I am using asp.net, .NET 3.5, C#, and SQL Server Express 2005.
我使用的是asp.net,.NET 3.5,C#和SQL Server Express 2005。
I have created a stored procedure in SQL, and when I run SP from SQL server it takes less than 1 second to return results. I have also tried that query in query analyzer and it also gives me results in less than 1 second. But when I try to call this SP from .NET (C#), it takes a long time, and then gives a timeout error.
Here is the code I am using to call the stored procedure:
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
con.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("spReport_SiteUsage_KP", con);
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@fromDate", SqlDbType.DateTime));
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@toDate", SqlDbType.DateTime));
command.Parameters[0].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePicker1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString());
command.Parameters[1].Value = DatePicker2.SelectedDate;
int i = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Store Procedure :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spReport_SiteUsage_KP]
@fromDate datetime = null,
@toDate datetime = null
truncate table dbo.RPT_SiteUsage
IF (@FromDate is not null and @ToDate is not null) --Hourly Report, grouped by hour
insert into RPT_SiteUsage
select '' as ReportType,
'Site Usage for '+ datename(mm,@fromDate)+' '+datename(dd,@fromDate)+', '+datename(yy,@fromDate) +
' To '+datename(mm,@toDate)+' '+datename(dd,@toDate)+', '+datename(yy,@toDate) as ReportTitle,
min(@fromDate) as FromDate,max(@toDate) as ToDate,
isnull(count(s.SessionId),0) VisitsTotal,
isnull(count(distinct(s.cookieid)),0) VisitsUnique,
isnull(sum(PagesVisited),0) PageViews,
isnull(round(avg(convert(decimal(10,2),PagesVisited)),2),0) PagePerVisit,
isnull(min(PagesVisited),0) MinNoPageViews,
isnull(max(PagesVisited),0) MaxNoPageViews,
isnull(round(avg(convert(decimal(10,2),TimeInSiteMinutes)),2),0) AvgTimeInSite,
isnull(min(TimeInSiteMinutes),0) MinTimeSpent,
isnull(max(TimeInSiteMinutes),0) MaxTimeSpent,
isnull(sum(NewPeople),0) as NewVisitors
dbo.UMM_UserAction ua inner join dbo.UMM_Session s on ua.SessionId=s.Sessionid
left join
(select ua.sessionId, datediff(ss,min(Actiondate),max(Actiondate))/60 TimeInSiteMinutes
from dbo.UMM_UserAction ua
where ActionDate between @fromDate and @toDate
group by ua.sessionid
) sessionTime on ua.sessionId = sessionTime.sessionid
left join
(select ua.sessionId, 0 as NewPeople
from dbo.UMM_UserAction ua
inner join dbo.UMM_Session s on ua.SessionId=s.SessionId
inner join dbo.UMM_Cookie c on s.CookieId=c.CookieId
where ua.actiondate< @fromDate --this is the from date
group by UserId,ua.sessionId
) Old on ua.sessionId = Old.sessionid
left join
(select ua.sessionId,count(distinct(uaP.PageEntryId)) as PagesVisited
from dbo.UMM_UserAction ua,
dbo.UMM_UserActionPageReview uaP
where ua.UserActionId=uaP.UserActionId
and ActionDate between @fromDate and @toDate
group by ua.sessionId
)pVisited on ua.sessionId = pVisited.sessionId
where ActionDate between @fromDate and @toDate
IF (select count(*) from RPT_SiteUsage)=0
insert into RPT_SiteUsage
select '(1 day)' as ReportType,
'Site Usage for '+datename(mm,@fromDate)+' '+datename(dd,@fromDate)+', '+datename(yy,@fromDate) +
' To '+datename(mm,@toDate)+' '+datename(dd,@toDate)+', '+datename(yy,@toDate) as ReportTitle,
min(@fromDate) as FromDate,max(@toDate) as ToDate,
0 as VisitsTotal,
0 as VisitsUnique,
0 as PageViews,
0 as PagePerVisit,
0 as MinNoPageViews,
0 as MaxNoPageViews,
0 as AvgTimeInSite,
0 as MinTimeSpent,
0 as MaxTimeSpent,
0 as NewVisitors
4 个解决方案
Another idea, the TimeOut of each SqlCommand is also controlled individually, so, you can control it with CommandTimeOut property.
command.CommandTimeout = 120;
However, I would check the execution plan to see where is it wasting or hogging db resources, I suggest this just for experiment, not on production.
Well - I would say there's an error in your connection string. Please check it.
好吧 - 我会说你的连接字符串有错误。请检查一下。
If it takes long before the query returns an error, there is probably something wrong with your connection (string).
It could be the fun issue with a bad query plan cached on the proc. Especially if the guts of the proc just as a Query in Query Analyzer runs fine. Check this link out on how to resolve the situation: http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1304
在proc上缓存错误的查询计划可能是一个有趣的问题。特别是如果proc的内核就像查询分析器中的查询一样运行正常。请查看此链接以了解如何解决此问题:http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tt = 1304
Another idea, the TimeOut of each SqlCommand is also controlled individually, so, you can control it with CommandTimeOut property.
command.CommandTimeout = 120;
However, I would check the execution plan to see where is it wasting or hogging db resources, I suggest this just for experiment, not on production.
Well - I would say there's an error in your connection string. Please check it.
好吧 - 我会说你的连接字符串有错误。请检查一下。
If it takes long before the query returns an error, there is probably something wrong with your connection (string).
It could be the fun issue with a bad query plan cached on the proc. Especially if the guts of the proc just as a Query in Query Analyzer runs fine. Check this link out on how to resolve the situation: http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1304
在proc上缓存错误的查询计划可能是一个有趣的问题。特别是如果proc的内核就像查询分析器中的查询一样运行正常。请查看此链接以了解如何解决此问题:http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tt = 1304