谢作如 [ 2008-5-21 8:19:00 ]
$CFG->unicodecleanfilename = true;===============================1.9试了下只要改这个就可以了
* Cleans a given filename by removing suspicious or troublesome characters
* Only these are allowed: alphanumeric _ - .
* Unicode characters can be enabled by setting $CFG->unicodecleanfilename = true in config.php
* WARNING: unicode characters may not be compatible with zip compression in backup/restore,
* because native zip binaries do weird character conversions. Use PHP zipping instead.
* @param string $string file name
* @return string cleaned file name
其实这样并不是很彻底的方案。如果在插入超链接时选择本站文件,返回的文件目录中中文文件名还是乱码的。不过我发现只要在浏览器中选择utf-8编码,还是可以正确浏览的,但这样毕竟不方便。 再也找不到相关的资料了,于是自力更生,我找了点PHP的资料,直接修改了coursefiles.php文件(lib/editor/htmlarea/coursefiles.php),在第二行加上这样一句:@header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");再次测试网页,发现浏览器就可以自动选择utf-8编码,不再出现乱码了。 终于算彻底解决中文文件名乱码的问题。