【ASP.NET Web API教程】5.2 发送HTML表单数据:URL编码的表单数据

时间:2022-04-14 07:41:59

注:本文是【ASP.NET Web API系列教程】的一部分,如果您是第一次看本系列教程,请先看前面的内容。

5.2 Sending HTML Form Data
5.2 发送HTML表单数据


By Mike Wasson|June 15, 2012
作者:Mike Wasson | 日期:2012-6-15

Part 1: Form-urlencoded Data

This article shows how to post form-urlencoded data to a Web API controller.
本文显示如何向Web API控制器递交URL编码的表单数据。

Overview of HTML Forms

Sending Complex Types

Sending Form Data via AJAX

Sending Simple Types

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Overview of HTML Forms

HTML forms use either GET or POST to send data to the server. The method attribute of the form element gives the HTTP method:

<form action="api/values" method="post">

The default method is GET. If the form uses GET, the form data is encoded in the URI as a query string. If the form uses POST, the form data is placed in the request body. For POSTed data, the enctype attribute specifies the format of the request body:

enctype Description
application/x-www-form-urlencoded   Form data is encoded as name/value pairs, similar to a URI query string. This is the default format for POST.
multipart/form-data   Form data is encoded as a multipart MIME message. Use this format if you are uploading a file to the server.

MIME指Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions — 多用途互联网邮件扩展,它是通过网络传递邮件消息的一个互联网标准。MIME规定了用于表示各种数据类型的符号化方法。在HTTP协议中,对HTTP消息的内容类型也采用了MIME的这种表示数据类型的方法。上述enctype标签属性意为“编码类型”,就是用来指定HTTP消息的Content-Type(内容类型)报头属性。给这个标签属性所指定的值必须是MIME对Content-Type所规定的值之一。上表中便是MIME中关于内容类型的其中两个值。更多内容请参阅MIME的有关资料 — 译者注

Part 1 of this article looks at x-www-form-urlencoded format. Part 2 describes multipart MIME.

Sending Complex Types

Typically, you will send a complex type, composed of values taken from several form controls. Consider the following model that represents a status update:

namespace FormEncode.Models { using System; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class Update { [Required] [MaxLength(140)] public string Status { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; } } }

Here is a Web API controller that accepts an Update object via POST.
以下是通过POST接收Update对象的一个Web API控制器。

namespace FormEncode.Controllers { using FormEncode.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Web; using System.Web.Http;
public class UpdatesController : ApiController { static readonly Dictionary<Guid, Update> updates = new Dictionary<Guid, Update>();
[HttpPost] [ActionName("Complex")] public HttpResponseMessage PostComplex(Update update) { if (ModelState.IsValid && update != null) { // Convert any HTML markup in the status text. // 转换status文本中的HTML标记。 update.Status = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(update.Status);
// Assign a new ID. // 赋一个新的ID。 var id = Guid.NewGuid(); updates[id] = update;
// Create a 201 response. // 创建一个201响应。 var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created) { Content = new StringContent(update.Status) }; response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { action = "status", id = id })); return response; } else { return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } }
[HttpGet] public Update Status(Guid id) { Update update; if (updates.TryGetValue(id, out update)) { return update; } else { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } } } }