Running For Life(找线方程+细节)

时间:2022-03-29 00:23:11

Running For Life

One day,poor Bob had a dream.In his dream,he was being chased by a mystery man.Bob was so afraid that he ran so fast than ever.However,Bob knows that as long as his shortest distance with the mystery man is larger than the safe distance,then he will be safe.

Suppose that Bob and the mystery man were in a perfect 2D plane.Bob’s initial location was (Xb,Yb),and the mystery man’s initial location was (Xm,Ym).Also,Bob’s speed was given by (Vxb,Vyb),and the mystery man’s speed was (Vxm,Vym),and they both keep their speed constant during the whole dream!

Luckily,Bob also know about his safe distance,which was sd.However,Bob forgot whether he was safe at last,so he asks you,the smart ACMer,for help.


There are about 1000 test cases.Each case contains a line which describe nine integer:Xb,Yb,Xm,Ym,Vxb,Vyb,Vxm,Vym,sd,(-1e6<=Xb,Yb,Xm,Ym,Vxb,Vyb,Vxm,Vym<=1e6,0<=sd<=1e6)


If Bob was safe at last,please output “Lucky Bob!”,else please output “Poor Bob!”(without quotations).

Sample Input

6 2 7 3 7 0 5 1 0

4 3 1 0 2 0 4 4 6

Sample Output

Lucky Bob!

Poor Bob!




1、代码中算出来的最短距离没有开方,相应的安全距离也要平方,且数据类型为long long类
2、位置,速度的数据范围为-1e6到1e6,需要用long long类型存储a,b,c,且先除后乘

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;

int main()
LL xb,yb,xm,ym,vxb,vyb,vxm,vym,sd;
LL x=xm-xb;
LL y=ym-yb;
LL vx=vxm-vxb;
LL vy=vym-vyb;
LL a=vx*vx+vy*vy;
LL b=2*x*vx+2*y*vy;
LL c=x*x+y*y;
sd=sd*sd; //最短距离没有开方,安全距离需要平方
bool res;
if(a==0) //a,b,c分别为0时的分类
if(b>=0) if(c>sd) res=true;
else res=false;
else res=false;
else if(b>=0)
if(c>sd) res=true;
else res=false;
double s=c-(b/4.0/a)*b; //最好先除后乘
if(s>sd) res=true;
else res=false;
if(res==true) cout<<"Lucky Bob!"<<endl;
else cout<<"Poor Bob!"<<endl;

return 0;