如何使用plot3()填充3d下面的2d graphes?

时间:2022-06-22 23:41:43

i plotted a 3d plot with the following code, but with my own measured data:


Data    = rand(1000, 4);  % 4 Channels or more or less
Time    = 1:1000;
sData   = size(Data);
vSignal = 1:sData(2);
plot3(Time, vSignal(ones(1, sData(1)), :), Data);
view(-150, 60)`

Now I want to fill under the graphes I plotted.But it´s really important for me to be able to plot and fill below multiple graphes! Do I have to use fill3()? I imported my data as a numeric matrix. I tried several ways but I failed. Thanks for help.


1 个解决方案



Here is how to use fill3:


for ii = 1:sData(2)

I use the for loop since I create a patch for each plot separately (I call the filled-in area a Patch). For each patch, I need to give its boundaries, and fill3 will fill everything in between. The boundaries are the exact points that you used in plot3, but in addition you need two more points on the x-y plane to close the patch (to make it a polygon). That is the reason I extend the vectors by 2.




Here is how to use fill3:


for ii = 1:sData(2)

I use the for loop since I create a patch for each plot separately (I call the filled-in area a Patch). For each patch, I need to give its boundaries, and fill3 will fill everything in between. The boundaries are the exact points that you used in plot3, but in addition you need two more points on the x-y plane to close the patch (to make it a polygon). That is the reason I extend the vectors by 2.
