#include "dbtype.h"
#include "dbkdtree.h" #include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
#include <pcl/common/transforms.h> #include <pcl/registration/icp.h> #include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <valarray>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include <set> //二维点转平面
void toProjecImage(float& x, float& y, unsigned int& rows, unsigned int& cols) // 640X640的图像
// int nthrds = 4;
// omp_set_num_threads(nthrds);
//#pragma omp parallel for
/*int rows = 0;
int cols = 0;*/ if (x >= -16.0 && x<0.0)
cols = (unsigned int)((x + ) * );
if (y >= -16.0 && y<0.0)
rows = (unsigned int)(y*(-)) + ;
if (y >= 0.0 && y <= 16.0)
rows = (unsigned int)(( - y) * );
else if (x >= 0.0 && x <= 16.0)
cols = (unsigned int)((x) * ) + ;
if (y >= -16.0 && y<0.0)
rows = (unsigned int)(y*(-)) + ;
if (y >= 0.0 && y <= 16.0)
rows = (unsigned int)(( - y) * );
} //输入一系列点的坐标,输出这些点所拟合的线的k b值 最小二乘法
std::vector<double> LineFitting(std::vector<db::Point2f> &rPoints)
// y = Ax + B,根据最小二乘法求出A,B
std::vector<double > resLine();
int size = rPoints.size();
float *x = new float[size];
float *y = new float[size];
float A=1.0, B=0.0;
float xmean = 0.0f;
float ymean = 0.0f; for (int i = ; i < size; i++)
x[i] = rPoints[i].x;
y[i] = rPoints[i].y;
} for (int i = ; i < size; i++)
xmean += x[i];
ymean += y[i];
xmean /= size;
ymean /= size;
float sumx2 = 0.0f;
float sumxy = 0.0f;
for (int i = ; i < size; i++)
sumx2 += (x[i] - xmean) * (x[i] - xmean);
sumxy += (y[i] - ymean) * (x[i] - xmean);
} if (sumx2!=)
A = sumxy / sumx2;
B = ymean - A*xmean;
A = 1.0;
B = 0.0;
} resLine[] = A;
resLine[] = B;
return resLine;
std::vector<double> leastSquareFitting(std::vector<db::Point2f> &rPoints)
std::vector<double > resLine();
int num_points = rPoints.size();
std::valarray<float> data_x(num_points);
std::valarray<float> data_y(num_points);
for (int i = ; i < num_points; i++)
data_x[i] = rPoints[i].x;
data_y[i] = rPoints[i].y;
float A = 0.0;
float B = 0.0;
float C = 0.0;
float D = 0.0;
A = (data_x*data_x).sum();
B = data_x.sum();
C = (data_x*data_y).sum();
D = data_y.sum();
float k, b, tmp = ;
if (tmp = (A*data_x.size() - B*B)) //temp!=0
k = (C*data_x.size() - B*D) / tmp;
b = (A*D - C*B) / tmp;
k = ;
b = ;
resLine[] = k;
resLine[] = b;
return resLine;
} //已知直线方程 线外一点 求其垂足
db::Point2f getFootPoint(std::vector<double>& kb, const db::Point2f& P1)
db::Point2f FootPoint;
double x = (kb[]* P1.y+ P1.x- kb[]*kb[])/(+ kb[]* kb[]);
double y = x*kb[] + kb[];
FootPoint.x = (float)x;
FootPoint.y = (float)y; return FootPoint;
//已知直线方程 线外一点 求点到直线距离
double getPointToline_Distance(std::vector<double>& kb, const db::Point2f& P1)
db::Point2f pointtemp = getFootPoint(kb, P1);
double distance=0.0;
distance = sqrt((pointtemp.x - P1.x)*(pointtemp.x - P1.x) + (pointtemp.y - P1.y)*(pointtemp.y - P1.y));
return distance;
//求平面 两点间距离
double getPointToPoint_Distance(const db::Point2f& P1, const db::Point2f& P2)
double distance = 0.0;
distance = sqrt((P2.x - P1.x)*(P2.x - P1.x) + (P2.y - P1.y)*(P2.y - P1.y));
return distance;
} //获取pointset中的直线段
void getLinesFromPointset(const std::vector<db::Point2f> &rPoints, std::vector<db::line> &lineSets) //2018.11.7 修正
{ if (rPoints.size()<)
std::cout << "point cloud have NuLL data !!!" << std::endl;
} double avg = 0.0,sum=0.0;
std::vector<double> kb;
std::vector<db::Point2f> tempPoints;
db::line tempLine;
std::vector<double> kb1; std::vector<double> kb2;
std::vector<double> kb3; for (size_t i = ; i < rPoints.size(); i++)
if (tempPoints.size()==)
if (i == )
double distance_0 = getPointToPoint_Distance(rPoints[i], rPoints[i + ]);
if (distance_0 <0.5)
tempPoints.push_back(rPoints[i]); tempLine.Points.push_back(rPoints[i]);
if (i == rPoints.size()-)
double distance_0 = getPointToPoint_Distance(rPoints[i], rPoints[i -]);
if (distance_0 <0.5)
tempPoints.push_back(rPoints[i]); tempLine.Points.push_back(rPoints[i]);
} //判断孤点
double distance_1 = getPointToPoint_Distance(rPoints[i], rPoints[i - ]);
double distance_2 = getPointToPoint_Distance(rPoints[i], rPoints[i + ]);
if (distance_1<0.5 || distance_2<0.5)
tempPoints.push_back(rPoints[i]); tempLine.Points.push_back(rPoints[i]);
} continue;
} if (tempPoints.size() < )
double distance_1 = getPointToPoint_Distance(rPoints[i], rPoints[i - ]);
if (distance_1>0.5)
tempLine.kb.swap(std::vector<double>()); tempPoints.swap(std::vector<db::Point2f>());
kb = leastSquareFitting(tempPoints);
kb1 = kb;
kb2 = kb1;
kb3 = kb1; tempLine.Points.push_back(rPoints[i]);
} //点到直线的距离
double dis_1 = getPointToline_Distance(kb1, rPoints[i]);
double dis_2 = getPointToline_Distance(kb2, rPoints[i]);
double dis_3 = getPointToline_Distance(kb3, rPoints[i]); double distance_2 = getPointToPoint_Distance(rPoints[i], rPoints[i - ]); if (dis_1 > 0.05|| distance_2 > 0.5) //偏差较大的 点20cm
//sum = 0.0;
if (i!=)
i--; tempLine.kb = kb1;
if (atan(tempLine.kb[]) >= )
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]); //0-180度
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]) + 3.1415926; lineSets.push_back(tempLine); tempLine.Points.swap(std::vector<db::Point2f>());
tempLine.kb.swap(std::vector<double>()); tempPoints.swap(std::vector<db::Point2f>());
if (dis_2 > 0.08)
if (i != )
i--; tempLine.kb = kb2;
if (atan(tempLine.kb[]) >= )
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]); //0-180度
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]) + 3.1415926; lineSets.push_back(tempLine); tempLine.Points.swap(std::vector<db::Point2f>());
tempLine.kb.swap(std::vector<double>()); tempPoints.swap(std::vector<db::Point2f>());
if (dis_3 > 0.08)
if (i != )
i--; tempLine.kb = kb3;
if (atan(tempLine.kb[]) >= )
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]); //0-180度
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]) + 3.1415926; lineSets.push_back(tempLine); tempLine.Points.swap(std::vector<db::Point2f>());
tempLine.kb.swap(std::vector<double>()); tempPoints.swap(std::vector<db::Point2f>());
kb = LineFitting(tempPoints);
//kb = leastSquareFitting(tempPoints);
kb3 = kb2;
kb2 = kb1;
kb1 = kb; tempLine.Points.push_back(rPoints[i]);
tempLine.PointsIndex.push_back(i); if (i == (rPoints.size() - ))
tempLine.kb = kb1;
if (atan(tempLine.kb[]) >= )
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]); //0-180度
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]) + 3.1415926; lineSets.push_back(tempLine);
} void getLinesFromPointset2(const std::vector<db::Point2f> &rPoints, std::vector<db::line> &lineSets)
//std::vector<db::line> lineSets;
double avg = 0.0, sum = 0.0;
std::vector<double> kb;
std::vector<db::Point2f> tempPoints;
db::line tempLine;
std::vector<double> tempkb; //利用最小二乘拟合直线
for (size_t i = ; i < rPoints.size(); i++)
if (tempPoints.size()<)
tempPoints.push_back(rPoints[i]); tempLine.Points.push_back(rPoints[i]);
kb = leastSquareFitting(tempPoints); //残差
double def = 0.0;
if (tempPoints.size()==)
def = abs(kb[] * rPoints[i - ].x + kb[] - rPoints[i].y); //点到直线的位置
sum += def;
def = abs(kb[] * rPoints[i - ].x + kb[] - rPoints[i].y); //点到直线的位置
sum += def;
def = abs(kb[] * rPoints[i - ].x + kb[] - rPoints[i].y); //点到直线的位置
sum += def;
def = abs(kb[] * rPoints[i-].x + kb[] - rPoints[i].y); //点到直线的位置
sum += def;
def = abs(kb[] * rPoints[i-].x + kb[] - rPoints[i].y); //点到直线的位置
sum += def;
} def = abs(kb[] * rPoints[i].x + kb[] - rPoints[i].y); //点到直线的位置
sum += def;
avg = sum / tempPoints.size(); if (1.2* avg < def) //偏差较大的 点
sum = 0.0;
if (i != )
i--; if (tempkb.size()==)
tempLine.kb = kb;
tempLine.kb = tempkb;
} if (atan(tempLine.kb[]) >= )
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]); //0-180度
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]) + 3.1415926; lineSets.push_back(tempLine); tempLine.Points.swap(std::vector<db::Point2f>());
tempkb = kb;
tempLine.PointsIndex.push_back(i); if (i == (rPoints.size() - ))
tempLine.kb = tempkb;
if (atan(tempLine.kb[]) >= )
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]); //0-180度
tempLine.sigma = atan(tempLine.kb[]) + 3.1415926; lineSets.push_back(tempLine);
} } // 利用ransac 进行直线拟合
int ransacLiner_2(
std::vector<db::Point2f>& pstData,
int minCnt,
double maxIterCnt,
int consensusCntThreshold,
double maxErrorThreshod,
double& k, double& b,
double& modelMeanError)
int dataCnt = pstData.size();
if (dataCnt<)
return -;
} default_random_engine rng;
uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> uniform(, dataCnt - );
rng.seed(); // 固定随机数种子
set<unsigned int> selectIndexs; // 选择的点的索引
vector<db::Point2f> selectPoints; // 选择的点
set<unsigned int> consensusIndexs; // 满足一致性的点的索引 double A = ;
double B = ;
double C = ;
modelMeanError = ;
int isNonFind = ;
unsigned int bestConsensusCnt = ; // 满足一致性估计的点的个数
int iter = ;
while (iter < maxIterCnt)
// Step1: 随机选择minCnt个点
while ()
unsigned int index = uniform(rng);
if (selectIndexs.size() == minCnt)
// Step2: 进行模型参数估计 (y2 - y1)*x - (x2 - x1)*y + (y2 - y1)x2 - (x2 - x1)y2= 0
set<unsigned int>::iterator selectIter = selectIndexs.begin();
while (selectIter != selectIndexs.end())
unsigned int index = *selectIter;
double deltaY = (selectPoints[]).y - (selectPoints[]).y;
double deltaX = (selectPoints[]).x - (selectPoints[]).x;
A = deltaY;
B = -deltaX;
C = -deltaY * (selectPoints[]).x + deltaX * (selectPoints[]).y;
// Step3: 进行模型评估: 点到直线的距离
int dataIter = ;
double meanError = ;
set<unsigned int> tmpConsensusIndexs;
while (dataIter < dataCnt)
double distance = (A * pstData[dataIter].x + B * pstData[dataIter].y + C) / sqrt(A*A + B*B);
distance = distance > ? distance : -distance;
if (distance < maxErrorThreshod)
meanError += distance;
// Step4: 判断一致性: 满足一致性集合的最小元素个数条件 + 至少比上一次的好
if (tmpConsensusIndexs.size() >= bestConsensusCnt && tmpConsensusIndexs.size() >= consensusCntThreshold)
bestConsensusCnt = consensusIndexs.size(); // 更新一致性索引集合元素个数
modelMeanError = meanError / dataCnt;
consensusIndexs = tmpConsensusIndexs; // 更新一致性索引集合
isNonFind = ;
iter++; if (B != )
k = -A / B;
b = -C / B;
k = ;
b = -C;
return isNonFind;
// 利用ransac 进行直线拟合 获取直线
void getLinesFromPointset_ransac(const std::vector<db::Point2f> &rPoints, std::vector<db::line> &lineSets)
std::vector<db::Point2f> pointTemp;
int num = , numTemp=;
double k=0.0, b=0.0;
std::vector<double> kb; while(numTemp < rPoints.size())
std::vector<double> kbTemp;
for (size_t step = ; step < rPoints.size(); )
//1、进行点集分段(判断条件距离d,步长10 、20、 30、...)
int iTemp;
if ((num + step)<rPoints.size())
for (size_t i = num; i < (num + step); i++)
iTemp = i;
double meanError;
if (!ransacLiner_2(pointTemp, , , , 0.1, k, b, meanError))
double PL_Distance = getPointToline_Distance(kbTemp, pointTemp[pointTemp.size() - ]); if (PL_Distance>0.3) //0.3 30cm 断开
db::line Ltemp;
for (size_t j = ; j < pointTemp.size() - ; j++)
Ltemp.PointsIndex.push_back(num + j);
Ltemp.kb = kbTemp;
lineSets.push_back(Ltemp); num = num + step - ;
kb = kbTemp;
step += ;
} }
step += ;
else {
numTemp = num + step;
} } //直线段的优化处理 合并零散线段
int reprocessLineset(std::vector<db::line> &lineSets, std::vector<db::line>& finalLineSets)
return -; std::vector<db::line> templineSets;
std::vector<db::line> temp;
bool errorline = false; for (size_t i = ; i < lineSets.size(); i++)
if (lineSets[i].Points.size() < )
errorline = true;
if (errorline && temp.size()>)
db::line templine;
double k=0.0, b=0.0, sigma=0.0;
for (size_t j = ; j < temp.size(); j++)
templine.Points.insert(templine.Points.end(), temp[j].Points.begin(), temp[j].Points.end());
templine.PointsIndex.insert(templine.PointsIndex.end(), temp[j].PointsIndex.begin(), temp[j].PointsIndex.end());
k += temp[j].kb[];
b += temp[j].kb[];
sigma += temp[j].sigma;
templine.kb.push_back(k/ temp.size());
templine.kb.push_back(b / temp.size());
templine.sigma = sigma / temp.size(); finalLineSets.push_back(templine); errorline = false;
int reprocessLineset2(std::vector<db::line> &lineSets, std::vector<db::line>& finalLineSets)
if (lineSets.size()==)
return -;
std::vector<db::line> lineSets_temp;
double distance_R = 100.0;
for (size_t i = ; i < lineSets.size(); i++)
double distance_L=100.0;
if (i!= (lineSets.size()-))
distance_L = sqrt(
(lineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint.x - lineSets[i + ].LRPoints.firstPoint.x)
*(lineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint.x - lineSets[i + ].LRPoints.firstPoint.x)
+ (lineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint.y - lineSets[i + ].LRPoints.firstPoint.y)
*(lineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint.y - lineSets[i + ].LRPoints.firstPoint.y));
} if ((lineSets[i].LRangle.leftangle == && distance_L <= 0.5)||
(lineSets[i].LRangle.rightangle == && distance_R <= 0.5))
if (lineSets_temp.size()>)
db::line templine;
double k = 0.0, b = 0.0, sigma = 0.0;
for (size_t j = ; j < lineSets_temp.size(); j++)
templine.Points.insert(templine.Points.end(), lineSets_temp[j].Points.begin(), lineSets_temp[j].Points.end());
templine.PointsIndex.insert(templine.PointsIndex.end(), lineSets_temp[j].PointsIndex.begin(), lineSets_temp[j].PointsIndex.end());
k += lineSets_temp[j].kb[];
b += lineSets_temp[j].kb[];
sigma += lineSets_temp[j].sigma;
templine.kb.push_back(k / lineSets_temp.size());
templine.kb.push_back(b / lineSets_temp.size());
templine.sigma = sigma / lineSets_temp.size(); finalLineSets.push_back(templine); lineSets_temp.swap(std::vector<db::line>());
} finalLineSets.push_back(lineSets[i]);
} distance_R = distance_L;
return ;
} // 获取直线KB参数
void getLinePara(float& x1, float& y1, float& x2, float& y2, db::LinePara & LP)
double m = ;
// 计算分子
m = x2 - x1;
if ( == m)
LP.k = 10000.0;
LP.b = y1 - LP.k * x1;
else {
LP.k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
LP.b = y1 - LP.k * x1;
} } //求解两个向量的夹角
void getTwoVector_angle(double (&a)[], double (&b)[], double & sigema)
double ab, a1, b1, cosr;
ab = a[] * b[] + a[] * b[];
a1 = sqrt(a[] * a[] + a[] * a[]);
b1 = sqrt(b[] * b[] + b[] * b[]);
cosr = ab / a1 / b1;
sigema = acos(cosr);//* 180 / 3.1415926;
} //求解两直线的交点
db::Point2f getTwoline_cornerPoint(db::line firstline, db::line secondline)
db::Point2f point;
point.x = (firstline.kb[]- secondline.kb[]) / (firstline.kb[] - secondline.kb[]);
point.y = firstline.kb[] * point.x + firstline.kb[];
return point;
} //求解一个向量与x轴正方向的逆时针夹角
void getVector_Xangle(double (&a)[], double &sigema)
{ double b[] = { , };
if (a[]> && a[]>=)
getTwoVector_angle(a, b, sigema);
else if (a[]<= && a[] >)
getTwoVector_angle(a, b, sigema);
else if (a[] < && a[] <=)
getTwoVector_angle(a, b, sigema);
sigema += 3.1415926;
else if (a[] >= && a[] < )
getTwoVector_angle(a, b, sigema);
sigema += 3.1415926;
} // 求解2d 点云中 直线左右相邻夹角 以及左右直线的交点
void LRangleFromLines(std::vector<db::line> &lineSets)
//定理:两个向量与X轴正方向的同向夹角,大夹角减去小夹角 一定等于这两个向量的方向夹角 或 夹角+PI。
//**** 在数学中斜率夹角是逆时针的,方向射线,左值空间与右值空间 来判断向量的同向性?
//**** 在这里规定 绕原点逆时针 循环 前个直线段i 在后个直线段i+1的左值空间内。 db::line firstline;
db::line secondline; for (size_t i = ; i < lineSets.size(); i++)
if (i==)
firstline = lineSets[i];
db::Point2f endFootPoint = getFootPoint(firstline.kb, firstline.Points[]); //第1条直线的第一个点 垂足
lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = endFootPoint;
secondline = lineSets[i]; // 判断是否平行 求取交点
if (abs(firstline.kb[]- secondline.kb[]) > 0.5)//0.5
db::Point2f pointtemp;
pointtemp.x = (secondline.kb[] - firstline.kb[]) / (firstline.kb[] - secondline.kb[]);
pointtemp.y = firstline.kb[] * pointtemp.x + firstline.kb[]; db::Point2f R_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(firstline.kb, firstline.Points[firstline.Points.size() - ]); //第一条直线的最后一个点 垂足
db::Point2f L_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(secondline.kb, secondline.Points[]); //第二条直线的第一个点 垂足 //判断第二个向量在第一个向量的左值空间 还是右值空间
//R L向量 x轴正方向的夹角比较
double R[] = { R_endFootPoint.x - pointtemp.x, R_endFootPoint.y - pointtemp.y },
L[] = { L_endFootPoint.x - pointtemp.x, L_endFootPoint.y - pointtemp.y };
double R_sigema=0.0;
double L_sigema=0.0; //x轴正方向的夹角
getVector_Xangle(R, R_sigema);
getVector_Xangle(L, L_sigema); double sigema_temp=0.0; //(0-PI)
if ((L_sigema- R_sigema)> && (L_sigema - R_sigema)<3.1415926)
getTwoVector_angle(R, L, sigema_temp);
double Ltemp[]= { pointtemp.x -L_endFootPoint.x, pointtemp.y -L_endFootPoint.y};
getTwoVector_angle(R, Ltemp, sigema_temp);
} lineSets[i - ].LRangle.leftangle = sigema_temp;
lineSets[i].LRangle.rightangle = sigema_temp; lineSets[i - ].LRPoints.endPoint = pointtemp;
lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = pointtemp;
//lineSets[i - 1].LRPoints.endPoint = R_endFootPoint;
//lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = L_endFootPoint;
firstline = secondline;
else // 如果前后两条直线近似平行
db::Point2f R_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(firstline.kb, firstline.Points[firstline.Points.size() - ]); //第一条直线的最后一个点 垂足
db::Point2f L_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(secondline.kb, secondline.Points[]); //第二条直线的第一个点 垂足 lineSets[i - ].LRPoints.endPoint = R_endFootPoint;
lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = L_endFootPoint; firstline = secondline;
} if (i == (lineSets.size()-))
db::Point2f endFootPoint = getFootPoint(secondline.kb, secondline.Points[secondline.Points.size() - ]); //第1条直线的第一个点 垂足
lineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint = endFootPoint;
} //
// 2018.11.7 修正
void LRangleFromLines2(std::vector<db::line> &lineSets)
//定理:两个向量与X轴正方向的同向夹角,大夹角减去小夹角 一定等于这两个向量的方向夹角 或 夹角+PI。
//**** 在数学中斜率夹角是逆时针的,方向射线,左值空间与右值空间 来判断向量的同向性?
//**** 在这里规定 绕原点逆时针 循环 前个直线段i 在后个直线段i+1的左值空间内。 db::line firstline;
db::line secondline; for (size_t i = ; i < lineSets.size(); i++)
if (i == )
firstline = lineSets[i];
db::Point2f endFootPoint = getFootPoint(firstline.kb, firstline.Points[]); //第1条直线的第一个点 垂足
lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = endFootPoint;
secondline = lineSets[i]; double distance = getPointToPoint_Distance(firstline.Points[firstline.Points.size()-], secondline.Points[]); // 2018.11.7加入
bool have_little_line = !((firstline.Points.size() < ) && (secondline.Points.size() < ));
// 判断是否平行 求取交点
if (abs(firstline.kb[] - secondline.kb[]) > 1.0 && distance< 0.3 && have_little_line)//0.5
db::Point2f pointtemp;
pointtemp.x = (secondline.kb[] - firstline.kb[]) / (firstline.kb[] - secondline.kb[]);
pointtemp.y = firstline.kb[] * pointtemp.x + firstline.kb[]; db::Point2f R_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(firstline.kb, firstline.Points[firstline.Points.size() - ]); //第一条直线的最后一个点 垂足
db::Point2f L_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(secondline.kb, secondline.Points[]); //第二条直线的第一个点 垂足 //判断第二个向量在第一个向量的左值空间 还是右值空间
//R L向量 x轴正方向的夹角比较
double R[] = { R_endFootPoint.x - pointtemp.x, R_endFootPoint.y - pointtemp.y },
L[] = { L_endFootPoint.x - pointtemp.x, L_endFootPoint.y - pointtemp.y };
double R_sigema = 0.0;
double L_sigema = 0.0; //x轴正方向的夹角
getVector_Xangle(R, R_sigema);
getVector_Xangle(L, L_sigema); double sigema_temp = 0.0; //(0-PI)
if ((L_sigema - R_sigema)> && (L_sigema - R_sigema)<3.1415926)
getTwoVector_angle(R, L, sigema_temp);
double Ltemp[] = { pointtemp.x - L_endFootPoint.x, pointtemp.y - L_endFootPoint.y };
getTwoVector_angle(R, Ltemp, sigema_temp);
} lineSets[i - ].LRangle.leftangle = sigema_temp;
lineSets[i].LRangle.rightangle = sigema_temp; lineSets[i - ].LRPoints.endPoint = pointtemp;
lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = pointtemp;
//lineSets[i - 1].LRPoints.endPoint = R_endFootPoint;
//lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = L_endFootPoint;
firstline = secondline;
else // 如果前后两条直线近似平行
db::Point2f R_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(firstline.kb, firstline.Points[firstline.Points.size() - ]); //第一条直线的最后一个点 垂足
db::Point2f L_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(secondline.kb, secondline.Points[]); //第二条直线的第一个点 垂足 lineSets[i - ].LRPoints.endPoint = R_endFootPoint;
lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = L_endFootPoint; firstline = secondline;
} //db::Point2f R_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(firstline.kb, firstline.Points[firstline.Points.size() - 1]); //第一条直线的最后一个点 垂足
//db::Point2f L_endFootPoint = getFootPoint(secondline.kb, secondline.Points[0]); //第二条直线的第一个点 垂足
//lineSets[i - 1].LRPoints.endPoint = R_endFootPoint;
//lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint = L_endFootPoint;
//firstline = secondline; if (i == (lineSets.size() - ))
db::Point2f endFootPoint = getFootPoint(secondline.kb, secondline.Points[secondline.Points.size() - ]); //第1条直线的第一个点 垂足
lineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint = endFootPoint;
} //
} //求解两个平面两向量的旋转角
* 两个向量之间的旋转角
* 首先明确几个数学概念:
* 1. 极轴沿逆时针转动的方向是正方向
* 2. 两个向量之间的夹角theta, 是指(A^B)/(|A|*|B|) = cos(theta),0<=theta<=180 度, 而且没有方向之分
* 3. 两个向量的旋转角,是指从向量p1开始,逆时针旋转,转到向量p2时,所转过的角度, 范围是 0 ~ 360度
* 计算向量p1到p2的旋转角,算法如下:
* 首先通过点乘和arccosine的得到两个向量之间的夹角
* 然后判断通过差乘来判断两个向量之间的位置关系
* 如果p2在p1的逆时针方向, 返回arccose的角度值, 范围0 ~ 180.0(根据右手定理,可以构成正的面积)
* 否则返回 360.0 - arecose的值, 返回180到360(根据右手定理,面积为负)
double getRotateAngle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
const double epsilon = 1.0e-6;
const double nyPI = acos(-1.0);
double dist, dot, degree, angle; // normalize
dist = sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1);
x1 /= dist;
y1 /= dist;
dist = sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
x2 /= dist;
y2 /= dist; // dot product
dot = x1 * x2 + y1 * y2;
if (fabs(dot - 1.0) <= epsilon)
angle = 0.0;
else if (fabs(dot + 1.0) <= epsilon)
angle = nyPI;
else {
double cross;
angle = acos(dot);
//cross product
cross = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1;
// vector p2 is clockwise from vector p1
// with respect to the origin (0.0)
if (cross < ) {
angle = * nyPI - angle; //p2在p1的顺时针方向
//degree = angle * 180.0 / nyPI;
return angle;
} // 变换矩阵估计 2dlidar 匹配
void registration_2dLidar(
std::vector<db::Point2f>& src_points,
std::vector<db::Point2f>& targ_points,
Eigen::Matrix<float, , >& RT,
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr& cloud_in,
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr& cloud_targ)
if (src_points.size()==|| targ_points.size()==)
std::vector<db::line> src_lineSets;
std::vector<db::line> src_templineSets; getLinesFromPointset2(src_points, src_templineSets);
//reprocessLineset2(src_lineSets, src_templineSets);
//LRangleFromLines(src_templineSets); std::vector<db::line> targ_lineSets;
std::vector<db::line> targ_templineSets; getLinesFromPointset2(targ_points, targ_templineSets);
//reprocessLineset2(targ_lineSets, targ_templineSets);
//LRangleFromLines(targ_templineSets); //1、寻找最优匹配线段
struct paraLines
int src_line;
int targ_line;
int score=; //if one match 1 two match 2
std::vector<paraLines> matchLines;
bool bestFind = false; for (size_t i = ; i < src_templineSets.size(); i++)
for (size_t j = ; j < targ_templineSets.size(); j++)
if (src_templineSets[i].LRangle.leftangle!=0.0 && targ_templineSets[j].LRangle.leftangle!=0.0
&& abs(src_templineSets[i].LRangle.leftangle - targ_templineSets[j].LRangle.leftangle) < 0.05) //0-PI
paraLines ml;
ml.src_line = i;
ml.targ_line = j;
ml.score = ;
if (src_templineSets[i].LRangle.rightangle !=0.0 && targ_templineSets[j].LRangle.rightangle !=0.0 &&
abs(src_templineSets[i].LRangle.rightangle - targ_templineSets[j].LRangle.rightangle) < 0.2)
ml.score = ; //line corner
db::Point2f firstPoint;
db::Point2f secondPoint;
firstPoint = src_templineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint;
secondPoint = src_templineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint;
float src_distance = sqrt((firstPoint.x - secondPoint.x)*(firstPoint.x - secondPoint.x) +
(firstPoint.y - secondPoint.y)*(firstPoint.y - secondPoint.y)); firstPoint = src_templineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint;
secondPoint = src_templineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint;
float targ_distance = sqrt((firstPoint.x - secondPoint.x)*(firstPoint.x - secondPoint.x) +
(firstPoint.y - secondPoint.y)*(firstPoint.y - secondPoint.y));
if ((src_distance- targ_distance)<0.1) //线段长度对比
ml.score = ;
} if (matchLines.size()==)
std::cout << "cannot find match lines" << std::endl;
} int numTemp=;
size_t i_temp; for (size_t i = ; i < matchLines.size(); i++)
//1、变换矩阵 估计
//db::Point2f src_firtpoint = src_templineSets[matchLines[i].src_line].LRPoints.firstPoint;
db::Point2f src_firtpoint = getFootPoint(src_templineSets[matchLines[i].src_line].kb, src_templineSets[matchLines[i].src_line].Points[]);
db::Point2f src_secondpoint = src_templineSets[matchLines[i].src_line].LRPoints.endPoint;
db::Point2f firstvector;
firstvector.x = src_firtpoint.x - src_secondpoint.x;
firstvector.y = src_firtpoint.y - src_secondpoint.y; //db::Point2f targ_firtpoint = targ_templineSets[matchLines[i].targ_line].LRPoints.firstPoint;
db::Point2f targ_firtpoint = getFootPoint(targ_templineSets[matchLines[i].targ_line].kb, targ_templineSets[matchLines[i].targ_line].Points[]);
db::Point2f targ_secondpoint = targ_templineSets[matchLines[i].targ_line].LRPoints.endPoint;
db::Point2f secondvector;
secondvector.x = targ_firtpoint.x - targ_secondpoint.x;
secondvector.y = targ_firtpoint.y - targ_secondpoint.y; Eigen::Matrix<float, , > RT_temp;
double theta=getRotateAngle(firstvector.x, firstvector.y, secondvector.x, secondvector.y);
RT_temp(, ) = cos(theta);
RT_temp(, ) = -sin(theta);
RT_temp(, ) = sin(theta);
RT_temp(, ) = cos(theta); float x0 = src_secondpoint.x*cos(theta) - src_secondpoint.y*sin(theta);
float y0 = src_secondpoint.x*sin(theta) + src_secondpoint.y*cos(theta); RT_temp(, ) = targ_secondpoint.x- x0;
RT_temp(, ) = targ_secondpoint.y- y0; //2、匹配精度结果验证
struct Tnode * root = NULL;
root = build_kdtree(targ_points); //创建kdtree int num = ;
std::vector<double> distanceVector;
for (size_t j = ; j < src_points.size(); j++)
db::Point2f target;
target.x = RT_temp(, )*src_points[j].x + RT_temp(, )*src_points[j].y + RT_temp(, );
target.y = RT_temp(, )*src_points[j].x + RT_temp(, )*src_points[j].y + RT_temp(, ); db::Point2f nearestpoint;
double distance = 0.0;
searchNearest(root, target, nearestpoint, distance); //临近搜索 最近点 if (distance<0.3) //统计距离小于30cm的点个数
} if (numTemp < num)
numTemp = num;
i_temp = i;
RT = RT_temp;
//i_temp = 1;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_001(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_002(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
for (size_t i = ; i < src_templineSets[matchLines[i_temp].src_line].PointsIndex.size(); i++)
pcl::PointXYZ point;
point.x = src_points[src_templineSets[matchLines[i_temp].src_line].PointsIndex[i]].x;
point.y = src_points[src_templineSets[matchLines[i_temp].src_line].PointsIndex[i]].y;
point.z = 1.5;
for (size_t i = ; i < targ_templineSets[matchLines[i_temp].targ_line].PointsIndex.size(); i++)
pcl::PointXYZ point;
point.x = targ_points[targ_templineSets[matchLines[i_temp].targ_line].PointsIndex[i]].x;
point.y = targ_points[targ_templineSets[matchLines[i_temp].targ_line].PointsIndex[i]].y;
point.z = 1.5;
} //显示匹配的直线的点
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer;
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> inColorHandler(cloud_in, , , );// 白色
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> targColorHandler(cloud_in, , , );// 白色
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud_001Handler(cloud_001, , , ); // 红色
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud_002Handler(cloud_002, , , ); // 红色
viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_targ, targColorHandler, "targ");
viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_in, inColorHandler, "In");
viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_001, cloud_001Handler, "");
viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_002, cloud_002Handler, ""); viewer.addCoordinateSystem(1.0, "cloud", ); while (!viewer.wasStopped())
} pcl::PointXYZ _2dpointTo3dPoint(db::Point2f& temp2dpoint)
pcl::PointXYZ temp3dpoint;
temp3dpoint.x = temp2dpoint.x;
temp3dpoint.y = temp2dpoint.y;
temp3dpoint.z = 1.5;
return temp3dpoint;
} void viewLines(std::vector<db::line> &lineSets, pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer& viewer)
for (size_t i = ; i < lineSets.size(); i++)
std::stringstream ss_line;
ss_line << "line_" << i;
pcl::PointXYZ first_point= _2dpointTo3dPoint(lineSets[i].LRPoints.firstPoint);
pcl::PointXYZ end_point = _2dpointTo3dPoint(lineSets[i].LRPoints.endPoint); viewer.addLine<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ>(first_point, end_point, , , , ss_line.str());
}; } int main()
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_in(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // 原始点云
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_targ(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // 原始点云
if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile("C:/Users/18148/Desktop/room_test/020.pcd", *cloud_in) == -)
return -;
if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile("C:/Users/18148/Desktop/angelcomm/r2.pcd", *cloud_targ) == -)
return -;
} std::vector<db::Point2f> src_points;
std::vector<db::Point2f> targ_points;
Eigen::Matrix<float, , > RT= Eigen::Matrix<float, , >::Zero();
//MatrixXf RT(2,3)
for (size_t i = ; i < cloud_in->size();)
db::Point2f Point2f;
Point2f.x = cloud_in->points[i].x;
Point2f.y = cloud_in->points[i].y;
i += ;
for (size_t i = ; i < cloud_targ->size(); )
db::Point2f Point2f;
Point2f.x = cloud_targ->points[i].x;
Point2f.y = cloud_targ->points[i].y;
i += ;
} std::vector<db::line> src_templineSets;
std::vector<db::line> templineSets; //getLinesFromPointset_ransac(src_points, templineSets); getLinesFromPointset(src_points, templineSets);
//reprocessLineset2(templineSets, src_templineSets);
//LRangleFromLines(src_templineSets); //registration_2dLidar(src_points, targ_points, RT, cloud_in, cloud_targ); //Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); // 单位阵
//transform_1(0, 0) = RT(0, 0);
//transform_1(0, 1) = RT(0, 1);
//transform_1(0, 3) = RT(0, 2); //transform_1(1, 0) = RT(1, 0);
//transform_1(1, 1) = RT(1, 1);
//transform_1(1, 3) = RT(1, 2); //transform_1(2, 2) = 1;
//transform_1(3, 3) = 1; //cout << transform_1 << endl;
// // 执行变换
//pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pPointCloudOut(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>());
//pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud_in, *pPointCloudOut, transform_1); //pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_icp(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()); //pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ> icp;
//icp.setMaxCorrespondenceDistance(30); //设置对应点对之间的最大距离(此值对配准结果影响较大)
//icp.setTransformationEpsilon(1e-10); //设置两次变化矩阵之间的差值(一般设置为1e-10即可);
//icp.setEuclideanFitnessEpsilon(0.00001); //设置收敛条件是均方误差和小于阈值, 停止迭代
//icp.setMaximumIterations(1000); //设置最大迭代次数iterations=true
//icp.setInputSource(cloud_in); //设置输入的点云
//icp.setInputTarget(cloud_targ); //目标点云
//icp.align(*cloud_icp, transform_1); //匹配后源点云
//Eigen::Matrix4f transformation_matrix = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity(); //初始化
//if (icp.hasConverged()) //icp.hasConverged ()=1(true)输出变换矩阵的适合性评估
// std::cout << "\nICP has converged, score is " << icp.getFitnessScore() << std::endl;
// transformation_matrix = icp.getFinalTransformation(); //.cast<double>();
//} // 3. 可视窗口初始化 点云可视化
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer;
viewLines(templineSets, viewer); //pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> inColorHandler(cloud_in, 255, 255, 255);// 白色
//pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> targColorHandler(cloud_targ, 0, 0, 255);// 白色
//pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<pcl::PointXYZ> outColorHandler(cloud_icp, 230, 20, 20); // 红色
//viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_targ, targColorHandler, "targ");
//viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_in, inColorHandler, "In");
//viewer.addPointCloud(cloud_icp, outColorHandler, "Out");
//viewer.addCoordinateSystem(1.0, "In", 0);
while (!viewer.wasStopped())
{ // 显示,直到‘q’键被按下
return ;
总结:实现单线2dlidar 的匹配算法。
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