《Python核心编程》第二版第308页第十一章练习 续五 -Python核心编程答案-自己做的-

时间:2023-02-13 16:59:39





Variable Scope. Earlier in the chapter (see Example 11.9 on p. 466), we left determining the output of scope.py as an exercise for the reader.
(a) Write down your best guess, then download the code and run it. Were you close? Explain where you were wrong and why (if applicable). Hint: first determine the total number of lines output by counting how many print statements will execute before trying to figure out the output.
(b) Line 11 in proc2() is currently blank... insert this statement (indented properly): global j. How does this affect the output (and why)?
【注】英文版原书有本题。Example 11.9是指中文版书304页11.8.6小节的那个例子。

j == 3 and k == 4
j == 1 and k == 7
j == 3 and k == 4
j == 6 and k == 7
j == 8 and k == 7



j == 3 and k == 4
j == 1 and k == 7
j == 3 and k == 4
j == 6 and k == 7
j == 6 and k == 7
*** *** *** ***


Example 11.9 Variable Scope (scope.py)


j, k = 1, 2

def proc1():
j, k = 3, 4
print "j == %d and k == %d" % (j, k)
k = 5

def proc2():
#global j
j = 6
print "j == %d and k == %d" % (j, k)

k = 7
print "j == %d and k == %d" % (j, k)

j = 8
print "j == %d and k == %d" % (j, k)


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keyword Python核心编程答案