
时间:2023-02-25 11:14:54

assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stack

data segment
        db '1975','1976','1977','1978','1979','1980','1981','1982','1983'
        db '1984','1985','1986','1987','1988','1989','1990','1991','1992'
        db '1993','1994','1995'

        dd 16,22,382,1356,2390,8000,16000,24486,50065,97479,140417,197514
        dd 345980,590827,803530,1183000,1843000,2759000,3753000,4649000,5937000

        dw 3,7,9,13,28,38,130,220,476,778,1001,1442,2258,2793,4037,5635,8226
        dw 11542,14430,15257,17800
data ends

stack segment
        dw 16 dup (0)   ;define a stack with 32 byte space
stack ends

table segment
        db 21 dup (' ')  ;define table space with 21 rows, each row has 16 spaces(20h)
table ends

code segment
    start:mov ax,data   ;make ds points to data segment
          mov ds,ax
          mov ax,table  ;make es points to table segment
          mov es,ax
          mov ax,stack  ;make ss points to stack segment
          mov ss,ax
          mov sp,32     ;make sp points to ss:32
          mov si,0      ;initialize si,di,bx
          mov di,0
          mov bx,0
          push di       ;push the value in di to the stack, only used to set the initial value of di(used in get employee number) 

          mov cx,21
        l:mov di,0      ;set di to 0,di is used to locate the first and second word in the 'year element' and 'income element'

          mov ax,0[si]  ;set the first word in 'year element', 0(idata) represent the specific array(year, income, or employee number) 
          mov es:[bx].0[di],ax  ;[bx] represent the struct variable(row), 0(idata) represent the specific item in the struct variable  
          mov ax,0[si+2]    ;set the second word in 'year element'
          mov es:[bx].0[di+2],ax
          ;if the data are bigger, you will wish to use loop to achieve this(remember to set cx properly):
                                ;mov cx,2 
                                ;l1:mov ax,0[si]
                                ;   mov es:[bx].0[di],ax
                                ;   add si,2
                                ;   add di,2
                                ;loop l1
                                ;sub si,4
                                ;sub di,4

          mov ax,84[si]     ;set the first word in 'income element', move it to ax(used to store the lower 16 bits)
          mov es:[bx].5[di],ax
          mov dx,84[si+2]   ;set the second word in 'income element', move it to dx(used to store the higher 16 bits)
          mov es:[bx].5[di+2],dx

          pop di    ;pop the value to di(the di in here only used to get employee number)

          div word ptr 168[di]  ;perform the operation of division
          mov es:[bx].0dh,ax    ;move the result to the location of 'average income element'

          mov ax,168[di]    ;move the employee number to the right place
          mov es:[bx].0ah,ax

          add di,2      ;because the employee number are word 
          push di       ;save di
          add si,4      ;because the year and income are double-word
          add bx,16     ;because each row has 16 bytes
        loop l

          mov ax,4c00h
          int 21h

code ends

end start