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000013'
select a.p,a.c,id=identity(int,1,1) into #t0
from #t a left join #t b on a.p=b.p and a.c=cast(cast(b.c as bigint)+1 as varchar(11))
where b.p is null
order by a.p,a.c
select a.p,a.c,id=identity(int,1,1) into #t1
from #t a left join #t b on a.p=b.p and a.c=cast(cast(b.c as bigint)-1 as varchar(11))
where b.p is null
order by a.p,a.c
select a.p,a.c as cFrom,b.c as cTo from #t0 a join #t1 b on
drop table #t,#t0,#t1
insert #t select '100元充值卡', '19906000001'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000002'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000003'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000007'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000008'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000009'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000002'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000003'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000004'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000011'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000012'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000013'
select a.p,a.c,id=identity(int,1,1) into #t0
from #t a left join #t b on a.p=b.p and a.c=cast(cast(b.c as bigint)+1 as varchar(11))
where b.p is null
order by a.p,a.c
select a.p,a.c,id=identity(int,1,1) into #t1
from #t a left join #t b on a.p=b.p and a.c=cast(cast(b.c as bigint)-1 as varchar(11))
where b.p is null
order by a.p,a.c
select a.p,a.c as cFrom,b.c as cTo from #t0 a join #t1 b on
drop table #t,#t0,#t1
上面不对 没看清结果要求
select product_name,from_card_no=card_no
select min(card_no) from v_card_no aa
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no>a.card_no
and not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=aa.product_name
and card_no=aa.card_no+1))
from v_card_no a
where not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no=a.card_no-1)
select product_name,from_card_no=card_no
select min(card_no) from v_card_no aa
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no>a.card_no
and not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=aa.product_name
and card_no=aa.card_no+1))
from v_card_no a
where not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no=a.card_no-1)
create table v_card_no(product_name varchar(20),card_no decimal(18,0))
insert v_card_no select '100元充值卡',19906000001
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000002
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000003
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000007
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000008
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000009
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000002
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000003
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000004
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000011
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000012
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000013
select product_name,from_card_no=card_no
select min(card_no) from v_card_no aa
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no>a.card_no
and not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=aa.product_name
and card_no=aa.card_no+1))
from v_card_no a
where not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no=a.card_no-1)
drop table v_card_no
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011 19908000013
(所影响的行数为 4 行)
create table v_card_no(product_name varchar(20),card_no decimal(18,0))
insert v_card_no select '100元充值卡',19906000001
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000002
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000003
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000007
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000008
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000009
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000002
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000003
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000004
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000011
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000012
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000013
select product_name,from_card_no=card_no
select min(card_no) from v_card_no aa
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no>a.card_no
and not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=aa.product_name
and card_no=aa.card_no+1))
from v_card_no a
where not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no=a.card_no-1)
drop table v_card_no
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011 19908000013
(所影响的行数为 4 行)
create table v_card_no(product_name varchar(20),card_no decimal(18,0))
insert v_card_no select '100元充值卡',19906000001
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000002
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000003
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000007
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000008
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000009
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000002
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000003
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000004
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000011
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000012
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000013
select v_card_no.*,identity(decimal,1,1) as row_id ,inc = '00000000000'
into #temp
from v_card_no
update #temp set inc = convert(varchar(11),card_no) - row_id
select product_name,
min(card_no) as from_card_no,
max(card_no) as to_card_no
from #temp
group by product_name,inc
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011 19908000013
create table v_card_no(product_name varchar(20),card_no decimal(18,0))
insert v_card_no select '100元充值卡',19906000001
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000002
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000003
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000007
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000008
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000009
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000002
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000003
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000004
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000011
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000012
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000013
select v_card_no.*,identity(decimal,1,1) as row_id ,inc = '00000000000'
into #temp
from v_card_no
update #temp set inc = convert(varchar(11),card_no) - row_id
select product_name,
min(card_no) as from_card_no,
max(card_no) as to_card_no
from #temp
group by product_name,inc
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011 19908000013
刚开始的思维方式太死了,只想到把数据一条一条取出来处理, chj733(八神苍月) 的这种方法很好,时间主要是花在向临时表插数据上,下次查询只要直接查询临时表就行了;zjcxc(邹建) 的方法技巧性太强了,看了都头晕
select product_name
,min(card_no) as from_card_no
,max(card_no) as to_card_no
from t
group by product_name
,min(card_no) as from_card_no
,max(card_no) as to_card_no
from t
group by product_name
create table #t(p varchar(20),c varchar(11))
insert #t select '100元充值卡', '19906000001'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000002'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000003'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000007'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000008'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000009'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000002'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000003'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000004'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000011'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000012'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000013'
select a.p,a.c,id=identity(int,1,1) into #t0
from #t a left join #t b on a.p=b.p and a.c=cast(cast(b.c as bigint)+1 as varchar(11))
where b.p is null
order by a.p,a.c
select a.p,a.c,id=identity(int,1,1) into #t1
from #t a left join #t b on a.p=b.p and a.c=cast(cast(b.c as bigint)-1 as varchar(11))
where b.p is null
order by a.p,a.c
select a.p,a.c as cFrom,b.c as cTo from #t0 a join #t1 b on
drop table #t,#t0,#t1
insert #t select '100元充值卡', '19906000001'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000002'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000003'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000007'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000008'
union select '100元充值卡', '19906000009'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000002'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000003'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000004'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000011'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000012'
union select '50元充值卡', '19908000013'
select a.p,a.c,id=identity(int,1,1) into #t0
from #t a left join #t b on a.p=b.p and a.c=cast(cast(b.c as bigint)+1 as varchar(11))
where b.p is null
order by a.p,a.c
select a.p,a.c,id=identity(int,1,1) into #t1
from #t a left join #t b on a.p=b.p and a.c=cast(cast(b.c as bigint)-1 as varchar(11))
where b.p is null
order by a.p,a.c
select a.p,a.c as cFrom,b.c as cTo from #t0 a join #t1 b on
drop table #t,#t0,#t1
上面不对 没看清结果要求
select product_name,from_card_no=card_no
select min(card_no) from v_card_no aa
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no>a.card_no
and not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=aa.product_name
and card_no=aa.card_no+1))
from v_card_no a
where not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no=a.card_no-1)
select product_name,from_card_no=card_no
select min(card_no) from v_card_no aa
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no>a.card_no
and not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=aa.product_name
and card_no=aa.card_no+1))
from v_card_no a
where not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no=a.card_no-1)
create table v_card_no(product_name varchar(20),card_no decimal(18,0))
insert v_card_no select '100元充值卡',19906000001
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000002
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000003
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000007
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000008
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000009
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000002
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000003
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000004
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000011
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000012
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000013
select product_name,from_card_no=card_no
select min(card_no) from v_card_no aa
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no>a.card_no
and not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=aa.product_name
and card_no=aa.card_no+1))
from v_card_no a
where not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no=a.card_no-1)
drop table v_card_no
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011 19908000013
(所影响的行数为 4 行)
create table v_card_no(product_name varchar(20),card_no decimal(18,0))
insert v_card_no select '100元充值卡',19906000001
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000002
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000003
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000007
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000008
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000009
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000002
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000003
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000004
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000011
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000012
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000013
select product_name,from_card_no=card_no
select min(card_no) from v_card_no aa
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no>a.card_no
and not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=aa.product_name
and card_no=aa.card_no+1))
from v_card_no a
where not exists(
select * from v_card_no
where product_name=a.product_name
and card_no=a.card_no-1)
drop table v_card_no
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011 19908000013
(所影响的行数为 4 行)
create table v_card_no(product_name varchar(20),card_no decimal(18,0))
insert v_card_no select '100元充值卡',19906000001
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000002
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000003
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000007
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000008
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000009
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000002
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000003
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000004
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000011
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000012
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000013
select v_card_no.*,identity(decimal,1,1) as row_id ,inc = '00000000000'
into #temp
from v_card_no
update #temp set inc = convert(varchar(11),card_no) - row_id
select product_name,
min(card_no) as from_card_no,
max(card_no) as to_card_no
from #temp
group by product_name,inc
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011 19908000013
create table v_card_no(product_name varchar(20),card_no decimal(18,0))
insert v_card_no select '100元充值卡',19906000001
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000002
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000003
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000007
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000008
union all select '100元充值卡',19906000009
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000002
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000003
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000004
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000011
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000012
union all select '50元充值卡' ,19908000013
select v_card_no.*,identity(decimal,1,1) as row_id ,inc = '00000000000'
into #temp
from v_card_no
update #temp set inc = convert(varchar(11),card_no) - row_id
select product_name,
min(card_no) as from_card_no,
max(card_no) as to_card_no
from #temp
group by product_name,inc
product_name from_card_no to_card_no
100元充值卡 19906000001 19906000003
100元充值卡 19906000007 19906000009
50元充值卡 19908000002 19908000004
50元充值卡 19908000011 19908000013
刚开始的思维方式太死了,只想到把数据一条一条取出来处理, chj733(八神苍月) 的这种方法很好,时间主要是花在向临时表插数据上,下次查询只要直接查询临时表就行了;zjcxc(邹建) 的方法技巧性太强了,看了都头晕