Anyone know how to get rid of those line borders in Eclipse (using Aptana plugin for Rails development).
1 个解决方案
I believe those borders fall under "Annotations" in Eclipse. Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations and find the offending annotation.
If it is "Occurrences" annotation type that is causing the lines to appear, you can either uncheck the "Text as" box or you can find the "Mark Occurrence" setting and turn it off altogether.
如果是“发生”的注释类型导致出现了行,您可以取消选中“Text as”框,或者您可以找到“标记发生”设置并将其关闭。
I believe those borders fall under "Annotations" in Eclipse. Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Annotations and find the offending annotation.
If it is "Occurrences" annotation type that is causing the lines to appear, you can either uncheck the "Text as" box or you can find the "Mark Occurrence" setting and turn it off altogether.
如果是“发生”的注释类型导致出现了行,您可以取消选中“Text as”框,或者您可以找到“标记发生”设置并将其关闭。