
时间:2022-06-11 18:54:48

For example, if you run the following code...


Type IListType = new List<string>().GetType()

...and you watch IListType variable, you'll find that the whole Type instance has all properties available like FullName and others.


But what happens when you run the code bellow?


Type IListType2 = typeof(List<>).GetInterface("IList`1")

Now IListType got from a generic type definition isn't the same as the first code sample: most Type properties will return null.


The main issue with this is that IListType == IListType2 doesn't equal while they're the same type.

这个问题的主要问题是IListType == IListType2不等于它们是相同的类型。

What's going on?


This is ugly...

Now see what happens if you call IListType2.GetGenericTypeDefinition()... It recovers the type information!


It would be great that a .NET Framework development team member could explain us why an already generic type definition which has strangely lost its metadata has IsGenericTypeDefinition property set to false while it's still a generic type definition, and finally, if you call GetGenericTypeDefinition() on it, you recover the type information.

.NET Framework开发团队成员可以解释为什么一个奇怪地丢失其元数据的已经泛型的类型定义为什么IsGenericTypeDefinition属性设置为false,而它仍然是泛型类型定义,最后,如果你调用GetGenericTypeDefinition()在它上面,你恢复了类型信息。

This is strange...

The following equality will be true:


Type IListType = new List<string>().GetType()

// Got interface is "like a generic type definition" since it has
// no type for T generic parameter, and once you call 
// GetGenericTypeDefinition() again, it recovers the lost metadata 
// and the resulting generic type definition equals the one got from
// List<string>!
Type IListType2 = typeof(List<>).GetInterface("IList`1").GetGenericTypeDefinition();

bool y = IListType == IListType2;

2 个解决方案



The following types are all different and not connected by an inheritance relationship:


  • IList<T>
  • 的IList
  • IList<int>
  • 的IList
  • IList<string>
  • 的IList <字符串>

All of these have different Type objects because you can do different things with them. The latter two are the specializations of the former. The first is the generic type definition (which you can obtain through GetGenericTypeDefinition).


There is another part to the explanation. When you say class List<T> : IList<T> then the IList<T> part is not equal to typeof(IList<>) because it is already specialized to T. This is no longer a generic type definition. It is a concrete type such as IList<int>. It is specialized to bind its only type argument to the T that List<T> was specialized to.

解释还有另一部分。当你说类List :IList 时,IList 部分不等于typeof(IList <>),因为它已经专门用于T.这不再是泛型类型定义。它是一种具体的类型,如IList 。它专门用于将其唯一的类型参数绑定到List 专用的T。

Experiment for LINQPad:


Type bound = new List<string>().GetType().GetInterface("IList`1");
bound.GenericTypeArguments.Single().Dump(); //string

Type bound = typeof(List<>).GetInterface("IList`1");
bound.GenericTypeArguments.Single().Dump(); //"T"
(bound.GenericTypeArguments.Single() == typeof(List<>).GetGenericArguments().Single()).Dump(); //true



The first version of IList<T> is the actual typed version of IList<T>, let's say IList<string>.

IList 的第一个版本是IList 的实际类型版本,比如说IList

The second one is the generic definition of IList<T> without a type for T.

第二个是IList 的通用定义,没有T的类型。

That makes the two interfaces different. There are not the same, since the first is a concrete version of the second.




The following types are all different and not connected by an inheritance relationship:


  • IList<T>
  • 的IList
  • IList<int>
  • 的IList
  • IList<string>
  • 的IList <字符串>

All of these have different Type objects because you can do different things with them. The latter two are the specializations of the former. The first is the generic type definition (which you can obtain through GetGenericTypeDefinition).


There is another part to the explanation. When you say class List<T> : IList<T> then the IList<T> part is not equal to typeof(IList<>) because it is already specialized to T. This is no longer a generic type definition. It is a concrete type such as IList<int>. It is specialized to bind its only type argument to the T that List<T> was specialized to.

解释还有另一部分。当你说类List :IList 时,IList 部分不等于typeof(IList <>),因为它已经专门用于T.这不再是泛型类型定义。它是一种具体的类型,如IList 。它专门用于将其唯一的类型参数绑定到List 专用的T。

Experiment for LINQPad:


Type bound = new List<string>().GetType().GetInterface("IList`1");
bound.GenericTypeArguments.Single().Dump(); //string

Type bound = typeof(List<>).GetInterface("IList`1");
bound.GenericTypeArguments.Single().Dump(); //"T"
(bound.GenericTypeArguments.Single() == typeof(List<>).GetGenericArguments().Single()).Dump(); //true



The first version of IList<T> is the actual typed version of IList<T>, let's say IList<string>.

IList 的第一个版本是IList 的实际类型版本,比如说IList

The second one is the generic definition of IList<T> without a type for T.

第二个是IList 的通用定义,没有T的类型。

That makes the two interfaces different. There are not the same, since the first is a concrete version of the second.
