
时间:2023-02-09 15:56:34

I'm using PHPword to create a docx file. I need a method/function that can get the total number of pages created.


I know PHPword does support pages numbering which is easily done using $footer->addPreserveText('Page {PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}.');

我知道PHPword确实支持使用$ footer-> addPreserveText({NUMPAGES}的'Page {PAGE}')轻松完成的页码编号。

once i got the total number of pages, i can create extra pages if the document has less the 20 pages.


2 个解决方案


I also asked this question. While there isn't a built-in per se, you can get the info by opening the ZIP file manually and looking at the app.xml file within


Check out my answer and code sample here: https://*.com/a/40228208/6247265


And here's the relevant code:


 // Include PHPWord and other stuff before here
  function getPages() {
    $zip = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\ZipArchive();
    preg_match("/\<Pages>(.*)\<\/Pages\>/", $zip->getFromName("docProps/app.xml"), $var);
    return $var[0];

There's a catch to this: the page numbers will be wrong. I got around this by exec()ing to winword.exe using the /m switch to run the ToolsWordCountRecount macro. So something like this:

有一个问题:页码是错误的。我使用/ m开关通过exec()转到winword.exe来运行ToolsWordCountRecount宏。所以像这样:

c:\path\to\winword.exe /mToolsWordCountRecount /mFileSave /mFileCloseOrExit yourfile.docx

c:\ path \ to \ winword.exe / mToolsWordCountRecount / mFileSave / mFileCloseOrExit yourfile.docx

This forces Word to recount the pages, saves the document then quits. Then you can run getPages to correctly count the number of pages in a document.



The {PAGE} and {NUMPAGES} are specific word field codes that are processed by Word instead than phpword, i.e. phpword doesn't actually know the page number values, it just passes these field codes as they are into the resulting word document.


As an answer to the original question, I don't think that you can get the number of pages information from phpword.


more information about the word field values



I also asked this question. While there isn't a built-in per se, you can get the info by opening the ZIP file manually and looking at the app.xml file within


Check out my answer and code sample here: https://*.com/a/40228208/6247265


And here's the relevant code:


 // Include PHPWord and other stuff before here
  function getPages() {
    $zip = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\ZipArchive();
    preg_match("/\<Pages>(.*)\<\/Pages\>/", $zip->getFromName("docProps/app.xml"), $var);
    return $var[0];

There's a catch to this: the page numbers will be wrong. I got around this by exec()ing to winword.exe using the /m switch to run the ToolsWordCountRecount macro. So something like this:

有一个问题:页码是错误的。我使用/ m开关通过exec()转到winword.exe来运行ToolsWordCountRecount宏。所以像这样:

c:\path\to\winword.exe /mToolsWordCountRecount /mFileSave /mFileCloseOrExit yourfile.docx

c:\ path \ to \ winword.exe / mToolsWordCountRecount / mFileSave / mFileCloseOrExit yourfile.docx

This forces Word to recount the pages, saves the document then quits. Then you can run getPages to correctly count the number of pages in a document.



The {PAGE} and {NUMPAGES} are specific word field codes that are processed by Word instead than phpword, i.e. phpword doesn't actually know the page number values, it just passes these field codes as they are into the resulting word document.


As an answer to the original question, I don't think that you can get the number of pages information from phpword.


more information about the word field values
