(1) A set of points lying on a line called a Range. (同前)
(2) A set of concurrent lines lying in a plane called aFlat Pencil(扁平束), or shortly a Pencil.
(3) A set of planes passing through a line called an Axial Pencil(轴束).
(5) A set of lines lying in a plane but not concurrent. (平面不同心的直线的集合)
(6) A set of concurrent lines not in one plane.(不在同一平面的同心的直线的集合)
(7) A set of planes passing through one point.(通过同一点的平面的集合)
(8) A set of points, lines and planes in space. (空间的点、线、面的集合)
1: A pencil of points(这种称呼少见) or a range is the figure formed by the set of all points on the same line. The line is called the axis of the pencil. the axis of the pencil.2: A pencil of lines or arange(与上重) is the figure formed by the set of all lines on the same point. The point is called the center of the pencil. the center of the pencil.
the pencil of points is the space dual of the pencil of planes.
3: A pencil of lines or a flat pencil is the figure formed by the set of all lines which are at once on the same point and the same plane ; the point is called the vertex or center of the pencil.
4:The set of points on a plane is called a plane of point,
The set of lines on a plane is called a bound of lines,
The point is called the of base and the two forms. The figure composed of a plane of a points and a plane of lines with the same base is called a plannar field. The set of planes on a point is called abound of planes, The set of lines on a point is called a plane of lines, The plane is called the center of the two forms. The figure composed of a bundle of a lines and a bunle of planes with the same center is called simple a bundle.
or of three dimensions.
* The pencil of planes is also called by some writers a sheaf.
There are then, all told, nine primitive geometric forms in a space of three dimensions.*
Lehmer[4]则对Cremonna的1、2类基本形同样有点列、轴束之称,而把他的第3种基本形扁平束简单地称射线束(a pencil of rays),第4类2种图形合称空间点系(point system), 而第5类2种图形合称平面系(plane system)。此外还加了一个 空间直线系:即由空间所有直线所组成的集合。即一共有7种基本形。如将点系、平面系都看成2种基本形,则一共是9种基本形。