PHP LoginScript MySQL检查结果错误[重复]

时间:2021-11-06 06:33:40

This question already has an answer here:


I just started PHP linked to MySQL and I got a really annoying problem. The complete warning on my server says:


Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in DIRECTION REMOVED BY ME on line 20 Wrong Username or Password

警告:mysql_num_rows()期望参数1是资源,在第20行的DIRECTION REMOVED BY ME中给出的布尔值错误的用户名或密码

I am pretty sure the Password or Username is not wrong, it's just the If/else which will give this as a result. So here is the php file which will be called when pressing the login button.

我很确定密码或用户名没有错,只是If / else会给出结果。所以这里是按下登录按钮时将调用的php文件。



So why does this happen?


1 个解决方案




$sql="SELECT * FROM $users WHERE email='$email' and password='$password'";

you probably want $mypassword isntead of $password and instead of $email (which is not even set) you have it as $myusername

你可能想要$ mypassword而不是$ password而不是$ email(甚至没有设置)你把它作为$ myusername

The functions you are using are deprecated, have a look at this. Also, (heads up) you really shouldn´t store the password (even less if it´s plain text!!) in the session, have a look.





$sql="SELECT * FROM $users WHERE email='$email' and password='$password'";

you probably want $mypassword isntead of $password and instead of $email (which is not even set) you have it as $myusername

你可能想要$ mypassword而不是$ password而不是$ email(甚至没有设置)你把它作为$ myusername

The functions you are using are deprecated, have a look at this. Also, (heads up) you really shouldn´t store the password (even less if it´s plain text!!) in the session, have a look.
