1 score = list('012332211')
2 print('分数为:',score)
3 print('1分的同学个数:',score.count('1'))
4 print('3分的同学个数:',score.count('3'))
5 print('第一个3分同学的下标为:',score.index('3'))
6 score.append('0')
7 print('添加一个0分在表的末尾:',score)
8 score.insert(0,'3')
9 print('添加一个3分在表的开头:',score)
10 score.pop(1)
11 print('删除第二个分数:',score)
1 score = {'01':'100','02':'77','03':'88','04':'97','05':'97','05':'96','06':'60','07':'55','08':'90','09':'91','10':'59'}
2 print('成绩表:\n',score.items())
3 score['11']='90'
4 print('添加学号为11的分数:\n',score.items())
5 score['10']='99'
6 print('修改学号为10的分数为99分:\n',score.items())
7 print('学号是:',score.keys())
8 print('分数是:',score.values())
9 found = input('输入学号查分数:')
10 print(score.get(found,"没有该学生的分数!"))
1 ls = list('123456789')
2 ln = tuple('123456789')
3 s = {'01':'100','02':'99','03':'98','04':'97','05':'96','05':'96','06':'95','07':'98','08':'90','09':'91'}
4 a= set('123456789')
5 print('列表:',ls)
6 print('元组',ln)
7 print('字典',s)
8 print('集合',a)
9 print('\n列表的遍历:')
10 for i in ls:
11 print(i,' ',end=' ')
12 print('\n元组的遍历:')
13 for j in ln:
14 print(j,' ',end=' ')
15 print('\n字典的遍历:')
16 for k in s:
17 print(k,'',end=' ')
18 print('\n集合的遍历:')
19 for l in a:
20 print(l,'',end=' ')
属性 |
列表list |
元祖tuple |
字典dict |
集合set |
有序 |
是 (正向递增/反向递减) |
是 |
无 |
无 |
数据可重复 |
是 |
是 |
key值唯一 |
否 |
数据可修改 |
是 |
否 |
是 |
是 |
特点 |
查询速度随内容增加而变慢 占用内存较小 |
表达固定数据项、函数多返回值、 多变量同步赋值、循环遍历等情况下适用 |
改&查操作速度快,不会因key值增加而变慢。占用内存大,内存浪费多(利用空间成本换时间) |
数据独立性: 能够过滤重复参数 |
思路:待分析字符→分解提取单词→大小写 txt.lower()→分隔符'.,:;?!-_’ →计数字典→排序list.sort()→输出TOP(10)。
1 write='''It was Mother’s Day.Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother.
2 He decided to help his mother do some housework.After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home.
3 When he got home,he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well.
4 Then he cleaned the room.He felt very tired,but he was very happy.
5 When his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice,they were very happy.
6 They had their supper together.His mother said,"Thank you,my child!"'''
8 exc={'the','to','and','on','a','was'}
9 write = write.lower()
10 for i in ''',.!?''': #去掉标点符号
11 write = write.replace(i,' ')
12 words = write.split(' ') #分词,单词的列表
13 keys = set(words) #出现过单词的集合,字典的Key
14 dic = {}
15 for w in exc: #排除无意义的单词
16 keys.remove(w)
17 for i in keys:
18 dic[i]=words.count(i) #单词出现次数的字典
19 diry = list(dic.items()) #把字典转换为列表
20 diry.sort(key = lambda x:x[1],reverse = True) #按出现的次数降序排序
21 for i in range(10):
22 print(diry[i])