Xcode 4.3.2 + iOS SDK 5.1异常断点不起作用

时间:2021-08-21 08:53:36

Having Followed these threads:
- Xcode always stopping at main.m after a crash - Xcode 4.2 showing the wrong line of code on error - Debugging app crashes with iOS Simulator & XCode 4 halts in main() function, not crash source

跟随这些线程: - Xcode在崩溃后总是在main.m停止 - Xcode 4.2显示错误的代码行 - 调试应用程序崩溃与iOS模拟器和XCode 4停止在main()函数,而不是崩溃源

I am still crashing at 'main' as opposed to the actual line of the crash.


  • Oddly Works on iOS 4.3 simulator!
  • 奇怪的是在iOS 4.3模拟器上工作!

  • Does not work on iOS 5.1 simulator, or the iOS 5.0 simulator
  • 不适用于iOS 5.1模拟器或iOS 5.0模拟器

  • I have the exception breakpoint setup and active. (Exception: All, Break: On Throw. Also have tried Break: On Catch)
  • 我有异常断点设置和活动。 (例外:All,Break:On Throw。也尝试过Break:On Catch)

  • Using Apple LLVM 3.1 compiler
  • 使用Apple LLVM 3.1编译器

  • Base SDK 5.1
  • 基础SDK 5.1

  • Deploy target set to 4.0
  • 将目标集部署为4.0

  • Configuration is set to debug
  • 配置设置为debug

  • Project is ARC enabled
  • 项目已启用ARC

  • XCode 4.3


2 个解决方案



Unfortunately lldb is somewhat unstable and appears to be the cause of the crashes in your case. Switching to gdb can cause these crashes to go away.




Try this:

Breakpoints -> Add -> Add symbolic breakpoint. A new window pops up.

断点 - >添加 - >添加符号断点。弹出一个新窗口。

Type "objc_exception_throw" in symbol field and click Done.




Unfortunately lldb is somewhat unstable and appears to be the cause of the crashes in your case. Switching to gdb can cause these crashes to go away.




Try this:

Breakpoints -> Add -> Add symbolic breakpoint. A new window pops up.

断点 - >添加 - >添加符号断点。弹出一个新窗口。

Type "objc_exception_throw" in symbol field and click Done.
