
时间:2023-02-10 23:06:04
package com.liuc.core;import java.awt.Image;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;import com.liuc.config.ImageSizeConfig;import com.liuc.util.UUIDUtil;/** *  * @brief  生成缩略图 */public class ThumbnailUtil {	/**	 * 宽度	 */    private int width;    /**     * 高度     */    private int height;    private int scaleWidth;    double support = (double) 3.0;    double PI = (double) 3.14159265358978;    double[] contrib;    double[] normContrib;    double[] tmpContrib;    int startContrib, stopContrib;    int nDots;    int nHalfDots;    /** *//**     * Start: Use Lanczos filter to replace the original algorithm for image     * scaling. Lanczos improves quality of the scaled image modify by :blade     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        ThumbnailUtil is = new ThumbnailUtil();        try {            is.compressImageAsJpg(new File("D:/123/1.jpg"), new File("D:/123/1111.jpg"), 765, 129);        } catch (Exception e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }    }        public File compressImgByAssignMinBoundLength(File inFile, ImageSizeConfig pc) throws Exception{        try {            Image img =;            int width = img.getWidth(null);            int height = img.getHeight(null);            int OutputWidth = pc.getWidth();            int OutputHeight = pc.getHeight();            int new_w,new_h;            if (height <= OutputWidth && width <= OutputHeight) {// 不压缩                new_w = width;                new_h = height;            } else if (height > width) {// 已宽为准                new_w = OutputWidth;                new_h = (int) (new_w / ((double) width / (double) height));            } else {// 已高为准                new_h = OutputHeight;                new_w = (int) ((new_h * (double) width / (double) height));            }                        String fileName = UUIDUtil.getUUID() + pc.getExt();            File tmpFile = new File("D:/123", fileName);            compressImageAsJpg(inFile, tmpFile, new_w, new_h);            return tmpFile;        } catch (Exception e) {            throw new Exception("compress img error.", e);        }            }        /**     * 压缩图片     * @param fromFileStr     * @param saveToFileStr     * @param formatWideth     * @param formatHeight     * @throws Exception     */    public void compressImageAsJpg(File fromFile, File saveToFile,            int formatWideth, int formatHeight) throws Exception{        try {            saveImageAsJpg(fromFile, saveToFile, formatWideth, formatHeight);        } catch (Exception e) {            throw new Exception("compress img error.", e);        }    }    // fromFileStr原图片地址,saveToFileStr生成缩略图地址,formatWideth生成图片宽度,formatHeight高度    public void saveImageAsJpg(File inputFile, File saveToFile,            int formatWideth, int formatHeight) throws Exception {        BufferedImage srcImage;        File saveFile = saveToFile;        File fromFile = inputFile;        srcImage =; // construct image        int imageWideth = srcImage.getWidth(null);        int imageHeight = srcImage.getHeight(null);        int changeToWideth = 0;        int changeToHeight = 0;        if (imageWideth > 0 && imageHeight > 0) {            // flag=true;            if (imageWideth / imageHeight >= formatWideth / formatHeight) {                if (imageWideth > formatWideth) {                    changeToWideth = formatWideth;                    changeToHeight = (imageHeight * formatWideth) / imageWideth;                } else {                    changeToWideth = imageWideth;                    changeToHeight = imageHeight;                }            } else {                if (imageHeight > formatHeight) {                    changeToHeight = formatHeight;                    changeToWideth = (imageWideth * formatHeight) / imageHeight;                } else {                    changeToWideth = imageWideth;                    changeToHeight = imageHeight;                }            }        }        srcImage = imageZoomOut(srcImage, changeToWideth, changeToHeight);        ImageIO.write(srcImage, "JPEG", saveFile);    }    public BufferedImage imageZoomOut(BufferedImage srcBufferImage, int w, int h) {        width = srcBufferImage.getWidth();        height = srcBufferImage.getHeight();        scaleWidth = w;        if (DetermineResultSize(w, h) == 1) {            return srcBufferImage;        }        CalContrib();        BufferedImage pbOut = HorizontalFiltering(srcBufferImage, w);        BufferedImage pbFinalOut = VerticalFiltering(pbOut, h);        return pbFinalOut;    }    /**     * 决定图像尺寸     */    private int DetermineResultSize(int w, int h) {        double scaleH, scaleV;        scaleH = (double) w / (double) width;        scaleV = (double) h / (double) height;        // 需要判断一下scaleH,scaleV,不做放大操作        if (scaleH >= 1.0 && scaleV >= 1.0) {            return 1;        }        return 0;    } // end of DetermineResultSize()    private double Lanczos(int i, int inWidth, int outWidth, double Support) {        double x;        x = (double) i * (double) outWidth / (double) inWidth;        return Math.sin(x * PI) / (x * PI) * Math.sin(x * PI / Support)                / (x * PI / Support);    }    private void CalContrib() {        nHalfDots = (int) ((double) width * support / (double) scaleWidth);        nDots = nHalfDots * 2 + 1;        try {            contrib = new double[nDots];            normContrib = new double[nDots];            tmpContrib = new double[nDots];        } catch (Exception e) {            System.out.println("init   contrib,normContrib,tmpContrib" + e);        }        int center = nHalfDots;        contrib[center] = 1.0;        double weight = 0.0;        int i = 0;        for (i = 1; i <= center; i++) {            contrib[center + i] = Lanczos(i, width, scaleWidth, support);            weight += contrib[center + i];        }        for (i = center - 1; i >= 0; i--) {            contrib[i] = contrib[center * 2 - i];        }        weight = weight * 2 + 1.0;        for (i = 0; i <= center; i++) {            normContrib[i] = contrib[i] / weight;        }        for (i = center + 1; i < nDots; i++) {            normContrib[i] = normContrib[center * 2 - i];        }    } // end of CalContrib()    // 处理边缘    private void CalTempContrib(int start, int stop) {        double weight = 0;        int i = 0;        for (i = start; i <= stop; i++) {            weight += contrib[i];        }        for (i = start; i <= stop; i++) {            tmpContrib[i] = contrib[i] / weight;        }    } // end of CalTempContrib()    private int GetRedValue(int rgbValue) {        int temp = rgbValue & 0x00ff0000;        return temp >> 16;    }    private int GetGreenValue(int rgbValue) {        int temp = rgbValue & 0x0000ff00;        return temp >> 8;    }    private int GetBlueValue(int rgbValue) {        return rgbValue & 0x000000ff;    }    private int ComRGB(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue) {        return (redValue << 16) + (greenValue << 8) + blueValue;    }    // 行水平滤波    private int HorizontalFilter(BufferedImage bufImg, int startX, int stopX,            int start, int stop, int y, double[] pContrib) {        double valueRed = 0.0;        double valueGreen = 0.0;        double valueBlue = 0.0;        int valueRGB = 0;        int i, j;        for (i = startX, j = start; i <= stopX; i++, j++) {            valueRGB = bufImg.getRGB(i, y);            valueRed += GetRedValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];            valueGreen += GetGreenValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];            valueBlue += GetBlueValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];        }        valueRGB = ComRGB(Clip((int) valueRed), Clip((int) valueGreen),                Clip((int) valueBlue));        return valueRGB;    } // end of HorizontalFilter()    // 图片水平滤波    private BufferedImage HorizontalFiltering(BufferedImage bufImage, int iOutW) {        int dwInW = bufImage.getWidth();        int dwInH = bufImage.getHeight();        int value = 0;        BufferedImage pbOut = new BufferedImage(iOutW, dwInH,                BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);        for (int x = 0; x < iOutW; x++) {            int startX;            int start;            int X = (int) (((double) x) * ((double) dwInW) / ((double) iOutW) + 0.5);            int y = 0;            startX = X - nHalfDots;            if (startX < 0) {                startX = 0;                start = nHalfDots - X;            } else {                start = 0;            }            int stop;            int stopX = X + nHalfDots;            if (stopX > (dwInW - 1)) {                stopX = dwInW - 1;                stop = nHalfDots + (dwInW - 1 - X);            } else {                stop = nHalfDots * 2;            }            if (start > 0 || stop < nDots - 1) {                CalTempContrib(start, stop);                for (y = 0; y < dwInH; y++) {                    value = HorizontalFilter(bufImage, startX, stopX, start,                            stop, y, tmpContrib);                    pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);                }            } else {                for (y = 0; y < dwInH; y++) {                    value = HorizontalFilter(bufImage, startX, stopX, start,                            stop, y, normContrib);                    pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);                }            }        }        return pbOut;    } // end of HorizontalFiltering()    private int VerticalFilter(BufferedImage pbInImage, int startY, int stopY,            int start, int stop, int x, double[] pContrib) {        double valueRed = 0.0;        double valueGreen = 0.0;        double valueBlue = 0.0;        int valueRGB = 0;        int i, j;        for (i = startY, j = start; i <= stopY; i++, j++) {            valueRGB = pbInImage.getRGB(x, i);            valueRed += GetRedValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];            valueGreen += GetGreenValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];            valueBlue += GetBlueValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];            // System.out.println(valueRed+"->"+Clip((int)valueRed)+"<-");            //               // System.out.println(valueGreen+"->"+Clip((int)valueGreen)+"<-");            // System.out.println(valueBlue+"->"+Clip((int)valueBlue)+"<-"+"-->");        }        valueRGB = ComRGB(Clip((int) valueRed), Clip((int) valueGreen),                Clip((int) valueBlue));        // System.out.println(valueRGB);        return valueRGB;    } // end of VerticalFilter()    private BufferedImage VerticalFiltering(BufferedImage pbImage, int iOutH) {        int iW = pbImage.getWidth();        int iH = pbImage.getHeight();        int value = 0;        BufferedImage pbOut = new BufferedImage(iW, iOutH,                BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);        for (int y = 0; y < iOutH; y++) {            int startY;            int start;            int Y = (int) (((double) y) * ((double) iH) / ((double) iOutH) + 0.5);            startY = Y - nHalfDots;            if (startY < 0) {                startY = 0;                start = nHalfDots - Y;            } else {                start = 0;            }            int stop;            int stopY = Y + nHalfDots;            if (stopY > (int) (iH - 1)) {                stopY = iH - 1;                stop = nHalfDots + (iH - 1 - Y);            } else {                stop = nHalfDots * 2;            }            if (start > 0 || stop < nDots - 1) {                CalTempContrib(start, stop);                for (int x = 0; x < iW; x++) {                    value = VerticalFilter(pbImage, startY, stopY, start, stop,                            x, tmpContrib);                    pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);                }            } else {                for (int x = 0; x < iW; x++) {                    value = VerticalFilter(pbImage, startY, stopY, start, stop,                            x, normContrib);                    pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);                }            }        }        return pbOut;    } // end of VerticalFiltering()    int Clip(int x) {        if (x < 0)            return 0;        if (x > 255)            return 255;        return x;    }}
package com.liuc.util;import java.util.UUID;public class UUIDUtil {	public static String getUUID() {		UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();           String str = uuid.toString();           // 去掉"-"符号           String temp = str.substring(0, 8) + str.substring(9, 13) + str.substring(14, 18) + str.substring(19, 23) + str.substring(24);           return str+","+temp;   	}}

package com.liuc.config;public class ImageSizeConfig {	public int getWidth() {		return 320;	}	public int getHeight() {		return 240;	}	public String getExt() {		return ".jpg";	}}