I can't get send_file(Model.attachment.path) to work. It doesn't fail, instead, it sends a 0 byte size file to the client, the file names are correct though.
This problem started happening after I did a big migration from Rails 2.3.8 to 3.
在我从Rails 2.3.8迁移到3之后,这个问题就开始发生了。
There were a lot of other things that took place in this migration and I will try my best to detail all of them.
- Distrubution change/Server Change. Rackspace RHEL5 to Linode Ubuntu 10.04LTS
- Distrubution更改/服务器更改。 Rackspace RHEL5到Linode Ubuntu 10.04LTS
- Ruby version change, 1.8.6 -> 1.9.2
- Ruby版本更改,1.8.6 - > 1.9.2
- Rails version change, 2.3.8 -> 3.0.0
- Rails版本更改,2.3.8 - > 3.0.0
- httpd platform change, apache2 -> nginx (However I tried on apache2 as well and it did not work).
- httpd平台更改,apache2 - > nginx(不过我试过apache2也没用)。
I moved the attachments via ftp as they were not part of my git repositories so they were published via cap deploy, instead manual ftp remote(RHEL5) to local(Win7) then local(Win7) to remote(Ubuntu10).
我通过ftp移动附件,因为它们不是我的git存储库的一部分,因此它们通过cap deploy发布,而不是手动ftp远程(RHEL5)到本地(Win7)然后本地(Win7)到远程(Ubuntu10)。
I do know that FTPing does not retain the file permissions through the transfers, so what I've also done is mimicked the chmods that were seen on my previous servers so they are almost identical. (users/groups are different, set to root:root instead of olduser:olduser).
我知道FTPing不会通过传输保留文件权限,所以我所做的就是模仿我之前服务器上看到的chmod,因此它们几乎相同。 (用户/组不同,设置为root:root而不是olduser:olduser)。
A snippet of the request to download a attachment from my production log.
Started GET "/attachments/replies/1410?1277105698" for at 2010-09-16 09:44:31 +0000
Processing by AttachmentsController#replies as HTML
Parameters: {"1277105698"=>nil, "id"=>"1410"}
Sent file /srv/app/releases/20100916094249/attachments/replies/UE0003-Requisition_For_Compensation_Leave.doc (0.2ms)
Completed 200 OK in 78ms
Everything's okay. Let me also rule out local issues, I've tried downloading via Chrome on both Win7 and Ubuntu (on Vbox).
Let me also assure you that the path is indeed correct.
root@li162-41:/srv/app/current# tail /srv/app/releases/20100916094249/attachments/replies/UE0003-Requisition_For_Compensation_Leave.doc
��@�p4��#P@��Unknown������������G��z �Times New Roman5��Symbol3&�
�z �Arial5&�
So to sum up the question, how do I get send_file to actually send files instead of fake 0 byte junk.
5 个解决方案
has :x_sendfile
param which defaults to true
in Rails 3. This feature offloads streaming download to front server - Apache (with mod_xsendfile) or lighttpd, by returning empty response with X-Sendfile header with path.
send_file具有:x_sendfile param,在Rails 3中默认为true。此功能通过返回带有路径的X-Sendfile头的空响应,将流下载卸载到前端服务器 - Apache(带有mod_xsendfile)或lighttpd。
Nginx uses X-Accel-Redirect
header for same functionality but you have to configure Rails properly in proper environment file:
config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect'
Rails 3 update: this line already exists in production.rb
, just uncomment it.
Rails 3更新:此行已经存在于production.rb中,只需取消注释即可。
Add sendfile on;
to your nginx config to utilize header sent by Rails. Remember the absolute path must be used and nginx must have read access to file.
Another way for aliased files:
For better security I use aliases in nginx instead of absolute paths, however send_file
method checks existence of file which fails with alias. Thus I changed my action to:
'X-Accel-Redirect'=> file_item.location,
'Content-Type' => file_item.content_type,
'Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"#{file_item.name}\"");
render :nothing => true;
In Rails 3, just uncomment the line config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' in production.rb
inside environments folder.
在Rails 3中,只需取消注释环境文件夹中production.rb中的config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header ='X-Accel-Redirect'行。
Yes, I had the same problem with X-sendfile being enabled by default in Rails 3 too.
是的,我在Rails 3中默认启用了X-sendfile也遇到了同样的问题。
If you have large volume of "send_file" calls, you can just comment-out following line in config/environments/production.rb:
如果你有大量的“send_file”调用,你可以在config / environments / production.rb中注释掉以下行:
#config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile"
Then send_file
method started working perfectly.
Because I can't install x-sendfile extension to Apache, I just searched a little and found this.
I hope it helps.
I've had similar issues with send_file() in the past, using send_data() instead saved me back then (e.g. send_data File.read(filename), :disposition => 'inline', :type => "some/mimetype")
我过去曾遇到类似send_file()的问题,使用send_data()而不是保存我(例如send_data File.read(filename),:disposition =>'inline',:type =>“some / mimetype” )
on rails 4, i realize my problem is that i deleted the temporary file which ive generated to send to user.
在rails 4上,我意识到我的问题是我删除了我生成的临时文件发送给用户。
if i didnt delete the file, send_file works. ive not tested on thin but it works great on passenger 5 as standalone server
has :x_sendfile
param which defaults to true
in Rails 3. This feature offloads streaming download to front server - Apache (with mod_xsendfile) or lighttpd, by returning empty response with X-Sendfile header with path.
send_file具有:x_sendfile param,在Rails 3中默认为true。此功能通过返回带有路径的X-Sendfile头的空响应,将流下载卸载到前端服务器 - Apache(带有mod_xsendfile)或lighttpd。
Nginx uses X-Accel-Redirect
header for same functionality but you have to configure Rails properly in proper environment file:
config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect'
Rails 3 update: this line already exists in production.rb
, just uncomment it.
Rails 3更新:此行已经存在于production.rb中,只需取消注释即可。
Add sendfile on;
to your nginx config to utilize header sent by Rails. Remember the absolute path must be used and nginx must have read access to file.
Another way for aliased files:
For better security I use aliases in nginx instead of absolute paths, however send_file
method checks existence of file which fails with alias. Thus I changed my action to:
'X-Accel-Redirect'=> file_item.location,
'Content-Type' => file_item.content_type,
'Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"#{file_item.name}\"");
render :nothing => true;
In Rails 3, just uncomment the line config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' in production.rb
inside environments folder.
在Rails 3中,只需取消注释环境文件夹中production.rb中的config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header ='X-Accel-Redirect'行。
Yes, I had the same problem with X-sendfile being enabled by default in Rails 3 too.
是的,我在Rails 3中默认启用了X-sendfile也遇到了同样的问题。
If you have large volume of "send_file" calls, you can just comment-out following line in config/environments/production.rb:
如果你有大量的“send_file”调用,你可以在config / environments / production.rb中注释掉以下行:
#config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile"
Then send_file
method started working perfectly.
Because I can't install x-sendfile extension to Apache, I just searched a little and found this.
I hope it helps.
I've had similar issues with send_file() in the past, using send_data() instead saved me back then (e.g. send_data File.read(filename), :disposition => 'inline', :type => "some/mimetype")
我过去曾遇到类似send_file()的问题,使用send_data()而不是保存我(例如send_data File.read(filename),:disposition =>'inline',:type =>“some / mimetype” )
on rails 4, i realize my problem is that i deleted the temporary file which ive generated to send to user.
在rails 4上,我意识到我的问题是我删除了我生成的临时文件发送给用户。
if i didnt delete the file, send_file works. ive not tested on thin but it works great on passenger 5 as standalone server