Android导入一个工程时提示 Invalid project description字样,当我们单击<<Details按钮查看详细内容可以看到overlaps the location of another project,其实这是基于Eclipse IDE导入工程时遇到描述文件版本不对都会存在这种问题,而这个问题在Android开发中其实是由于androidmanifest.xml文件版本不同造成的
- 【原创】Error Creating Project: Invalid project description
- Android导入工程提示Invalid project description
- Invalid project description相关问题
- Android开发中遇到的问题(五)——Eclipse导入Android项目出现"Invalid project description overlaps the location of another project"错误的解决办法
- Android Studio Linking an external C++ project 时候 报Invalid file name. Expected: CMakeLists.txt
- Ubuntu中Eclipse新建Android project提示缺失R文件的原因及解决办法
- Android开发时提示Your project contains error(s),please fix them be
- Android开发中遇到的问题(五)——Eclipse导入Android项目出现"Invalid project description overlaps the location of another project"错误的解决办法
- 错误异常 (1)Android Studio错误提示:Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (eg. editing, debugging) will not work properly