
时间:2023-02-22 19:10:10

这次作业主要是有关监督学习,数据集是来自UCI Machine Learning Repository的Million Song Dataset。我们的目的是训练一个线性回归的模型来预测一首歌的发行年份。相关ipynb文件见我github


Part 1 Read and parse the initial dataset

Load and check the data


labVersion = 'cs190_week3_v_1_3'
# load testing library
from test_helper import Test
import os.path
baseDir = os.path.join('data')
inputPath = os.path.join('cs190', 'millionsong.txt')
fileName = os.path.join(baseDir, inputPath) numPartitions = 2
rawData = sc.textFile(fileName, numPartitions)
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
numPoints = rawData.count()
print numPoints
samplePoints = rawData.take(5)
print samplePoints


[u'2001.0,0.884123733793,0.610454259079,0.600498416968,0.474669212493,0.247232680947,0.357306088914,0.344136412234,0.339641227335,0.600858840135,0.425704689024,0.60491501652,0.419193351817', u'2001.0,0.854411946129,0.604124786151,0.593634078776,0.495885413963,0.266307830936,0.261472105188,0.506387076327,0.464453565511,0.665798573683,0.542968988766,0.58044428577,0.445219373624', u'2001.0,0.908982970575,0.632063159227,0.557428975183,0.498263761394,0.276396052336,0.312809861625,0.448530069406,0.448674249968,0.649791323916,0.489868662682,0.591908113534,0.4500023818', u'2001.0,0.842525219898,0.561826888508,0.508715259692,0.443531142139,0.296733836002,0.250213568176,0.488540873206,0.360508747659,0.575435243185,0.361005878554,0.678378718617,0.409036786173', u'2001.0,0.909303285534,0.653607720915,0.585580794716,0.473250503005,0.251417011835,0.326976795524,0.40432273022,0.371154511756,0.629401917965,0.482243251755,0.566901413923,0.463373691946']

Using LabeledPoint

在MLlib中,监督学习的记录存为LabeledPoint object。我们现在要写个函数,把RDD中的元素转换为LabeledPoint object。

from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
import numpy as np # Here is a sample raw data point:
# '2001.0,0.884,0.610,0.600,0.474,0.247,0.357,0.344,0.33,0.600,0.425,0.60,0.419'
# In this raw data point, 2001.0 is the label, and the remaining values are features
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
def parsePoint(line):
"""Converts a comma separated unicode string into a `LabeledPoint`. Args:
line (unicode): Comma separated unicode string where the first element is the label and the
remaining elements are features. Returns:
LabeledPoint: The line is converted into a `LabeledPoint`, which consists of a label and
return LabeledPoint(line.split(',')[0],line.split(',')[1:]) parsedSamplePoints = map(lambda x: parsePoint(x),samplePoints)
firstPointFeatures = parsedSamplePoints[0].features
firstPointLabel = parsedSamplePoints[0].label
print firstPointFeatures, firstPointLabel d = len(firstPointFeatures)
print d

Visualization 1 Features


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm sampleMorePoints = rawData.take(50)
# You can uncomment the line below to see randomly selected features. These will be randomly
# selected each time you run the cell. Note that you should run this cell with the line commented
# out when answering the lab quiz questions.
# sampleMorePoints = rawData.takeSample(False, 50) parsedSampleMorePoints = map(parsePoint, sampleMorePoints)
dataValues = map(lambda lp: lp.features.toArray(), parsedSampleMorePoints) def preparePlot(xticks, yticks, figsize=(10.5, 6), hideLabels=False, gridColor='#999999',
"""Template for generating the plot layout."""
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, facecolor='white', edgecolor='white')
ax.axes.tick_params(labelcolor='#999999', labelsize='10')
for axis, ticks in [(ax.get_xaxis(), xticks), (ax.get_yaxis(), yticks)]:
if hideLabels: axis.set_ticklabels([])
plt.grid(color=gridColor, linewidth=gridWidth, linestyle='-')
map(lambda position: ax.spines[position].set_visible(False), ['bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right'])
return fig, ax # generate layout and plot
fig, ax = preparePlot(np.arange(.5, 11, 1), np.arange(.5, 49, 1), figsize=(8,7), hideLabels=True,
gridColor='#eeeeee', gridWidth=1.1)
image = plt.imshow(dataValues,interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', cmap=cm.Greys)
for x, y, s in zip(np.arange(-.125, 12, 1), np.repeat(-.75, 12), [str(x) for x in range(12)]):
plt.text(x, y, s, color='#999999', size='10')
plt.text(4.7, -3, 'Feature', color='#999999', size='11'), ax.set_ylabel('Observation')


Find the range


# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
parsedDataInit = rawData.map(lambda x: parsePoint(x))
onlyLabels = parsedDataInit.map(lambda x: x.label)
minYear = onlyLabels.takeOrdered(1)[0]
maxYear = onlyLabels.takeOrdered(1, key=lambda x: -x)[0]
print maxYear, minYear

Shift labels


# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
parsedData = parsedDataInit.map(lambda x: LabeledPoint((x.label - minYear),x.features)) # Should be a LabeledPoint
print type(parsedData.take(1)[0])
# View the first point
print '\n{0}'.format(parsedData.take(1))

Training, validation, and test sets


# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
weights = [.8, .1, .1]
seed = 42
parsedTrainData, parsedValData, parsedTestData = parsedData.randomSplit(weights, seed)
nTrain = parsedTrainData.count()
nVal = parsedValData.count()
nTest = parsedTestData.count() print nTrain, nVal, nTest, nTrain + nVal + nTest
print parsedData.count()

Part 2 Create and evaluate a baseline model

Average label

我们首先想一个最简单的模型:Average label。主要思路是无论给什么入参,我们都给一样的判断:标签的平均值。

# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
averageTrainYear = (parsedTrainData
.map(lambda x: x.label).sum() / float(nTrain))
print averageTrainYear

Root mean squared error


# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
def squaredError(label, prediction):
"""Calculates the the squared error for a single prediction. Args:
label (float): The correct value for this observation.
prediction (float): The predicted value for this observation. Returns:
float: The difference between the `label` and `prediction` squared.
return (label - prediction)**2 def calcRMSE(labelsAndPreds):
"""Calculates the root mean squared error for an `RDD` of (label, prediction) tuples. Args:
labelsAndPred (RDD of (float, float)): An `RDD` consisting of (label, prediction) tuples. Returns:
float: The square root of the mean of the squared errors.
return np.sqrt((labelsAndPreds.map(lambda x:(x[0]-x[1])**2).sum())/labelsAndPreds.count()) labelsAndPreds = sc.parallelize([(3., 1.), (1., 2.), (2., 2.)])
# RMSE = sqrt[((3-1)^2 + (1-2)^2 + (2-2)^2) / 3] = 1.291
exampleRMSE = calcRMSE(labelsAndPreds)
print exampleRMSE

Training, validation and test RMSE

# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
labelsAndPredsTrain = parsedTrainData.map(lambda lp:(lp.label,averageTrainYear))
rmseTrainBase = calcRMSE(labelsAndPredsTrain) labelsAndPredsVal = parsedValData.map(lambda lp:(lp.label,averageTrainYear))
rmseValBase = calcRMSE(labelsAndPredsVal) labelsAndPredsTest = parsedTestData.map(lambda lp:(lp.label,averageTrainYear))
rmseTestBase = calcRMSE(labelsAndPredsTest) print 'Baseline Train RMSE = {0:.3f}'.format(rmseTrainBase)
print 'Baseline Validation RMSE = {0:.3f}'.format(rmseValBase)
print 'Baseline Test RMSE = {0:.3f}'.format(rmseTestBase)

Part 3 Train (via gradient descent) and evaluate a linear regression model

Gradient summand

from pyspark.mllib.linalg import DenseVector
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
def gradientSummand(weights, lp):
"""Calculates the gradient summand for a given weight and `LabeledPoint`. Note:
`DenseVector` behaves similarly to a `numpy.ndarray` and they can be used interchangably
within this function. For example, they both implement the `dot` method. Args:
weights (DenseVector): An array of model weights (betas).
lp (LabeledPoint): The `LabeledPoint` for a single observation. Returns:
DenseVector: An array of values the same length as `weights`. The gradient summand.
x = lp.features
y = lp.label
summand = (np.dot(weights,x) -y ) * x
return summand exampleW = DenseVector([1, 1, 1])
exampleLP = LabeledPoint(2.0, [3, 1, 4])
# gradientSummand = (dot([1 1 1], [3 1 4]) - 2) * [3 1 4] = (8 - 2) * [3 1 4] = [18 6 24]
summandOne = gradientSummand(exampleW, exampleLP)
print summandOne exampleW = DenseVector([.24, 1.2, -1.4])
exampleLP = LabeledPoint(3.0, [-1.4, 4.2, 2.1])
summandTwo = gradientSummand(exampleW, exampleLP)
print summandTwo

Use weights to make predictions

# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
def getLabeledPrediction(weights, observation):
"""Calculates predictions and returns a (label, prediction) tuple. Note:
The labels should remain unchanged as we'll use this information to calculate prediction
error later. Args:
weights (np.ndarray): An array with one weight for each features in `trainData`.
observation (LabeledPoint): A `LabeledPoint` that contain the correct label and the
features for the data point. Returns:
tuple: A (label, prediction) tuple.
return (observation.label,np.dot(weights,observation.features)) weights = np.array([1.0, 1.5])
predictionExample = sc.parallelize([LabeledPoint(2, np.array([1.0, .5])),
LabeledPoint(1.5, np.array([.5, .5]))])
labelsAndPredsExample = predictionExample.map(lambda lp: getLabeledPrediction(weights, lp))
print labelsAndPredsExample.collect()

Gradient descent


# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
def linregGradientDescent(trainData, numIters):
"""Calculates the weights and error for a linear regression model trained with gradient descent. Note:
`DenseVector` behaves similarly to a `numpy.ndarray` and they can be used interchangably
within this function. For example, they both implement the `dot` method. Args:
trainData (RDD of LabeledPoint): The labeled data for use in training the model.
numIters (int): The number of iterations of gradient descent to perform. Returns:
(np.ndarray, np.ndarray): A tuple of (weights, training errors). Weights will be the
final weights (one weight per feature) for the model, and training errors will contain
an error (RMSE) for each iteration of the algorithm.
# The length of the training data
n = trainData.count()
# The number of features in the training data
d = len(trainData.take(1)[0].features)
w = np.zeros(d)
alpha = 1.0
# We will compute and store the training error after each iteration
errorTrain = np.zeros(numIters)
for i in range(numIters):
# Use getLabeledPrediction from (3b) with trainData to obtain an RDD of (label, prediction)
# tuples. Note that the weights all equal 0 for the first iteration, so the predictions will
# have large errors to start.
labelsAndPredsTrain = trainData.map(lambda lp: getLabeledPrediction(w, lp))
errorTrain[i] = calcRMSE(labelsAndPredsTrain) # Calculate the `gradient`. Make use of the `gradientSummand` function you wrote in (3a).
# Note that `gradient` sould be a `DenseVector` of length `d`.
gradient = trainData.map(lambda lp:gradientSummand(DenseVector(w),lp)).sum() # Update the weights
alpha_i = alpha / (n * np.sqrt(i+1))
w -= alpha_i * gradient
return w, errorTrain # create a toy dataset with n = 10, d = 3, and then run 5 iterations of gradient descent
# note: the resulting model will not be useful; the goal here is to verify that
# linregGradientDescent is working properly
exampleN = 10
exampleD = 3
exampleData = (sc
.map(lambda lp: LabeledPoint(lp.label, lp.features[0:exampleD])))
print exampleData.take(2)
exampleNumIters = 5
exampleWeights, exampleErrorTrain = linregGradientDescent(exampleData, exampleNumIters)
print exampleWeights

Train the model

# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
numIters = 50
weightsLR0, errorTrainLR0 = linregGradientDescent(parsedTrainData,numIters) labelsAndPreds = parsedValData.map(lambda lp:getLabeledPrediction(weightsLR0,lp))
rmseValLR0 = calcRMSE(labelsAndPreds) print 'Validation RMSE:\n\tBaseline = {0:.3f}\n\tLR0 = {1:.3f}'.format(rmseValBase,

Part 4 Train using MLlib and perform grid search


from pyspark.mllib.regression import LinearRegressionWithSGD
# Values to use when training the linear regression model
numIters = 500 # iterations
alpha = 1.0 # step
miniBatchFrac = 1.0 # miniBatchFraction
reg = 1e-1 # regParam
regType = 'l2' # regType
useIntercept = True # intercept
# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
firstModel = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedTrainData, iterations=numIters, step=alpha,
miniBatchFraction=miniBatchFrac, initialWeights=None, regParam=reg, regType=regType,
intercept=useIntercept) # weightsLR1 stores the model weights; interceptLR1 stores the model intercept
weightsLR1 = firstModel.weights
interceptLR1 = firstModel.intercept
print weightsLR1, interceptLR1



# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
samplePoint = parsedTrainData.take(1)[0]
samplePrediction = firstModel.predict(samplePoint.features)
print samplePrediction

Evaluate RMSE

# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
labelsAndPreds = parsedValData.map(lambda lp:(lp.label,firstModel.predict(lp.features)))
rmseValLR1 = calcRMSE(labelsAndPreds) print ('Validation RMSE:\n\tBaseline = {0:.3f}\n\tLR0 = {1:.3f}' +
'\n\tLR1 = {2:.3f}').format(rmseValBase, rmseValLR0, rmseValLR1)

Grid search

我们要改进上面的结果,比如正则化的参数试试1e-10, 1e-5, and 1。

# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
bestRMSE = rmseValLR1
bestRegParam = reg
bestModel = firstModel numIters = 500
alpha = 1.0
miniBatchFrac = 1.0
for reg in (1e-10,1e-5,1):
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedTrainData, numIters, alpha,
miniBatchFrac, regParam=reg,
regType='l2', intercept=True)
labelsAndPreds = parsedValData.map(lambda lp: (lp.label, model.predict(lp.features)))
rmseValGrid = calcRMSE(labelsAndPreds)
print rmseValGrid if rmseValGrid < bestRMSE:
bestRMSE = rmseValGrid
bestRegParam = reg
bestModel = model
rmseValLRGrid = bestRMSE print ('Validation RMSE:\n\tBaseline = {0:.3f}\n\tLR0 = {1:.3f}\n\tLR1 = {2:.3f}\n' +
'\tLRGrid = {3:.3f}').format(rmseValBase, rmseValLR0, rmseValLR1, rmseValLRGrid)

Vary alpha and the number of iterations


# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
reg = bestRegParam
modelRMSEs = [] for alpha in (1e-5,10):
for numIters in (500,5):
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedTrainData, numIters, alpha,
miniBatchFrac, regParam=reg,
regType='l2', intercept=True)
labelsAndPreds = parsedValData.map(lambda lp: (lp.label, model.predict(lp.features)))
rmseVal = calcRMSE(labelsAndPreds)
print 'alpha = {0:.0e}, numIters = {1}, RMSE = {2:.3f}'.format(alpha, numIters, rmseVal)



Part 5 Add interactions between features

Add 2-way interactions

这里我们加一些交互项进去,这是线性回归很常见的做法,可以增加模型的复杂度。我们可以用itertools.product来产生2-way interaction。

# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
import itertools def twoWayInteractions(lp):
"""Creates a new `LabeledPoint` that includes two-way interactions. Note:
For features [x, y] the two-way interactions would be [x^2, x*y, y*x, y^2] and these
would be appended to the original [x, y] feature list. Args:
lp (LabeledPoint): The label and features for this observation. Returns:
LabeledPoint: The new `LabeledPoint` should have the same label as `lp`. Its features
should include the features from `lp` followed by the two-way interaction features.
origLabel = lp.label
origFeatures = lp.features
twoWayFeatures = map(lambda (x,y):x*y ,itertools.product(origFeatures,repeat=2))
return LabeledPoint(origLabel,np.hstack((origFeatures,twoWayFeatures))) print twoWayInteractions(LabeledPoint(0.0, [2, 3])) # Transform the existing train, validation, and test sets to include two-way interactions.
trainDataInteract = parsedTrainData.map(lambda lp: twoWayInteractions(lp)).cache()
valDataInteract = parsedValData.map(lambda lp: twoWayInteractions(lp)).cache()
testDataInteract = parsedTestData.map(lambda lp: twoWayInteractions(lp)).cache()

Build interaction model


# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
numIters = 500
alpha = 1.0
miniBatchFrac = 1.0
reg = 1e-10 modelInteract = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(trainDataInteract, numIters, alpha,
miniBatchFrac, regParam=reg,
regType='l2', intercept=True)
labelsAndPredsInteract = valDataInteract.map(lambda lp: (lp.label, modelInteract.predict(lp.features)))
rmseValInteract = calcRMSE(labelsAndPredsInteract) print ('Validation RMSE:\n\tBaseline = {0:.3f}\n\tLR0 = {1:.3f}\n\tLR1 = {2:.3f}\n\tLRGrid = ' +
'{3:.3f}\n\tLRInteract = {4:.3f}').format(rmseValBase, rmseValLR0, rmseValLR1,
rmseValLRGrid, rmseValInteract)

Evaluate interaction model on test data

# TODO: Replace <FILL IN> with appropriate code
labelsAndPredsTest = testDataInteract.map(lambda lp: (lp.label, modelInteract.predict(lp.features)))
rmseTestInteract = calcRMSE(labelsAndPredsTest) print ('Test RMSE:\n\tBaseline = {0:.3f}\n\tLRInteract = {1:.3f}'
.format(rmseTestBase, rmseTestInteract))



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