#include<iostream> #include<string> #include <conio.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; class User{ public: User(string name,string email="",string passwd="111111" ):name(name),email(email),passwd(passwd){}; void emailcin(); //输入邮箱 void changePasswd(); void printInfo(); int checkemail(); //检查邮箱是否含有@ private: string name; string passwd; string email; }; //user类的定义 int main() { cout << "testing 1......" << endl; User user1("Leonard","178392qq.com"); user1.printInfo(); do{ int defact; defact=user1.checkemail(); if(defact) { cout<<"please enter your email again:"; user1.emailcin(); } else break; }while(1); //判断是否含@ user1.printInfo(); user1.changePasswd(); cout<<endl; user1.printInfo(); cout<<endl; cout << endl << "testing 2......" << endl ; User user2("Jonny","92197","xyz@hotmail.com"); user2.printInfo(); return 0; } void User::changePasswd(){ string past; char ch; int i=1,k; cout<<"please enter the past passwd:"; while(i++<=3){ for(k=1;k<=6;k++){ ch=getch(); cout<<"*"; past=past+ch; } if(past==passwd) break; else cout<<endl<<"please enter the past passwd:"; } if(i<=3){ cout<<endl<<"now please enter the new passwd:"; char a[7]; passwd='\0'; for(int k=1;k<=6;k++){ a[k]=getch(); passwd=passwd+a[k]; cout<<"*"; } } else cout<<"please do it later"<<endl; } void User::printInfo(){ cout<<"user name:"<<name<<endl; cout<<"passwd:"<<"******"<<endl; cout<<"email:"<<email<<endl; } int User::checkemail(){ string c="@"; string::size_type chec; chec=email.find(c); if(chec==string::npos) return 1; return 0; } void User::emailcin(){ cin>>email; }
#include <iostream> #include"Quick.h" #include"output.h" /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { int a[8]={77,77,88,88,668,88,0,77}; QuickSort(a,8); output(a,8); return 0; }
#define OUTPUT_H template<class T> void output(T a[],int n){ for(int i=0;i<n;i++) std::cout<<a[i]<<" "; }
#define Quick template<class T> void swap(T&a,T&b); template<class T> void Qsort(T a[],int,int); template<class T> void QuickSort(T a[],int n){ Qsort(a,0,n-1); } template<class T> void Qsort(T a[],int low,int high){ T temp=a[low]; int x1=low,x2=high; while(low!=high){ while(temp<=a[high]&&low<high) high--; if(high==low) break; a[low]=a[high]; while(temp>=a[low]&&low<high) low++; if(high==low) break; a[high]=a[low]; } a[low]=temp; if(low-x1>=3) Qsort(a,x1,low-1); else if(a[x1+1]>a[low+1]) swap(a[x1],a[low-1]); if(x2-low>=3) Qsort(a,low+1,x2); else if(a[low+1]>a[x2]) swap(a[low+1],a[x2]); } template<class T> void swap(T&a,T&b){ int temp=a; a=b; b=temp; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; struct Complex{ double real; double imaginary; }; int add(int,int); double add(double,double); Complex add(Complex,Complex); int main(){ Complex a={2.2,3.3}; Complex b={4.4,7.8}; Complex c=add(a,b); cout<<add(3,4)<<endl; cout<<add(5.5,6.6)<<endl; cout<<c.real<<"+"<<c.imaginary<<"i"<<endl; return 0; } int add(int a,int b){ return a+b; } double add(double a,double b){ return a+b; } Complex add(Complex a,Complex b){ Complex c; c.real=a.real+b.real; c.imaginary=a.imaginary+b.imaginary; return c; }