
时间:2023-02-09 18:04:42

I have a SqlDataAdapter that is being populated with 21 rows of data (4 columns). The sproc that drives it returns in a couple seconds in SQL Mgmt Studio, but the .Fill() takes 5 minutes.

我有一个SqlDataAdapter,它填充了21行数据(4列)。在SQL Mgmt Studio中驱动它的sproc在几秒钟内返回,但是. fill()只需要5分钟。

    ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
    SqlDataAdapter da = null;
    SqlCommand cmd = null;  
        cmd = base.GetStoredProc("usp_dsp_Stuff"); //Returns immediately in MSSMS.
        cmd.CommandTimeout = 3600; // Set to 6 min - debug only
        base.AddParameter(ref cmd, "@Param1", ParameterDirection.Input, SqlDbType.BigInt, 8, 19, 0, theParam1);
        base.AddParameter(ref cmd, "@Param2", ParameterDirection.Input, SqlDbType.BigInt, 8, 19, 0, theParam2);
        base.AddParameter(ref cmd, "@Param3", ParameterDirection.Input, SqlDbType.Char, 1, 'C');
        da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        da.Fill(dt); //Takes 5 minutes.

Any ideas?


Thanks in advance! -Chris


6 个解决方案



I know this is too late, like 7 years too late! but I came up against this issue today and wanted to share my fix. In my instance the data been pulled from SQL was a table valued function. The table valued function only returned about 3500 rows and took less than 1 second, but it timed out on the Fill() in the c# code. I don't know who or how it works but dropping and re-creating the function fixed it. I think it is something to do with how .NET reads data given by SQL, like the way a view is needed to be recreated if you make changes to it after it's been used in say a report. Again i;m not 100% sure whats happening behind the scenes but for me it was a quick fix




Thank you for the help. The solution to this was to add with (nolock) statements on the joins that the sproc was using:


FROM category_tbl c INNER JOIN dbo.categoryItem_LNK cl WITH (NOLOCK) ON c.categoryid = cl.categoryid

从category_tbl c内部连接dbo。category _lnk cl与(NOLOCK)在c上。categoryid = cl.categoryid

I dont know why we were only seeing degradation when using the SqlDataAdapter, but this changed solved the problem right away.


Thanks again, Chris




I hate to break the news, but (NOLOCK) isn't a solution, it just creates new problems, such as dirty reads, missing/duplicated data, and even aborted queries. Locks in a SQL database are your friend.


If locking (or worse, blocking) was causing it to be slow, you compare the connection options running through SSMS and the ones used by your application. Use SQL Profiler to see how the code is being executed.


If any of those fields are large objects, keep in mind that SSMS automatically retrieves only a few hundred characters by default. The extra data returned could be a factor.




da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
da.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 1800;



Fill() can sometimes be slow because .NET is analysing the data that comes back from the procedure.

Fill()有时会很慢,因为. net正在分析从过程返回的数据。

Use the SQL Profiler to work out what SQL .NET is actually sending when the Fill() executes.

使用SQL Profiler计算出当Fill()执行时SQL . net实际发送的是什么。

If it is sending a lot of SET statements, such as


set concat_null_yields_null on
set cursor_close_on_commit off
set implicit_transactions off


.. then putting those same set statements into your stored procedure may speed things up.

. .然后将相同的set语句放入存储过程中可能会加快速度。



Bad query plans and parameter sniffing. For a stored proc, and especially one where parameters will wildly adjust the rows read, a bad execution plan from looking at incoming parameters is the cause. It doesn't happen in SQL Management Studio because of different SET parameters.

糟糕的查询计划和参数嗅探。对于存储的proc,特别是在参数将大幅调整行读取的地方,一个糟糕的执行计划从查看传入参数就是原因。由于设置参数不同,在SQL Management Studio中不会发生这种情况。

This thread sums up your issue nicely: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/transactsql/thread/9fd72536-f714-422a-b4c9-078e2ef365da/


This is a typical case of parameter sniffing. Your application most likely runs with different SET options (set by the client API) and uses a different execution plan than the one created in SSMS. What happens is when your procedure is invoke the first time via your application is creates execution plan based on the parameters passed. However, this execution plan may not be good for another set of parameter, which can result in poor performance when executed with the other set of parameters. See the following for more details and different solutions: http://pratchev.blogspot.com/2007/08/parameter-sniffing.html


Here is more on the internals of plan caching and query plan reuse:




I know this is too late, like 7 years too late! but I came up against this issue today and wanted to share my fix. In my instance the data been pulled from SQL was a table valued function. The table valued function only returned about 3500 rows and took less than 1 second, but it timed out on the Fill() in the c# code. I don't know who or how it works but dropping and re-creating the function fixed it. I think it is something to do with how .NET reads data given by SQL, like the way a view is needed to be recreated if you make changes to it after it's been used in say a report. Again i;m not 100% sure whats happening behind the scenes but for me it was a quick fix




Thank you for the help. The solution to this was to add with (nolock) statements on the joins that the sproc was using:


FROM category_tbl c INNER JOIN dbo.categoryItem_LNK cl WITH (NOLOCK) ON c.categoryid = cl.categoryid

从category_tbl c内部连接dbo。category _lnk cl与(NOLOCK)在c上。categoryid = cl.categoryid

I dont know why we were only seeing degradation when using the SqlDataAdapter, but this changed solved the problem right away.


Thanks again, Chris




I hate to break the news, but (NOLOCK) isn't a solution, it just creates new problems, such as dirty reads, missing/duplicated data, and even aborted queries. Locks in a SQL database are your friend.


If locking (or worse, blocking) was causing it to be slow, you compare the connection options running through SSMS and the ones used by your application. Use SQL Profiler to see how the code is being executed.


If any of those fields are large objects, keep in mind that SSMS automatically retrieves only a few hundred characters by default. The extra data returned could be a factor.




da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
da.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 1800;



Fill() can sometimes be slow because .NET is analysing the data that comes back from the procedure.

Fill()有时会很慢,因为. net正在分析从过程返回的数据。

Use the SQL Profiler to work out what SQL .NET is actually sending when the Fill() executes.

使用SQL Profiler计算出当Fill()执行时SQL . net实际发送的是什么。

If it is sending a lot of SET statements, such as


set concat_null_yields_null on
set cursor_close_on_commit off
set implicit_transactions off


.. then putting those same set statements into your stored procedure may speed things up.

. .然后将相同的set语句放入存储过程中可能会加快速度。



Bad query plans and parameter sniffing. For a stored proc, and especially one where parameters will wildly adjust the rows read, a bad execution plan from looking at incoming parameters is the cause. It doesn't happen in SQL Management Studio because of different SET parameters.

糟糕的查询计划和参数嗅探。对于存储的proc,特别是在参数将大幅调整行读取的地方,一个糟糕的执行计划从查看传入参数就是原因。由于设置参数不同,在SQL Management Studio中不会发生这种情况。

This thread sums up your issue nicely: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/transactsql/thread/9fd72536-f714-422a-b4c9-078e2ef365da/


This is a typical case of parameter sniffing. Your application most likely runs with different SET options (set by the client API) and uses a different execution plan than the one created in SSMS. What happens is when your procedure is invoke the first time via your application is creates execution plan based on the parameters passed. However, this execution plan may not be good for another set of parameter, which can result in poor performance when executed with the other set of parameters. See the following for more details and different solutions: http://pratchev.blogspot.com/2007/08/parameter-sniffing.html


Here is more on the internals of plan caching and query plan reuse:
